• 日成经常自己有钱以及能为各类交易多少

    Pang often spoke about how wealthy his family was and how much money he could bring to various deals.


  • 日成答道没问题的,就算结了还是可以女朋友

    'He says Mr. Pang replied,' No problem. I can get married and still have a girlfriend.


  • 此案嫌犯曾经日成律师其的审判历时多年,却以未决告终

    The trial of a suspected gunman, a onetime lawyer of Mr. Pang's, ended in a hung jury years later.


  • 拉多维奇去年父母时候,终于拿到日成一张9,000美元的支票

    Last year, he says, with his parents in need of cash, he finally received a check from Mr. Pang -- for $9,000.


  • 声明表示家人依然坚定相信,假使日成拥有辩解的机会,那么证明自己的清白。

    The statement said the family members 'remain steadfast in our belief that Danny would have been vindicated if he had been given that opportunity.'


  • 雷诺分校期间一位朋友日成站在旁边时候银行卡取款,不久银行卡就不见了

    While in Reno, a friend's bank ATM card went missing soon after she had withdrawn cash with Mr. Pang standing next to her.


  • 日成送至临近的Hoag医院位手术医生周六早间透露当时被送到心脏病护理部门

    Mr. Pang was taken to nearby Hoag Hospital, where an operator early Saturday morning said he was listed in the cardiac-care unit.


  • 日成母亲2009年911下午在位于加州新港海滩市的家中发现了昏迷不醒的彭日成

    Mr. Pang was found unconscious by his mother at his Newport Beach, Calif. , home the afternoon of Sept. 11, 2009.


  • 虽然公司开始没有任何资金,但日成告诉下属赢得投资者唯一途径就是营造一种功氛围

    Although the firm had no money at the start, Mr. Pang told associates that the only way to win over investors was to project an air of success.


  • 华达大学雷诺分校发言人表示日成从未过对该校申请学校没有上课任何记录

    A spokeswoman for the University of Nevada, Reno, says that Mr. Pang never completed his application to the school and 'we have no record of him ever attending classes.'


  • 朋友离婚,于1997年5雇请调查机构后者察到日成加州北部另一名女子牵手

    Telling friends she wanted a divorce, Ms. Pang in May 1997 hired an investigative agency, which observed her husband holding hands with another woman in Northern California.


  • 日成后来提起刑事诉讼,指控安排少于1万美元现金交易,以逃避联邦洗钱而制定申报要求

    Mr. Pang later was charged with a criminal count of arranging cash transactions to keep them under the $10,000 federal reporting requirement designed to combat money laundering.


  • 新港海滩警察局的在线纪录显示,警方上周五下午3:41即从日成所在街区收到了有人死亡报告

    The Newport Beach police received a report of a dead body on Mr. Pang's block at 3:41 p.m. Friday, according to the police department's online log.


  • 检察官加州圣塔安那市联邦法院起诉外汇交易中做手脚,规避反洗钱法。日成坚称自己没有违法

    Prosecutors also had charged him in U. S. court in Santa Ana, Calif. , with structuring currency transactions to get around money-laundering rules. Mr. Pang consistently denied wrongdoing.


  • 理解这种搜索引擎里提高排名的渴望,在搜索引擎优化日成主流的情况,我不禁觉得我们正在失去些什么东西

    I understand the desire to rank more highly in search engines, but as SEO goes mainstream, I can't help but feel we're losing something.


  • 日成家族发言人上周五份声明中日成是个丈夫、好父亲、好儿子、好兄弟家人非常想念

    'a spokesman for his family said, in a statement Friday,' Danny Pang was a wonderful husband, father, son and brother and his family misses him dearly.


  • 下属称,日成抬出了一些重量级人物名字说是他们进行业务合作,自夸做哪些生意掌管了多少资金

    Mr. Pang dropped names of important people he was supposedly doing business with and boasted about deals he had done or money he controlled, associates say.


  • 死后,他的家人声明中表示,彭日成一位诚实商人受到了沙射影虚假指控无情攻击从来没有机会自己辩驳

    After his death, his family put out a statement that he had been an 'honest businessman' who never had a chance to defend himself against a 'relentless attack of innuendo and false allegations.'


  • 日成尼克丽思卡尔顿酒店(Ritz-Carlton)举办了订婚宴会,这处度假胜地位于俯瞰太平洋的峭壁之上。

    He threw an engagement party at the Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel, a resort on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean.


  • 拉多维奇2000开始年里,日成免费使用办公场所电话作为交换,彭日成承诺任何生意都会让拉多维奇分一杯

    For two years starting in 2000, Mr. Radovich says he let Mr. Pang use office space and phones, free of charge, in return for a promise he'd be cut in on any deals.


  • 拉多维奇2000开始年里,日成免费使用办公场所电话作为交换,彭日成承诺任何生意都会让拉多维奇分一杯

    For two years starting in 2000, Mr. Radovich says he let Mr. Pang use office space and phones, free of charge, in return for a promise he'd be cut in on any deals.


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