• 复一单调坦克炮轰隆声巴伐利亚这个小镇上空回响着。

    Day in and day out, the flat crack of the tank guns reverberates through the little Bavarian town.


  • 他们算一天,复一照顾生病女儿

    They live from day to day, looking after their sick daughter.


  • 这份报业的工作复一同一件事情

    The newspaper job had me doing the same thing day after day.


  • 他们一边轻松描绘他们16个小时的工作,还一边声称他们的婚姻幸福

    There they were, merrily describing their 16-hour working days while claiming to be happily married.


  • 要是之前听到海蒂声音好了。”这个可怜老妇复一叫喊着。

    "If only I could hear Heidi's voice before I die," the poor old woman would exclaim, day after day.


  • 他们不断调整适应天狼星升,确保他们自己季节里不会偏离太远

    They continually adjusted it to the heliacal rising of Sirius, ensuring that they never got too far off in their seasons.


  • 2011年5月5以色列南部城市水牛城附近陆军废品场内整齐摆放着数以军报废坦克

    On May 5, 2011, several Israeli scrap tanks were neatly placed in a scrapyard of an army base near the southern Israeli city of Buffalo.


  • 中国大陆建立一家上海迪士尼主题公园于2016年616开园。

    Shanghai Disney theme park, first built on the Chinese mainland, opened its doors on June 16, 2016.


  • 实话告诉斯科特先生厌倦看到孩子复一破坏苹果树的树枝

    To tell you the truth, Mr. Scott, I am tired of seeing your children, day after day, destroy the branches of every one of my apple trees.


  • 如果个人复一止痛药消除疼痛带来警告可能会错过容易控制病情时机。

    If a person removes the warning, day after day, with a painkiller, he or she may pass the point of easy control.


  • 所有那些圣徒持续不断起来分享我们超过了预定时间只是因为容纳不下的人如此之多

    On Lord's Day, all those new saints kept getting up and sharing, and we went way over the scheduled time, just because the overflow was so abundant.


  • 生活似乎单调复一同样事情

    My life seems to be in a groove, I do the same things day after day.


  • 噪音环境主要担忧复一生活长期噪音可能会产生严重持久影响

    But the major worry about noisy environments is that living day after day with chronic noise may produce serious, lasting effects.


  • 尔勒的高温使得人们很难复一在阳光下工作。

    The high temperature in Korla makes it difficult for anyone to work day after day in the sunshine.


  • 一个小村庄里,有一位中年邮递员,他刚满20岁就开始在50公里的路程中复一向每家每户传递各种或喜或悲的故事。

    In a small village, there was a middle-aged postman, who just turned 20 years old and started delivering all kinds of happy or sad stories to each home day after day for 50 kilometers.


  • 如一这种环境下工作健康大不如前。

    After three years of working in this environment, my health became affected.


  • 特别是所有媒体复一人类苦难呈现我们眼前时,认为自己处于诅咒之中这种诱惑就更了。

    This temptation to think of our lives as full of curses is even greater when all the media present us day after day with stories about human misery.


  • 许多家庭里,电视机一直开着,如同一个发出噪声灯泡,人们在微弱闪光里复一过着他们家庭生活

    In so many households the TV just stays on, like a noisy light bulb, while the life of the family passes back and forth in its shimmering glow.


  • 但是我们晋升制度已经产生相当严重问题而这复一已经越发明显。

    Rather, our system of promotion has grown some pretty serious problems, which are more evident with each passing day.


  • 可以梦想目的的一游,可是两星期的短途旅行

    It could be a day trip or a two-week excursion to your dream destination.


  • 这样,相反他们才能把复一不断发挥专长。

    This way, they are on the ground adding their expertise every day.


  • 他们出产第二止住以色列人不再吗哪了。 那一年,他们却吃的出产。

    The manna stopped the day after they ate this food from the land; there was no longer any manna for the Israelites, but that year they ate of the produce of Canaan.


  • 多年来,丈夫的事业蒸蒸的时候,艾比快乐在家抚养她的孩子

    For years Eppie Lederer was happy to stay home and raise her child while her husband's business grew.


  • 每个小学孩子严格执行一小时模式主要学习阅读的构成。

    A rigidly-structured daily one-hour lesson was prescribed for all primary-school children, focusing on the mechanics of reading.


  • 最新发现的颗5恒星位于可居住区内距离恒星距离为地-距离的0.8倍。

    This newest planet, No. 5, resides in the habitable zone, about 0.8 Earth-sun distances from its star.


  • 中国旅游研究院院长戴斌设立‘中国旅游’,可以更多唤起国民旅游意识,扩大旅游消费

    Dai Bin, President of China tourism Academy, said National tourism Day was established to revive the public's desire to travel and to promote tourism consumption.


  • 雅各埃及十七,雅各平生一百四十七岁。

    Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years, and the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven.


  • 我们回到家中,度过为期七日的犹太居丧期,父亲急匆匆冲过客厅里铺着

    When we returned to the house to sit shivah, my father stormed through the semi-shag in the living room.


  • 我们回到家中,度过为期七日的犹太居丧期,父亲急匆匆冲过客厅里铺着

    When we returned to the house to sit shivah, my father stormed through the semi-shag in the living room.


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