• 意外之财旅行摄影中扮演极其重要角色

    Serendipity plays an enormously important role in travel photography.


  • 正如标题中所见,篇文章是关于旅行摄影的。

    As you can gather from the title, this post relates to travel photography.


  • 明天继续探讨另外旅行摄影者易错误敬请期待。

    Stay tuned tomorrow for a continuation of this topic and another 5 mistakes travel photographers often make.


  • 谈谈旅行摄影吗?寻找什么?是如何处理设备携带这个问题的?。

    SU: Can you talk about your travel photographs?What do you look for?How do you manage the equipment load?


  • 一位旅行摄影拍摄到了壮观的着火了彩虹奇观,罕见的“环天弧顶现象

    A travel photographer captured this spectacular fire rainbow - a ' circumzenithal arc' - a phenomenon so rare he had to ask other experts what it was.


  • 对于旅行摄影来说,并不存在什么方法的(除了完全曝以至于所有东西都变成白茫茫一片)。

    There is no right or wrong way to take travel photos (except for completely over exposing everything into whiteness, I suppose).


  • 旅行摄影道格拉斯·斯特拉顿拍摄照片,是经历数百万风化岩层上行程自然窥视,画面震撼人心。

    Travel photographer, Douglas Stratton has captured breath-taking shots of the natural peep holes carved into rock formations over hundreds of thousands of years through weathering.


  • 如果喜欢旅行摄影这个主题探讨,请关注我们新的旅行摄影电子书(Mitchell)的新闻明天正式发布

    If you enjoyed this exploration of the topic of travel photography - stay tuned for news of our new travel photography eBook - written by Mitchell - which will be released tomorrow.


  • 以下这文章就是Mitchell一系列文章里最初一篇,指出了一些很多新手旅行摄影会犯的常见错误

    This post, written by Mitchell, is the first part of a short series introducing some of the mistakes many new travel photographers make.


  • 本文旅行摄影主题系列第七。 我共同关注的话题是:在路上时,希望能够带回一个关于本次旅行圆满故事

    This post is number seven of twenty one subjects that will help you focus when on your next journey and you wish to bring back a well rounded story of where you were.


  • 记住旅行摄影系列21主题所以如果按照这些主题去做的话,一张日落中的乞力马扎罗山照片仅仅整个旅行故事中的4.76190476%,不会有任何负面影响。

    And remember, there are twenty one subjects in this series, so one more picture of Kilimanjaro at sunset is only 4.76190476% of the story you can tell if you follow along.


  • 业余爱好包括徒步旅行摄影

    Her hobbies include hiking and photography.


  • 上述那些必备课程之外,如果摄影旅行主要目标之一,还应该尽可能多的找出目的地看得到特色。

    Beyond the necessities, when photography is the main focus of your trip, it's worth finding out as much as possible about what's visually special in the place you're going to.


  • 人们常常计划参与观鸟旅行以便看到更多他们也可能会上一些摄影或者基础鸟类学的课程帮助扩展他们知识让观鸟这个爱好更加有趣。

    Birders often plan travel to festivals to see more birds and they may take photography or basic ornithology classes to expand their knowledge and enjoyment of the hobby.


  • 第四阶段评分B 六十七岁退休培养了新的爱好制陶素描油画摄影写作歌剧旅行更加和善。拿B完全没问题。

    Part VI. Grade B Retirement at 67. Nothing wrong with a B. I developed new interests: ceramics, sketching, painting, photography, writing, opera, travel, and a more kindly spirit.


  • 提供当地导游摄影Ashley Banwell的观鸟旅行

    offers birdwatching tours with local guides and photographer Ashley Banwell.


  • 为了记录实验朋友摄影杰斯格洛同行,将在每个星期拍摄制作部视频短片,放在我“行李旅行”的博客上

    In order to document this experiment, I travelled with a cameraman, my friend Justin Glow, who shot and edited three webisodes each week for my No Baggage Challenge blog.


  • 同在这旅行发现了对于摄影新闻工作的热情

    On the same trip, I discovered my passion for photojournalism.


  • 摄影丽莎·贝塔最近刚完成她迪斯尼乐园生日旅行,并且在这大家分享一些如何假期照片的技巧

    Photographer Lisa Bettany recently took a birthday trip to Disneyland and Shared some great tips for getting better vacation photos.


  • 喜欢摄影置身世外,喜欢旅行放空自己,喜欢沉迷小说没有自我说到底只是讨厌束缚的自己。

    Like photography at somewhere else, like travel itself, like to indulge novel without self, at the end of the day, I just hate being bound.


  • 我们一起电影,一起旅行哪怕不会摄影坚持相机替代自己眼睛留下最美好的回忆

    We see a movie together, travel together, even if not photography, also insist on a camera to replace my eyes leave the best memories for you.


  • 吉星写了关于自己旅行费德里柯·费里尼(Frederico Fellini)的电影剧本作家刚好读到了这本书。那个时候,剧组人员正在电影《甜蜜生活》(La Dolce Vita)中的那个摄影师角色寻找名字

    He wrote a book about his travels and Frederico Fellini's script writer read the book about the time they were casting around for a name for the photographer in their movie La Dolce Vita.


  • 由于出色家庭成员照旅行留影剑桥公爵夫人授予英国皇家摄影学会终生会员

    Thee Duchess of Cambridge has accepted a lifetime honorary membership of the Royal Photographic Society for her family portraits and tour photos.


  • 凭借出色家庭成员旅行留影剑桥公爵夫人于日前被授予英国皇家摄影学会终身会员。

    The Duchess of Cambridge has accepted a lifetime honorary membership of the Royal Photographic Society for her family portraits and tour photos.


  • 随着中国大学毕业临近餐饮旅行摄影工作室等行业这个忙碌利润丰厚时段作好准备。

    With China's college graduation season drawing near, some industries, such as catering, travel and photo studios, are gearing up for a busy and lucrative period.


  • 如果写作能力或是摄影技术高,那么胜任旅行记者一职

    If you have writing or photography skills, they could be useful for working with a travel publication.


  • 如果写作能力或是摄影技术高,那么胜任旅行记者一职

    If you have writing or photography skills, they could be useful for working with a travel publication.


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