• 2016年5月1加拿大阿尔伯塔场野火烧毁700平方英里区域

    On May 1st, 2016, in Alberta, Canada, a wildfire destroyed an area of nearly 700 square miles.


  • 2018年5月28上午,吉林松原市发生地震。

    An earthquake happened in Songyuan, Jilin on the morning of May 28, 2018.


  • 4月1,中国宣布将在河北建设雄安新区。

    On April 1 China announced that it would build the Xiongan New Area in Hebei province.


  • 在1994年7月24出生于中国黑龙江佳木斯。

    Wu was born on July 24, 1994, in Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province, China.


  • 2021年5月26,大数据国际产品博览会在中国西南部的贵州开幕,展示了相关领域最新科技创新和成就。

    An international expo on big data opened on Wednesday in southwest China's Guizhou Province, showing the newest scientific and technological creations and achievements in the relevant area, May 26, 2021.


  • 一个年轻女人田地旁。 摄于 2010年10月8,赫尔曼德

    A young woman at the edge of a field in Helmand province on Oct. 8, 2010.


  • 架CH - 53直升机着陆穆萨·卡拉前沿作战基地。摄于2010年10月7赫尔曼德

    A CH-53 helicopter lands at Forward Operating Base Musa Qala in Helmand province, on Oct. 7, 2010.


  • 2005年3月13西爪哇苏加武眉县一个20个月男孩由于脊髓灰质炎瘫痪

    On 13 March 2005, a 20-month old boy in Sukabumi district, West Java, was paralysed by polio.


  • 媒体报道防卫有意10年内扩充冲绳驻军

    According to Japanese media, the Japanese Ministry of Defense is considering expanding the troops on Okinawa in 10 years.


  • 山西旅游局消息,中国旅游”当天,山西所有景区门票实行半价

    On National tourism Day, tourists will get half-price tickets for all scenic spots in north China's Shanxi Province, according to the provincial tourism bureau.


  • 放松意味着可以自己留出一些闲暇时间吾身

    Relaxation allows you to take some time for yourself so you can analyse what as been going on for the last few days.


  • 1月1住院当天死亡

    He was hospitalized in Van Province on 1 January and died the same day.


  • 3月23上午福建南平市实验小学门口发生一起特大凶杀事件

    In the morning of March 23rd, a serious murdering event took place in front of the gate of Experimental Primary School in Nanping City, Fujian Province.


  • 2海南确诊7霍乱病例,目前共有37例。

    Seven more cholera cases were confirmed in Hainan on November 2, bringing the total number of cases from the outbreak to 37.


  • 九月15库纳SHIGAL地区,着陆黑鹰直升机的螺旋桨安德鲁费拉拉周围卷起了灰尘碎石

    20the rotors of a landing Blackhawk helicopter kick up dust and debris around Second Lieutenant Andrew Ferrara at the Shigal district center in Kunar province on Sept. 15.


  • 今年迄今报告3禽类疫情暴发次于13四川,一次于1月10贵州以及一次于28山西

    Three poultry outbreaks have been reported so far this year: one in Sichuan Province on 3 January, one in Guizhou Province on 10 January, and one in Shanxi Province on 8 February.


  • 7月11广东茂名市出现了现实版的超人飞行男孩死亡另一名男孩伤势严重。

    One boy died and another was seriously injured when they tried to fly like Superman in Maoming city, Guangdong province, on June 11.


  • 2010年8月29湖北郧县,因南水北调中线工程迁移村民自己财产一起孩子则在一旁玩耍

    39children play as villagers gather their belongings together while relocating to make way for the South-North Water Diversion Project in Yunxian county, Hubei province August 29, 2010.


  • 吊唁8月18Helmand路边爆炸丧身的100英国士兵,这是这场战争造成的英军士兵遇难最新一例。

    He paid tribute to the latest of more than 100 British soldiers to die in the war, killed in a roadside bombing in Helmand province on August 18th.


  • 2010年9月21福建泉州市区突降大雨市区一半阳光明媚,另一半天堂瀑布笼罩

    Quanzhou city was caught by a rainfall On September 21, with half of the city under the sun and the other half shrouded in the "waterfall from the heaven".


  • 扬子晚报》27报道,江苏高邮市一位母亲女儿变成植物人后不断梳头,终于将其唤醒

    A mother in Gaoyou, Jiangsu, woke up her comatose daughter by continuously combing her hair, the Yangtze Evening News reported Wednesday.


  • 2008年3月21越南河西著名朝圣旅游景点香水一家野生动物餐馆。

    Wildlife meat on sale at a restaurant at the Perfume Pagoda, a popular pilgrimage and tourist spot, in Vietnam's Ha Tay province on March 21, 2008.


  • 10月25印尼西苏门答腊明打威群岛附近海域发生强烈地震引发海啸造成重大人员伤亡财产损失

    A: on October 25, a major earthquake and ensuing tsunami struck off the Indonesian island of Sumatra, causing heavy casualties and property loss.


  • 2010年9月17辽宁沈阳市一名男子走过九一八事变纪念碑

    31A man walks past a monument marking the September 18th Incident in Shenyang, Liaoning province on September 17, 2010.


  • 表演者使用鞭子,熄灭年轻助手嘴上含香烟,摄于2011年5月11合肥安徽市

    A performer uses a whip to clip the top of a cigarette held in the mouth of his young assistant in Hefei, Anhui province, on May 11, 2011. (Reuters/Stringer)


  • 2011年5月30江苏南京市,两位建筑工人从建于1920年代废弃居民楼垃圾堆里,捡到了一张可用桌子

    Construction workers carry a usable desk which they found in a garbage dump site next to dilapidated residential buildings which were build in the 1920s, in Nanjing, Jiangsu province May 30, 2011.


  • 4月26中国西南部贵州安顺市出现景观

    A solar halo view appears in Anshun city, southwest China's Guizhou Province, April 26, 2011.


  • 当地交管部门称,17上午山西境内发生一起客车胎侧事故,造成12死亡9受伤

    A total of 12 people were killed and 9 others injured in a bus accident triggered by a tire blast on Thursday morning in Shanxi, according to the provincial traffic administration.


  • 当地交管部门称,17上午山西境内发生一起客车胎侧事故,造成12死亡9受伤

    A total of 12 people were killed and 9 others injured in a bus accident triggered by a tire blast on Thursday morning in Shanxi, according to the provincial traffic administration.


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