• 太平国家,参与球队太平的队伍,日本汤加萨摩亚斐济新西兰毛利队、澳大利亚A队。

    The Pacific Nations Cup is the tournament encompassing the sides based around the pacific rim: Japan, Tonga, Samoa and Fiji as well as New Zealand Maori and Australia A.


  • 日本发生地震海啸袭击时他们它们技术来研究来自日本进入太平残骸

    When the Japan earthquake and tsunamis struck, they applied their research to the rubble sucked into the Pacific Ocean from Japan.


  • 日本一个岛屿国家延伸亚洲东部或者太平海岸线上

    Japan, a country of islands, extends along the eastern or Pacific coast of Asia.


  • 传统说来日本笼络额外票数方面一直在行,包括那些鲸鱼没有喜爱日本援助充满渴望太平加勒比海小国

    Traditionally, Japan has been the best at netting extra votes, including schools of small Pacific and Caribbean nations with no taste for whale meat but a hunger for Japanese aid.


  • 研究人员其他杂物太平洋该地区发现暗示日本海啸残骸向东漂流速度预期的快。

    That boat and other debris have been found in the Pacific at a location suggesting that flotsam from Japan's tsunami is drifting east faster than expected, researchers say.


  • 美国太平地区海军救助日本而调动一部分因为更多的美国船只接下来几天内陆续到达日本

    It is part of a mobilization of American naval forces in the Pacific to aid Japan, with more ships due to arrive in the coming days.


  • 这样,日本就在整个太平区域发动了全面的突然袭击。

    Japan has, therefore, undertaken a surprise offensive extending throughout the Pacific area.


  • 今年这个时候本报记者会横穿太平日本一个左右。

    AT THIS time of the year, your correspondent crosses the Pacific to Japan for a month or so.


  • 1979年以来,公司生产微型汽车日本销售量首位铃木SPORTSWIFTGTI曾在亚洲太平拉力锦标赛上夺魁

    Since 1979, the company's mini-car sales in the first place in Japan, Suzuki SPORT SWIFTGTI worked in Asia Pacific Rally Championship title.


  • 太平核爆炸受损日本人的身体影片开头场景日本国内观众来说一针见血

    The film's opening scenes evoked the nuclear explosion in the Pacific and the damaged Japanese bodies so poignant to domestic viewers.


  • 上个星期太平战场撤下来军官讲了一些日本如何打仗真相

    By last week, officers returning from the South Pacific had told some of the truth about how Japs fight.


  • 除非发生爆炸放射性物质送入高层大气,否则日本产生放射尘不会越过太平的。

    Unless a large explosion sends radioactive material high into the atmosphere, most of the fallout from Japan will not make it across the Pacific Ocean.


  • 日本澳大利亚这样太平强国逐渐迈向大西洋联盟建立更紧密联系

    Pacific powers like Japan and Australia are gradually moving towards closer links with theAtlanticalliance.


  • 日本澳大利亚太平区域潮水看到它们

    They can be found in tide pools in the Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Australia.


  • 这次震级为里氏9.5级的地震引发席卷太平海啸去了夏威夷日本其它地区许多的生命。

    It measured 9.5 on the Richter scale and triggered a tsunami that swept across the Pacific Ocean, killing scores of people in Hawaii, Japan and elsewhere.


  • 同时日本地震美国西北部太平沿岸西雅图居民准备迎接场大灾难的到来,他们的准备活动可并不日本

    In Seattle, meanwhile, the Japanese quake reminded residents that the Pacific north-west is primed for a comparable catastropheâ and is far less prepared than Japan to cope with it.


  • 今年一月时候,日本地震学家就曾警告太平洋底日本东北海岸下的板块相互冲撞会导致造成倾斜、引起灾难。

    BACK in January, Japanese seismologists warned that the tectonic plates colliding beneath the Pacific Ocean off the North-East coast of Japan were poised to slip catastrophically.


  • 通常,横贯西伯利亚意味着欧洲莫斯科出发,经过5 772英里旅程到达日本咫尺之遥太平港口城市符拉迪沃斯托克

    As a rule, the Trans-Siberian means the 5, 772-mile journey that begins in European Moscow and ends up a stone's throw from Japan in the Pacific Ocean port of Vladivostok.


  • 摄于2011年313日张照片中是一漂浮太平中的日本人家,他们在3月14日的时候得到营救

    A Japanese home drifts in the Pacific Ocean in this photograph taken on March 13, 2011 and released on March 14. Ships and aircrafts from the U.


  • 由于日本电网断开太平日本码头集装箱里装运的数吨牛肉猪肉都得被极其小心卸载

    Container ships sit in the Pacific or at docks in Japan, wary of unloading tons of pork and steak because of that nation's fractured electric grid.


  • 日本东北部手县,太平沿岸公里小河的上游保留着一座小城的遗址。

    UP A shallow river, five kilometres from the Pacific coast in Japan’s north-eastern Iwate prefecture, lie the remains of a town.


  • 上个周末,野田佳首相推进改革作出勇敢的尝试,日本计划加入太平伙伴关系开始进行磋商。

    Last weekend Yoshihiko Noda, the prime minister, took a brave shot at promoting reform when he said Japan planned to start consultations towards joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership.


  • 日本东北部手县,太平沿岸公里小河的上游保留着一座小城的遗址。

    UP A shallow river, five kilometres from the Pacific coast in Japan's north-eastern Iwate prefecture, lie the remains of a town.


  • 梅德韦杰夫正在视察千岛群岛全然不顾日本不要视察此这些太平有争议岛屿警告

    Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is visiting the Kurils, defying Japan's warnings not to visit the disputed islands in the Pacific Ocean.


  • 银行业机会充满太平彼岸国家,日本银行家没有很好地利用它们

    Opportunities for banks abound across the Pacific rim, yet Japan's bankers have mostly failed to take full advantage of them.


  • 日本列岛坐落太平火山带”上,这是一个环绕南北美洲亚洲东南亚列岛的火山活跃大地构造带

    The Japanese archipelago is located on the so-called Pacific Rim of Fire, a large active volcanic and tectonic zone ringing North and South America, Asia and island arcs in Southeast Asia.


  • 这种扭曲表明太平板块并不是在平滑地日本所在地壳下滑动而是卡住了,从而挤压地壳。

    The warping suggested that the Pacific plate was stuck rather than sliding smoothly beneath Japan, straining the crust.


  • 这种扭曲表明太平板块并不是在平滑地日本所在地壳下滑动而是卡住了,从而挤压地壳。

    The warping suggested that the Pacific plate was stuck rather than sliding smoothly beneath Japan, straining the crust.


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