• 第二国际车用空调冷藏技术展览会首届成功举办的基础上,二〇〇五年三月二十八三十日继续在广州举行。

    Based upon the successful first exhibition, the 2nd International Automotive Air-conditioner and Refrigeration Chain Technology exhibition will be held from Mar. 28 to 30, Guangzhou.


  • 北京时间8月14上午11时,体操男子全能决赛国家体育馆进行,最终经过六轮角逐,全能王杨威凭借94.575分战胜了所有对手,近乎完美的发挥毫无悬念夺得冠军,两次夺得世锦赛全能冠军后,杨威终于得到了期待已久的奥运会全能冠军。 值得注意的是,这也是本届北京奥运会第一个夺得两枚金牌的运动员。

    Chinese gymnast Yang Wei won the gold medal in the Men's Individual All-Around in Beijing on August 14, scoring a total of 94.575


  • 面对以上令人乐观消息,我们容易忽略过去一年中的财富波动,然而这些的动荡却可能带给富豪难以估量损失。

    With all the rosy news of the past year and the overall gains, it is easy to lose sight of the volatility that has been wreaking havoc on these fortunes on a daily basis for months.


  • 科研人员发现2006年6月6一次大爆发后黑洞亮度已经增加了100

    They found that the black hole became 100 times brighter following an outburst on Jan. 6, 2006.


  • 1月40.48个百分点之上的进一步扩大

    That's an increase from the 0.48 percentage point spread on January 4.


  • 《朝闻天下》改版后,央视午间重磅新闻节目《新闻30731也悄然"变脸"。

    On July 31, the midday News in 30 minutes was revamped, following the lead of the Morning News program.


  • 8月25审判之后,本周一巴西南部巴拉那的第6民事法院下达一项前所未有的裁决

    Following a trial on August 25th, on Monday this week the 6th Civil Chamber of the Court of parana in southern Brazil handed down an unprecedented ruling.


  • 9月29周一众议院以228票反对:205票支持挫败7000亿美元救市计划之后华盛顿正在进行的计算。

    That is the calculus underway in Washington, DC, after the House of Representatives defeated the proposed $700 billion mortgage-rescue plan by 228 to 205 on Monday September 29th.


  • 几个星期对于公司企业治理猜测陈词滥调之后公司终于4月30处理了高层接任问题

    On April 30th, after weeks of speculation and bucketloads of platitudes from the company about corporate governance, it finally tried to put the succession question to bed.


  • 12月4英格兰银行再一次选择大幅度降息1.5%的惊人降幅市场基准利率降低了1个百分点,至2%。

    On December 4th the Bank of England again opted for boldness. It cut its benchmark rate by a percentage point, to 2%, following a stunning one-and-a-half-point reduction a month earlier.


  • 116发出可能拖欠债务警告之后,11月10金沙宣布澳门的长期扩张计划无限期推迟节约可用资金

    On November 10th Sands said that a long-planned expansion on Macau was being postponed indefinitely to preserve capital, having given warning on November 6th that it might default on its debt.


  • 这笔买卖收购克莱斯勒后的另一笔大交易,克莱斯勒公司于4月30宣布破产

    The purchase would be in addition to Fiat’s proposed takeover of Chrysler, which declared itself bankrupt on April 30th.


  • 这笔买卖收购克莱斯勒另一笔大交易,克莱斯勒公司于4月30宣布破产

    The purchase would be in addition to Fiat's proposed takeover of Chrysler, which declared itself bankrupt on April 30th.


  • 19洛杉矶城市委员会通过了一项塑料袋收费法案,洛杉矶因此成为旧金山之后美国第2个实施"限令"的城市。

    The Los Angeles City Council Tuesday endorsed a bill that will institute a 25-cent fee for each plastic bag used by shoppers.


  • 2月17达到140年来最高之后棉花价格可能已经企稳

    Cotton prices may have stabilized after hitting a 140-year high on February 17th.


  • 上证综合指数交易中3%下跌之后8月31再次下跌6.7%(这时后半亏损的原因之一)。

    The Shanghai Composite Index dropped by 6.7% on August 31st after falling 3% on the previous trading day (it made up some of the loss later in the week).


  • 11月11发生第一飞机卫生间堵塞事件,本月接连发生了类似事件

    Following the November 11 took place first thing aircraft toilet block after the incident took place this month, another series of three similar incidents.


  • 曼联教练队长的表现满意。后者12阿伯丁的比赛中出场45分钟酋长的比赛中更进一步。

    The Reds boss was delighted with club captain Neville, who, after completing 45 minutes against Aberdeen on 12 July, went one step further at Newlands Stadium.


  • 商品建筑砂浆商品混凝土之后一种呼声高的建材产品

    Commercial building mortar is a new building materials product that is called more loudly and more loudly after commercial concrete.


  • 腹泻3 - 5甚至数十不等大便多水样黄色绿色恶臭伴有腹部绞痛发热全身酸痛症状

    Followed by diarrhea, daily 3-5 times even dozens of day, ranging in water, deep shit with yellow or green, stench, may be associated with abdominal cramps, fever, sore and other symptoms.


  • 1990年经指数泡沫2000年纳斯达克泡沫之后,上证指数2007年形成了近期历史上另一个巨大股市泡沫。

    After the 1990 Nikkei bubble and the 2000 NASDAQ bubble, the Shanghai Index in 2007 formed another biggest stock market bubble in recent history.


  • 1990年经指数泡沫2000年纳斯达克泡沫之后,上证指数2007年形成了近期历史上另一个巨大股市泡沫。

    After the 1990 Nikkei bubble and the 2000 NASDAQ bubble, the Shanghai Index in 2007 formed another biggest stock market bubble in recent history.


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