• 目的探讨小儿寰枢关节旋转固定脱位治疗方法。

    Objective to discuss appropriate strategy about treatment of rotatory fixation or dislocation of atlantoaxial articulation in children.


  • 分析尺骨骨折固定术中前臂旋转功能障碍原因

    Analyse the causes of forearm rotation disfunctions with internal fixative operation in ulnoradial diaphyses fracture.


  • 瓶上,手柄固定在颈上,通过角度的旋转与腹部分开

    On a neck amphora, the handles are attached to the neck, which is separated from the belly by an angular carination.


  • 确定数量旋转那些字母,通过一个固定数量步骤这样最终结果可以把它,加密出来。

    You rotate the letters by a deterministic amount, by a fixed number of steps so that the end result is actually something that can be reversed.


  • 高速缓存这些对象存储固定时间旋转一个线程需要时清除这些如图2所示。

    The cache will store items for a fixed time and will spin a thread to prune the items as needed, as shown in Figure 2.


  • 其中珠子固定玻璃表面转动的时候一颗珠子就会围绕着旋转

    One of the beads was pinned to a glass surface so that as it spun the other rotated around it.


  • 你可以把这种电动机当作旋转变压器主要线圈固定套管(定子)二级导线附在个内(转子)上。

    Think of it as a rotating transformer, with the primary windings residing in a stationary casing (stator) and the secondary conductors attached to an inner shaft (rotor).


  • 顾名思义,太空升降根很长的电缆固定地面一端一端高高地延伸太空就像一条旋转橙子伸出辐条那样伸出地球

    The space elevator is exactly what its name says it is: a long cable anchored at one end to the ground and at the other end high in space, protruding from the planet like a spoke in a rotating orange.


  • 我们分子力只有一个单键时,可以随意旋转,你可以转起来,没有什么东西能固定住它。

    When we have just a single bond in them molecule, you have all the free rotation you want, you can just spin it around, there's nothing keeping it in place.


  • 这个积分,我们-原点固定然后原点旋转

    When you integrate this, - the motion that we try to do — we keep this fixed and then we just rotate around the origin.


  • VigilX系统可升级模块化系统随时配置满足特定旋转固定平台个别需要

    VigilX is a scalable and modular system which can be readily configured to meet the individual needs of specific rotary or fixed wing platforms.


  • 佛罗里达NASA肯尼迪航天中心吊车正在拆卸39B发射台固定支撑结构一部分。 拆除旋转服务结构(RSS)的工作仍继续。

    A crane dismantles another section of the fixed service structure on Launch Pad 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.


  • 就意味着假如固体固定这个力场,然后在力场中释放,它可能会朝向方向加速运动,它绝不会旋转

    That means if you put an object in there that is completely immobile and you leave it in that force field, well, of course it might accelerate in some direction but it won't start spinning.


  • 同时固定地基有一个(供电的)金属,房子通过着此环旋转导电来获得电能。

    Electricity, meanwhile, is delivered via a conductive brush that sweeps around a metal ring in the stationary base.


  • 尼古拉·特斯发明的感应电动机本质上就是旋转变压器——首先电动机的固定钢制外壳定子)上安装上绕组然后将导体安装转子)。

    Tesla's invention is, in essence, a rotating transformer. Its primary windings reside in a stationary steel casing (the stator) and and secondary conductors are attached to an inner shaft (the rotor).


  • 以及欧洲战斗机“台风”计划中的出色表现,在上述所有合作项目中,公司旋转固定平台提供一种水平保护装置。

    And with its strong presence in the Eurofighter Typhoon programme, all of which position the Company well to deliver a high level of protection for both rotary and fixed wing platforms.


  • 固定:将鹅卵石坡道保持旋转正确方法

    Fixed: Downgraded cobblestone ramps stay rotated the correct way.


  • 固定建筑放置不正确旋转如果相机迅速转向

    Fixed building pieces placing with incorrect rotation if camera turning quickly.


  • 不过来到船上,看到那些高低不平气垫,那些船尾钓竿拖曳线,以及那些固定甲板上旋转斗鱼椅时会发现Or ca号一样

    But when you climbed on board, mentally noting the lumpy cushions, the rods trailing wires at the stern and the swivel fish-fighting chair bolted to the deck, you knew you were in the same place.


  • 用于尺寸180以上电机机架内置机械密封结构应该采用整体结晶旋转密封面一块整体结晶碳化硅固定密封面。

    For motor frame size 180 and above, the inner mechanical seal shall be constructed with a solid block carbon rotating seal face and a solid block silicon carbide stationary seal face.


  • 由于行星齿轮变速器壳体螺栓固定会和变速器壳体一起旋转

    Since the pinion shaft is bolted to the case, it revolves with the case.


  • 巴基斯坦陆军航空兵苍蝇混合固定旋转飞机近距离支援地面作战

    Pakistan Army Aviation Corps flies a mixture of fixed and rotary wing aircraft in close support of ground operations.


  • 固定具有两种功能保留套管防止旋转

    The steel retaining plate has two functions, retaining the bushing and preventing rod rotation.


  • 剩余过热器管束省煤器应有半伸缩式固定旋转吹灰器。

    The remaining superheater banks and the economizer shall have semi-retractable or fixed rotary blowers.


  • 调整双钩的顶固定股骨头提供旋转稳定性

    From the Twin hook, apical hooks are deployed to gain fixation within the femoral head and to provide rotational stability.


  • 迷宫指由旋转固定密封件之间构成隙缝曲折的。

    Maze is the rotating and fixed by the seal of the gaps between the composition is tortuous.


  • 迷宫指由旋转固定密封件之间构成隙缝曲折的。

    Maze is the rotating and fixed by the seal of the gaps between the composition is tortuous.


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