• 我们日常生活问题处理

    The questions deal with our daily life.


  • 经期洗澡看来小事却是关系女性身体健康日常生活问题

    It seems to be a small period a bath, but it is relationship female body health of everyday life.


  • 相信风水人,觉得他日常生活问题,简单易懂的解释,能够帮助他们物质主义减轻科技生活干扰

    Its adherents find its commonsensible approach to daily living an effective counterweight to materialism, and helps them to reduce the intrusion of technology into their lives.


  • 一些日常生活问题缺少性别视角例如选举预算等,于是使得类议题缺少新颖的角度比如削减补助金怎样影响到贫困女性等。

    Articles that lack a gender perspective in every day issues such as elections or the budget, depriving these stories of new and interesting angles, such as how cuts in grants affect poor women.


  • 事实上创造性解决问题能力日常生活非常有用问题出现时有可能凭借这一能力找到解决方案。

    In fact, creative problem-solving skills are incredibly useful in daily life, with which you're more likely to be able to find a solution when a problem arises.


  • 我们日常生活碰到问题可能一些伟大的发明提供灵感

    The little problems that we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.


  • 电脑游戏中获得高分并不能帮助你解决日常生活中的问题

    A high score on a computer game will not help you solve the everyday problems of life.


  • 纸就像我们的整个生活,纸中间的黑色‘X’就像我们日常生活中的问题

    The white paper is like our whole life and the black 'X' in the middle of the paper is just like problems in our daily life.


  • 张白纸就像我们的整个生活,纸中央的黑点代表着我们日常生活中的问题

    The white paper is like our whole life and the black dot in the centre of the paper represents problems in our daily life.


  • 而,一些居民表示,他们在日常生活中仍面临许多交通问题

    However, some residents said they still met plenty of traffic problems in their daily life.


  • 位作家也很擅长描写19世纪伦敦贫困儿童的日常生活——他的书让人们更加关心贫困儿童的问题

    The writer was also very good at writing about the everyday lives of poor children in London in the nineteenth century—his book made people care more about the problems of poor children.


  • 后来生活才意识到从数学科学逻辑问题归纳出这种态度应用日常生活如此有用

    It was only later in life that I realized how helpful it is to generalize this attitude beyond math, science, and logic problems and into the realm of practical daily existence.


  • 日常生活有一个问题我们所有那些不得不事情分心——不仅是我们实际在的事,还有我们没有在做的事情。

    One of the problems in our daily lives is that we're distracted by all the things we have to do - not just the stuff we're actually doing, but even the stuff we're not doing.


  • 为了真正了解问题严重程度我们必须首先我们日常生活中的广泛影响以及我们在改善未来方面的能力作出估计。

    In order to really understand how serious the problem is we first must take stock of the immense impact water has on our daily lives and our ability to provide for a better future.


  • 实际上一门权衡收支科学——它可以非常有效解决日常生活中的问题

    But actually, it's the science of weighing costs and benefits - which makes it also very useful for solving problems in everyday life.


  • 奢华的体育盛事往往日常生活中的很多问题因为庆祝活动而被搁置,但迟早这些事还是要面对的。

    Lavish parties tend to leave a hangover as the problems of daily life, put aside for the celebrations, come crowding back.


  • 碑文里大部分问题显示了古巴比伦日常生活需求的基础。

    Most of the problems displayed are grounded in the everyday needs of ancient Babylonians.


  • 俄罗斯人民日常生活中会遇到很多问题他们关心登月第一

    The Russian people had many problems in day-to-day life; they were not too concerned about the first man on the moon.


  • 时间管理主要问题专注于把更多东西日常生活中,从来不问一下为什么需要这些东西。

    The main problem with time management is that it focuses on fitting more stuff into your days without ever asking a question why you need that stuff.


  • 这个问题已经不是关于是否能够日常生活使用开源软件;真正问题是,如果没有开源软件,我能够做这样事情吗

    The question is no longer whether I can use open source software in my daily life; the question is whether I could do much of anything without it.


  • 英国一直和那些流浪汉交流,他们推销问题》——事实上并不花费巨大,也不需要花费日常生活很多时间只是需要进行正常谈话而已

    Here in London, I always chat to a homeless person selling The Big Issue - it really doesn't take much to take some time out of your routine and just have a normal conversation.


  • 然而日常生活我们判断个人行为以及指导行为情感态度,我们不断地两个方面考虑这个问题

    In common life, however, when we judge of any person's conduct, and of the sentiments which directed it, we constantly consider them under both these aspects.


  • 国会可以独自应对它们如果我们无法解决这个问题,那么很快产品都会有托拉斯,每一种日常生活必需品都会有人来操纵定价

    Congress alone can deal with them and if we are unwilling or unable there will soon be a trust for every product and a master to fix the price for every necessity of life.


  • 精神健康问题可能会影响上班上学结婚日常生活

    Mental health problems can affect work, school, marriage, and life in general.


  • 说:“关心可能是些个人而且不那么‘重大’,这些都是切实影响我们普通人日常生活问题。”

    "My concerns might seem personal and trivial, but I think they are exactly what affect the daily life of ordinary people like me," she added.


  • 有些索引来规划日常生活、制定工作优先级,或是家庭成员一起讨论问题

    Some of us use index CARDS in their daily life for scheduling, prioritizing, and discussing daily tasks with their families.


  • 问题在于它们是否改善了反映能力综合水平,改善了日常生活自理能力

    The question is whether they improve in their general abilities that reflect their capacities, their operational abilities in everyday life.


  • 失眠症状在一星期出现数次影响个人日常生活的时候,就应该适当健康专家讨论这个问题了。

    When insomnia symptoms occur more than a few times a week and impact a person's daily life, the symptoms should be discussed with the appropriate health care provider.


  • 如果我们日常生活中闹情绪,不管是因为社会身体或者精神问题必然有害工作因为工作占据了我们大部分时间。

    If our personal life - social, physical, or emotional - is suffering, it will invariably poison the workday, since that's where most of us spend the majority of our time.


  • 父亲思考问题理论化日常生活中非常喜欢实践

    Well, my father was very theoretical in his thinking and practical in his daily life….


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