• 旅游文献制图地理学科学教育方面取得了长足进展

    Advances were realized in the fields of travel literature, cartography and geography, and scientific education.


  • 本文对检索到的国外十年旅游目的地游客忠诚研究相关文献进行较为详细梳理评析。

    The paper makes a relatively detailed and analysis of relevant literature overseas regarding the loyalty of tourists in tourism destinations in the past decade.


  • 本文大量文献研究充分的实证研究基础上,对乡村旅游中的社区方法进行了系统的研究

    Based on a comprehensive literature review and an empirical research, this thesis makes a systematic inspection into the community approach of rural tourism development.


  • 第四问卷调查文献综述基础提出影响西安书院旅游吸引力因子

    In chapter IV, the author put forward the impact of tourism attraction factors of Xi'an College Door based on the questionnaire survey and literature review.


  • 旅游信息传递研究国内外文献报道中尚不多见。

    There are not many researches on the model for tourism information transfer in China.


  • 本文首先国内外遗产研究、遗产旅游研究、旅游市场研究进行了较为翔实文献综述

    This thesis gives some detailed literature reviews on the world heritage research, world heritage tourism research and tourism market research at first.


  • 采用文献资料研究方法,分析、论述了我国体育旅游专业人才培养模式(培养目标规格方式),构建了培养体育旅游人才课程体系

    Personnel training model of sports tourism, including aims, standards and patterns of training, is analyzed and debated by document searching, and the curriculum system of the major is established.


  • 综述国内有关城市滨水区旅游开发文献基础之上,苏州市沿江地区休闲旅游产品开发的必要性、开发策略具体措施进行了探讨

    Based on the reviewing of other literatures and works of waterfront, this paper focuses on the necessity, strategy and measures of tourism product development of Suzhou recreational waterfront.


  • 实地考察调研文献资料研究基础总结广东少数民族地区体育旅游资源类型分布

    Based on investigation in the spot and literature index, we have summed up the style and distributing of physical education tour resource in the minority area of Guangdong province.


  • 第二文献综述部分阐述当前国内外民俗风情旅游研究现状

    The second chapter is for the literature summary part, setting forth the current domestic and foreign folklore-based tourism research situation.


  • 本文通过文献阅读数据收集,对大连金石滩旅游度假区演化轨迹机制进行探索性实证研究

    Through reading the literature and data collection, the author has carried on the exploratory research about the orbit and mechanism of evolution of the Jinshitan tourism resort of Dalian.


  • 综合以往文献,国内外学者城市旅游效率研究较少特别是国内学者实证角度城市旅游效率的研究更少。

    In the past literature, scholars study the efficiency of urban travel less, especially in the perspective of scholars from the empirical efficiency of urban travel.


  • 分析荔湾地方文献蕴藏旅游资源以及荔湾地方文献旅游推进作用,提出了如何利用地方文献服务荔湾旅游事业的意见建议

    The article analysis the travel resources in Liwan local collections, and its promotion to Liwan's tourism, finally give some advices and suggestions on the development of Liwan's tourism.


  • 本文通过相关文献的查阅整理,对国内遗产旅游研究进展主要内容进行总结基础上探讨了我国遗产旅游进一步研究问题

    Based on the reference about domestic heritage tourism, this article summarized the research progress and major coverage about it, and discussed the question we should further study.


  • 通过文献资料法田野考察法湖南体育旅游资源分类分布、体育旅游资源开发存在问题、体育旅游资源开发对策进行了探讨。

    Taking use of literature and observation, the thesis approached the classify, distribution, the existential problem and countermeasure about exploiting Hunan sports tourist business.


  • 多年来,外文研究文献旅游中的女性为研究对象,得到一系列的研究成果

    For a long time, foreign scholars have interest in the intersecting fi eld between "female" and "tourism" and make some research achievements.


  • 采用文献资料调查比较等研究方法西部体育旅游产业进行了考察研究。

    Using the research methods of literature, investigation and comparison the article analyses that the western minority regions have the advantages of developing the sports tourism industry.


  • 首先作者对旅游接待营销战略管理相关文献进行简单回顾

    Firstly, author simply reviews related literatures of sale strategic management in tourism reception industry.


  • 本文生态旅游景区质量管理研究对象广泛查阅相关研究文献基础上采用系统研究法、比较分析法、理论与实证相结合等多种方法进行研究。

    This paper takes Ecotourism Attraction quality management as research object, on the basis of extensively reading the relevant literatures, USES systematic approach, comparative analysis etc.


  • 国内外民族村寨旅游相关文献收集整理基础上,对国内外民族村寨旅游方面的研究成果进行较为系统的综述

    The paper conducted a systematic review about the tourist in ethnic village tourism study home and abroad on the basis of the collection and collation of relevant literature on village tourism.


  • 本文天津近代历史街区遗产保护旅游开发问题进行了文献分析和实证研究。

    After that, the paper points out the significance of the historic districts'protection and tourism development.


  • 文献研究基础本文提出一个旅游目的地忠诚驱动模型及若干个假设

    The paper proposes a conceptual model of tourism destination loyalty with five hypotheses based on literature review.


  • 研究内容本文主要以下几个方面进行:对文献回顾理论概念界定基础上明晰真实性含义旅游旅游产品类型

    This article mainly studies these aspects: clarifying meaning of authenticity and types of tourist and product on the basis of literature review, theory and conceptions defining;


  • 本文大量文献研究充分的实证研究基础上,对乡村生态旅游中的社区参与方法进行了系统的研究。

    This paper stands on a number of research papers and practice research, and conducts a systematic research on the methods of how to involve rural community in eco-tourism.


  • 研究大量国内外相关文献基础上,本文构建了服务公平性旅游忠诚的作用机理模型

    Based on rich literatures, this paper developed and tested an integrative model to examine the mechanism of service fairness impacts on tourists' loyalty.


  • 基于文献研究文章提出社会资本生态旅游收益居民环保意识之间具有调节作用假设

    Based on literature study, the paper offers hypothesis that social capital plays a moderating role between ecotourism benefits and residents' awareness of environmental protection.


  • 基于文献研究文章提出社会资本生态旅游收益居民环保意识之间具有调节作用假设

    Based on literature study, the paper offers hypothesis that social capital plays a moderating role between ecotourism benefits and residents' awareness of environmental protection.


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