• 无线语音收入2011年增加一倍以上固定收入全世界

    Wireless telephony revenue in 2011 will be more than double landline revenue worldwide.


  • 本文研究了TDD技术作为主要传输方式数字无线语音传输系统

    The digital wireless voice transmission system based on TDD technology is studied in this thesis.


  • CMX649能够成功地应用广泛语音编码系统中,尤其适合无线语音系统应用

    CMX649 is an excellent CVSD-based voice codec manufactured by CML Microcircuit, which is applicable in a wide range of voice coding applications, especially in wireless applications.


  • 介绍无线语音报警技术系统建设、系统可靠性电力通信网管中的应用效果

    The paper introduced wireless language alarm technology, building system, the reliability of the system and the effectiveness applied to electric power communication network management.


  • 简单介绍一种无线语音传输系统设计方案,系统使用数据传输碰撞技术做出讨论

    The paper mainly introduces a wireless voice transmission system. And the system used in data transmission technology to make discussion of anti-collision.


  • 系统具有无需许可证功耗、使用方便特点,可广泛应用无线语音传输系统产品设计中。

    This system requires no license and has the characteristics of low power consumption and easy operation so that it has wide applications in the design of wireless voice transmission products.


  • 它们可以管理老年人的日常生活、提醒他们按时吃药。它们还可以用作通讯工具用户提供无线语音视频连接远方朋友家人进行交流。

    Additionally, they could serve as communication tools, providing wireless voice and video links to distant friends and family members.


  • 诺基亚的说法,它们包括无线数据语音编码安全和加密方面专利

    They include patents on wireless data, speech coding, security, and encryption, according to Nokia.


  • 尽管此客服端不视频功能,但是,即时信息语音通信可以直接通过无线网络使用

    Although video streaming is a no-show, both full IM and voice communication is supported directly over wireless networks.


  • 一些有关iPhone语音通话质量无线数据连接问题其实归因于其本身设计缺陷。

    Some of the iPhone's problems with voice calls and wireless data connections are attributable to the design of the phone itself.


  • 通过语音视频数据无线服务方面的自动预置激活提高生产力

    Increased Productivity through automated provisioning and activation of voice, video, data and wireless services.


  • 诺基亚的10专利包括无线数据语音编码安全和加密以及所有出货苹果iPhone机型中的技术。2007年推出iPhone以来,所有的苹果iPhone机型都侵犯了诺基亚的专利”。

    The 10 patents cover wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption and are "infringed by all Apple iPhone models shipped since the iPhone was introduced in 2007."


  • W - CD MA支撑各种各样语音视频数据服务蜂窝网络;WiMAX是一种支持各种各样器件中接入互联网的无线技术。

    Wideband Code Division Multiple Access, or W-CDMA, is a cellular network supporting a wide range of voice, video and data services.


  • 首次实现手持式商用设备数据语音视频通过3g网军事战术无线同时传输,并且服务过程没有任何中断

    It was the first time that data, voice and video over the hand-held commercial devices were simultaneously transmitted over both 3g and military tactical radios without any interruptions in service.


  • 个例子,俄勒冈BendBroadband拥有全国最快无线网络,但不是用来提供传统的语音服务的。

    For example, Bend Broadband in Oregon has the nation's faster wireless network, even if it's not used for voice.


  • 之内实验室建立五项核心专业领域,各为语音辨识多媒体绘图无线搜寻开始发表世界级论文专利

    Within a few years, the lab built up five core areas of expertise, in speech recognition, multimedia, graphics, wireless, and search, and began pumping out world-class papers and patents.


  • 随着无线通信技术互联网技术飞速发展移动通信业务以前的语音业务为主逐渐数据业务扩展。

    With the rapid development of wireless communication technology and Internet technology, the primary service of mobile telecom is changing from voice service to data service.


  • 这家公司不久接受UM TS手机订单计划其提供几乎没有限制无线互联网接入可视电话、以及传统语音呼叫收取固定价格费用。

    The company will shortly be taking orders for UMTS handsets, and intends to offer fixed-price tariffs for virtually unlimited wireless Internet access, video conferencing and conventional voice calls.


  • 蓝牙技术无线数据语音通信开放性规范成本距离无线连接基础,为固定移动设备通信环境建立一种无线连接。

    Bluetooth Technology is a kind of open specification for wireless data and voice, it is basic on low cost short-range radio link, and it can build a wireless link for immobile and mobile device.


  • 本文研究的基于SPCE061A的多自由度假手语音控制系统,即利用语音识别无线传输技术实现对多自由度假手的远程语音控制

    This paper describes a speech recognition control system for prosthetic hand based on SPCE061A microcontroller core. A prosthetic hand is controlled by speech recognition and wireless communication.


  • 思科无线工厂网络提供应用包括这些用于工人移动性、基于IP语音通信跟踪工作人员资产以及视频应用。

    Cisco wireless plant networks offer applications including those for worker mobility, voice over IP communications, tracking of personnel and assets, and video applications.


  • 蓝牙一种新型短距离无线通信协议,它可以实现小范围数据语音无线连接。

    As a new wireless communication protocol, bluetooth has a strong function in data and sound transportation within a short distance.


  • 所述第一传真数据语音数据进行处理,用于无线链路上传输

    The first station processes facsimile data and voice data for transmission over the wireless link.


  • 使用莫尔斯电码、语音无线电传打字机传送接收广播消息

    Transmits and receives radio messages by use of Morse code, voice and radio teletype.


  • 交换技术一个能够提供下一代分组通信——包括语音宽带无线网络的平台。

    Softswitch is a technique that can supply next-generation packet communications including speech, wideband and wireless networks.


  • 提出一种用于无线移动网络语音数据业务共存下的呼叫接入控制方案

    This paper presented a call admission control (CAC) scheme in wireless mobile networks with integrated voice and data services.


  • 使得人们有可能享受功能丰富无线多媒体服务品种提供了同步语音数据服务的优势

    This makes it possible to enjoy a variety of feature-rich wireless multimedia services, and it gives you the advantage of offering simultaneous voice and data services.


  • 蓝牙就是其中无线标准使网络中的数据语音设备能够互连互通,实现快速灵活通信

    Bluetooth is a new wireless standard among them, it makes it possible that data and voice devices in network can connect each other and communicate rapidly and flexibly.


  • 我们语音命令用于正常情况下需要大量键盘输入的场合,比如装订导航座标改变无线频率以及设定最大航程

    We use voice commands to take care of duties that normally require numerous inputs on a keypad, such as punching in navigation coordinates and changing radio frequencies and bingo fuel amounts.


  • 我们语音命令用于正常情况下需要大量键盘输入的场合,比如装订导航座标改变无线频率以及设定最大航程

    We use voice commands to take care of duties that normally require numerous inputs on a keypad, such as punching in navigation coordinates and changing radio frequencies and bingo fuel amounts.


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