• 尽管BMIBaby主要目标旅游媒体而非广泛的大众,但是航空公司仍然拥有一个Twitter账号

    The airline maintains a Twitter account, although he says the primary target is travel media, not the general public.


  • 人们不信任信息来源直接营销(21%);博客(18%);电视(13%);生活时尚杂志(11%);旅游媒体(11%)。

    The least trusted sources of information are: direct marketing (21%); blogs (18%); TV (13%); lifestyle magazines (11%); and the travel press (11%).


  • 多数销售增长来自海外日本旅游销售,猫公司周三时将会媒体展示产品

    Much of the growth is coming from abroad and tourist sales in Japan, the company said in showing its new products to media Wednesday.


  • 对于那些吹捧社会媒体旅游计划决策直接影响人来说,这些数字非常

    For those extolling the virtues of social media as a direct influence on travel planning decisions, the stats are rather low.


  • 尼尔森研究发现一些目的地旅游机构采用了全部五种主要媒体渠道发布广告

    Nielsen found that some destination tourism bodies advertised across all five major media formats to promote their destinations.


  • 组织一发表号召媒体就报道以色列卫生部门已经敦促旅游部门阻止人们约旦河洗澡这会威胁人们健康

    The group issued the call following media reports that Israel's health ministry had urged the tourism ministry to stop people bathing in the river, saying it posed a health risk.


  • 其次广告投放类别包括电讯娱乐消费品旅游交通零售他们5%或者多于5%的预算在了数字媒体上。

    Telecoms, entertainment, consumer goods, travel and transport and retail are in the second tier of spenders, with 5% or more of their budgets spent on digital media.


  • 随着裁员浪潮金融房地产领域蔓延至旅游媒体和零售等部门,许多人已经开始收拾行囊,准备启程归国了

    As the cutbacks spread from finance and real estate to sectors such as tourism, media and retail, many are packing up and heading home.


  • 这样搜索引擎提供了社区媒体功能以便于旅行者利用自身的社区网络推荐酒店旅游特惠产品

    This allows the search engine to provide social media features so travelers can leverage their own social networks for hotel recommendations and travel deals.


  • 社区媒体根本上改变人们计划旅游方式

    Social Media has fundamentally changed the way people plan their travel.


  • 加强文化教育媒体旅游公共人事管理警务领域交流合作

    To step up exchanges and cooperation in such areas as culture, education, media, tourism, public personnel management, and police affairs.


  • 社会媒体2011年旅游企业市场营销预算中占据重要地位在线显示广告可能冷落

    Social media is expected to feature strongly in marketing budgets across the travel industry in 2011, with online display likely to be the channel missing out.


  • 作为市场推广组合之一只有43%经营者社区媒体应用看作非常重要或者“重要”,远远低于88.5%“将产品旅游网站上展示“的比例。

    As part of their marketing mix, just 43% of operators sawSocial Media Engagementasvery importantor ‘important’, falling well below the 88.5% for ‘Listing on Travel Websites’.


  • 份报告大概1,000名曾2010年出外度假英国居民进行了调研发现有三分之一受访者在制定旅游计划阶段咨询社会媒体

    The survey of around 1, 000 UK residents that took a holiday during 2010 found that one in three consulted some form of social media during the planning phase of their trip.


  • 所以在伊斯坦布尔伊朗大使馆申请旅游签证,关于我写报导媒体发表的事就避而不谈了。

    Therefore, I was slightly economical with the truth when acquiring an ordinary tourist visa at the Iranian embassy in Istanbul.


  • 尼尔森研究发现旅行者旅游目的地网络广告的印象,其它媒体旅游广告深刻。

    The Nielsen survey also found that travellers were much more likely to recall seeing Internet advertising for travel destinations, compared to seeing travel advertising on other mediums.


  • 许多其它旅游品牌万豪酒店喜达屋酒店赫兹租车公司社交媒体上建立强大地位。

    Many other travel brands, including Marriott, Starwood and Hertz also have strong social media presences.


  • Hewett认为,社区媒体网站能力开发旅游混搭程序成为第三分销商重要力量,将要到来

    Hewett sees the day coming when social media sites will have the ability to develop travel mashups and become important for third party distributors.


  • 数字媒体影响无处不在虚拟社区兴起消费者个性化旅游计划要求不断提高,而YourSingapore对这些趋势的回应

    YourSingapore is a response to the pervasive influence of digital media and the rise of virtual communities, as well as consumer demands for personalised travel plans.


  • 世界杂志,搜狐旅游其他媒体发起的“中国美丽旅游景点”为主题的评选活动引起超过100万网友的关注。

    Promoted by Enjoy World Magazine, travel.sohu.com and other media, "Most Beautiful Tourism Destinations of China" has attracted over 1 million netizens.


  • 这项网站可用性机构Webcredible举行调查采访了1,000名消费者(受访者中40%来自美国,40%来自英国,20%来自全球其它国家地区),并发现只有9%的受访者表示旅游网站难于使用,仅比新闻媒体网站多2%。

    The poll by usability agency Webcredible of 1, 000 consumers (around 40% us, 40% UK, 20% RotW) revealed just 9% found travel sites difficult to use, 2% behind news and media sites.


  • Deines补充说:“在线旅游公司原来严格区分为旅游零售网站品牌媒体网站,但现在两者的分界线已经变模糊了。”

    Deines adds: "the lines have blurred somewhat between online travel players being strictly about retailing travel or delivering media value to other brands."


  • 适合双子职业选择新闻业旅游媒体翻译谈判专家语言学家等等

    The career options for a Gemini man are journalism, travel industry, media, interpreter, negotiator, linguist and so on.


  • 世卫组织鼓励媒体旅游发布紫外线指数预报开展防晒宣传

    WHO encourages the media and the tourism industry to publish UVI forecasts and promote sun protection messages.


  • 将其软件业务延伸到了诸如电视机顶盒移动电话其他设备之上,它还建立(后来出售了)旅游媒体方面网络公司新的领域拓展

    The firm has extended its software into other devices, like television set-top boxes and mobile phones, created (and later sold) web businesses in travel and media, and moved into new areas.


  • 利用社会媒体旅游进行沟通

    Use social media to connect with travelers.


  • 旅游社区媒体在线渠道上争夺甚为激烈。

    The area of social media and online is certainly hotly contended for the travel sector.


  • 昆士兰州旅游首席执行官安东尼·份声明中称:“来自台湾克莱尔在申请‘世界最好工作’时做得非常一夜之间成为媒体关注的焦点。”

    "Clare has done a remarkable job of promoting her quest for the Best job in the World in Taiwan and has become an overnight media celebrity," Tourism Queensland CEO Anthony Hayes said in a statement.


  • 探险旅游公司:把他们的社会媒体客户锁定已经购买旅游产品的顾客。

    Adventure tour company: targeting their social media activity at existing customers that have already bought.


  • 西班牙旅游有意利用社会媒体西班牙打造崭新定位,突破西班牙“阳光海滩传统形象

    The Spanish Institute of Tourism is looking to expand the image of Spain beyond a destination for the traditional "sun and beach" holiday by using social media.


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