• 美国航空则表示,若失去日航这个盟友,使得寰宇一家失去与日本的联系,从而将迫使公司另合作伙伴

    For its part, American has conceded that losing JAL would cut off Oneworld's access in Japan and force it to look elsewhere for a partner.


  • KazukoNakane早期日本移民加利福尼亚中部帕加罗山谷历史着重讲述1890年至1940年那里农业社区发展

    Kazuko Nakane's History of the Early Japanese Immigrants to Central California's Pajaro Valley focuses on the development of farming communities there from 1890 to 1940.


  • 1年时东京日语接着是在日本政府6个月的实习工作

    He spent a year studying Japanese in Tokyo, followed by a six-month work placement with the Japanese government.


  • 但是1995- 96年期指出美国日本利率有着好的配合。

    But in 1995-96, he points out, American and Japanese interests were perfectly aligned.


  • 临近一家博物馆则将日本1931到1945年战争描绘首先中国然后在整个亚洲热爱和平国家西方帝国主义者手中获得解放故事。

    An adjacent museum paints Japan's wars between 1931 and 1945, first in China and then across Asia, as the actions of a peace-loving nation liberating the region from Western imperialists.


  • 2009年日本手机在线单曲销售增长微乎其微。

    In Japan, mobile and online single-track sales rose only a shade during 2009.


  • 争议是,松下这一举措是否引发日本企业合并结盟热潮

    It's debatable whether Panasonic's move will trigger a wave of mergers and tie-ups among Japanese firms.


  • 2007年到2009年日本忍受首相一位首相中途卸任实在令人厌烦前景

    Japan has endured four prime ministers between 2007 and 2009; another truncated premiership is a wearying prospect.


  • 日本邻邦的恩怨源于他曾经好战

    Japan's troubles with its neighbours are still vexed by past belligerence.


  • 1994年2008年日本生产力保持年均2.1%的涨速,速度已相当可观,并与美国持平。

    Japanese productivity growth averaged a perfectly respectable 2.1% from 1994 to 2008, the same as America's.


  • 来到日本便住公寓内

    When I came to Japan I settled in Ikebukuro, in a little apartment, right in this area here.


  • 1994年到2008年美国GDP每年增长3%,日本的增长率为1.1%。

    Between 1994 and 2008 American GDP grew 3% a year while Japan's grew 1.1%.


  • 丰田也表示将会日本中止生产

    Toyota said it was suspending production at three Japanese plants for a couple of days.


  • nsk新闻报纸出版社统计,1999年到2009年日本早报晚报的总发行量下降了6.3%。

    Between 1999 and 2009 the combined circulation of morning and evening papers in Japan fell by just 6.3%, according to Nihon Shimbun Kyokai (NSK), the newspaper publishers' association.


  • 所有人从中受益了甚至包括富国日本02- 03年中国其高端配件资本货物需求,将其持续了10衰退了出来。

    Everybody has benefited, even rich Japan, which in 2002-03 was pulled out of a decade and a half's slump by Chinese demand for top-notch components and capital goods.


  • 因此小泉计划2007 - 2017年逐渐实行日本邮政私有化,而这项计划还包括在2010尽早将公司股份对外销售

    It was for these reasons that Mr Koizumi outlined plans to privatise Japan Post by degrees between 2007 and 2017. His scheme included a sale of shares to the public as early as this year.


  • 从1954年1956年日本摄影器材出口惊人增长了九倍。

    One article basically foretold the onslaught in technology trade that was to come: Japanese camera exports increased a staggering nine-fold between 1954-56.


  • 经过修改数据表明7月9月日本经济增长年率为1.3%,上个月预计4.8%的增速要慢得

    Revised figures showed that Japan's economy grew by 1.3% on an annualised basis between July and September, a much slower pace than the 4.8% estimated last month.


  • 许多缔约国尤其是日本接下来十年违背了这些条约

    Many of the signatories, particularly Japan, violated the treaties in the next decade.


  • 过去20日本投资者发现的那样,熊市常常伴有些强力反弹

    Bear markets are normally pitted with some vigorous rallies, as investors in Japan have discovered over the past 20 years.


  • 此外日本年时花费超过100兆日元额外公共债务代价从这个错误出来

    Moreover it took Japan nearly ten years to climb out of the mistake at the cost of well over 100 trillion yen in additional public debt.


  • 棵非凡而耀眼的银杏树高耸神祠台阶之上,正如传说中的一样,它已经超过800见证日本这个国家的历史

    The mighty, shimmering Ginkgo towered over the shrine steps and, as legend has it, had stood witness to history being made in Japan for over 800 years.


  • 如果出口商资本支出计算在内的话,出口增长将占到日本2007为止GDP全部增长一半

    If exporters' capital spending is included, net exports accounted for almost half of Japan's total GDP growth in the five years to 2007.


  • 计划国际空日本希望号实验室测试洗手工作原型

    Plans are to test working prototypes of the space toilet in Japan's Kibo lab aboard the ISS.


  • 不管怎样减轻地区性紧张最好办法就是日本与其邻国建立合作协定合作组织

    Anyway, the best way to assuage regional concerns is to construct cooperative agreements and structures between Japan and its neighbors.


  • 最新增长数据可能仅是昙花一现即使日本过去20出现几个表现强劲的季度

    The latest growth figures may be just a blip: even Japan has had some strong quarters in the past 20 years.


  • 大前还是以下观点的有力传播者日本企业西方企业主要差别体现它们所致力架构上

    Ohmae was also influential in spreading the idea that a major difference between Japanese corporations and their western counterparts was the time frame within which they worked.


  • 大前还是以下观点的有力传播者日本企业西方企业主要差别体现它们所致力架构上

    Ohmae was also influential in spreading the idea that a major difference between Japanese corporations and their western counterparts was the time frame within which they worked.


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