• 文明不必要的必需品无限增加

    Civilization is a limitless multiplication of unnecessary necessities.


  • 本文通过分析之间相互关系发现虽然算法轮数可以无限增加,然而轮数之间的距离却是有界的。

    By investigating the inherent relations of round Numbers, we find that although the round Numbers may grow infinitely, the distance of round Numbers is bounded by a finite value.


  • 对于单个武士统治者来说增加他们的收入很困难的,因为农民可以用来纳税的大米数量不是无限

    It was difficult for individual samurai overlords to increase their income because the amount of rice that farmers could be made to pay in taxes was not unlimited.


  • 快餐卷成功让麦当劳意识到快餐小吃市场潜力无限而且喜欢小吃消费者越来越多,能够在正餐时间之外增加客流量

    The process also helped McDonald's realize the potential of the snacking market -- the growing segment that wants to nibble between meals -- and the chance to increase traffic between mealtimes.


  • 我们是Springpad忠实粉丝,因为我们能够无限制的随心所欲使用。我们做的仅仅希望后续版本中能够增加导入移动存取功能。

    We're big fans of Springpad and the limitless ways we can use it, and we can only hope that they'll add import and mobile access options to future releases.


  • 瑞士法国研究发现就算给他们无限免费通话很便宜的通话资费,通话时间并没有明显增加

    Her research in Switzerland and France found that even when people are given unlimited cheap or free calls, the number and length of calls does not increase significantly.


  • 但是与此同时,要是我们无限增加国家债务,我们就必然全球信贷市场面临信誉降低后果或者也会影响我们未来借贷能力

    Yet, at the same time we cannot add infinitely to the national debt without facing the consequences in global credit marks or on our future capacity to borrow.


  • 新的一年工作有闲存折增加无限口袋装满美元,精力充沛源源爱情美满甘甜

    Wishing you a New Year that work in the busy schedule, bankbook increase is infinite, $pockets filled with endless love, happiness, energetic sweet.


  • 恐怕国际公司艺术兴趣增加主要原因艺术项目无限可能性

    Perhaps the most important single reason for the increased interest of international corporations in the arts is the almost limitless diversity of projects which are possible.


  • 俄罗斯增加叙利亚军力宣布计划无限期在叙利亚部署基地

    Russia has increased its military presence in Syria and announced plans to maintain bases there indefinitely.


  • 但是查询台资源可能无限度地随用户要求增加,那么,如何资源有限情况下满足尽可能的用户的高质量需求呢。

    However, the resource of inquiry station can not increase as much as the users' demand, therefore the problem is how to meet the demand of users with limited resources.


  • 一次成功会让自信增加意识到了自己无限潜力,你了更多动力进行下一步

    With each success your confidence shoots up, you realize your limitless potential, and you gain more energy to take your next step.


  • 即使多媒体无限资源,人们增加这些多媒体技术于一体综合技术。

    Even if a multimedia machine had unlimited resources, you would still want to add a combination of these multimedia technologies.


  • 虽然哥白尼认识到,一理论暗示宇宙的大小巨大增加时,拒绝用它无限的。

    Although Copernicus realized that this theory implied an enormous increase in the size of the universe, he declined to pronounce it infinite.


  • 质量超过临界值时,增加引力造成恒星无限坍缩

    The addition of matter over this critical value would lead to the collapse of the star without limit because of the ever-increasing gravitational forces.


  • 随着移情增加发现无限的,而且通过它,你能超越孤立宇宙找到归属感

    As your empathy grows, you'll find that it's infinite and that through it, you transcend your isolation and find yourself at home in the universe.


  • 所以建筑极大地增加尺寸空间上面尺度,同时强调可以无限重复模块就像是一个个单元宿舍

    It dramatically increases in size and projects into the space an infinite repetition of a module, appearing like a single cell of the dormitory.


  • 可以提升行程无限增加高度单位参数,无论重量分配平均与否

    An infinite range of height increments is available within lift strokes, and units function smoothly regardless of uneven weight distribution.


  • 负载涨落是在无限处理能力的假设下计算的。算法平均负载计算上进行扩展,但避免时间复杂度增加

    The fluctuations are calculated with the assumption of unlimited resources, where the calculation is incorporated into the calculation of the average loads without adding to the time complexity.


  • 今天我们发现一个流动性增加其中交通网络无限可能性旅行许可证工作生活世界自己,我们高兴地保持连接

    Today we find ourselves in a world of increased mobility in which transportation networks permit endless possibilities of travel for work, living, and pleasure we remain connected.


  • 经常使用眼部肌肤焕发无限光彩,增加弹性

    Regular application help refresh stressed skin and increases elasticity.


  • 无限延伸甚至标示也是白色的,整体上增加了空灵感,使得不重要的部件也闪闪发光

    The interior's vast expanses of white walls, where the signs are white on white, add to the glow. Even inconsequential objects gain in lustre.


  • 是否是办法取决于一个国家能否无限期地每年增加25%30%的开支而不会造成极度的浪费以及扭曲脆弱经济

    Whether this is a good idea depends on whether a country can indefinitely spend 25 to 30 percent more every year without crippling waste and a warped, fragile economy.


  • 我们试行说明为什么全世界物种没有无限增加

    We shall presently attempt to show why it is that the number of species throughout the world has not become immeasurably great.


  • 即使多媒体无限资源,即使多媒体机有无限的资源,人们增加这些多媒体技术于一体的综合技术。

    Even if a multimedia machine had unlimited resources, you would still want to add a combination of these multimedia technologies.


  • 方案公钥大小取决于群中成员个数不会随着撤销成员的增加无限增大

    In this new scheme, the size of public key only lay on the number of members in the group, and would not increase infinitely along with the increase of number of members which were revoked.


  • 实验结果表明随辐照剂量增加双空位缺陷浓度并不无限增加

    The results show that the intensity of V_2 is not infinitely increased with the increasing of the neutron dose.


  • 实验结果表明随辐照剂量增加双空位缺陷浓度并不无限增加

    The results show that the intensity of V_2 is not infinitely increased with the increasing of the neutron dose.


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