• 旅游业人是希望关于免费旅游简单秘诀揭示出来的,不过,管他呢,正在的便是分享这些诀窍。

    The tourism industry doesn’t want me to reveal the simple secrets of free travel, but I’m going to share them with you anyway.


  • 依赖夏季旅游突尼斯不同,埃及旅游业全年性的。本身相关一些服务已经收到了严重打击。

    Unlike Tunisia, which relies on summer tourism, Egypt's tourist industry is year-round and has already been battered, along with many associated services.


  • 旅游业受到了批评,去年前年相比这里旅游数量下降将近11%。

    The recession has been blamed for a nearly 11 percent drop in the number of visitors here last year compared with the year before.


  • 旅行社业、旅游交通业旅游住宿业公认现代旅游业大支柱,而且旅行社又是旅游业的龙头产业。

    Tourism agency, tourists' transportation and accommodation are the three main contributions to the modern tourism industry, among which the fist plays a vital role.


  • 第二部分,阐述旅游业定义特点国民经济中的重要地位以及旅游营销营销组合的相关概念

    Part two states the definition and characteristic of tourism, its importance in national economy, the relevant concepts and mixes of tourism marketing.


  • 旅游旅馆与旅游业配套主要硬件设施

    Tourist hotel is the main supporting establishment for the touring industry.


  • 旅游业公共关系有着密不可分紧密联系,建立旅游公共关系学学科体系十分必要。

    The tourist industry is connected closely to the public relations, therefore, it is necessary to set up the learning system of tourism public relations.


  • 大学生旅游作为旅游业细分市场一部分,是以提高旅游服务业文化内涵培育旅游认知思想诉求目标的。

    College student tourism as a part of tour market is to heighten the cultural contents in tourism service and foster the idea of educational tourism.


  • 旅游业人是希望关于免费旅游简单秘诀揭示出来的,不过,管他呢,正在做的便是分享这些诀窍

    They want your Credit Card number. The tourism industry doesn't want me to reveal the simple secrets of free travel, but I'm going to share them with you anyway.


  • 会展旅游会展业旅游业结合的衍生产品具有很强产业关联度

    MICE tourism is a product that MICE industry and the tourism industry unifies, and it has very strong industrial connection.


  • 研究发现学历职业状态个人旅游业依赖程度影响居民旅游感知态度主要因素

    This paper also finds that education, employment state and personal dependence on tourism are main factors which effect residents' perceptions and attitudes toward tourism.


  • 茶文化旅游作为茶业现代旅游业相结合一种新型旅游产品,对现代游客具有极大的吸引力。

    As a type of tourism product and the combination of tea industry and modern tourism industry, tea cultural tourism has wide appeal.


  • 中国旅游业国际竞争力全球第六位,但世界旅游业发达国家相比差距较大。

    China's international competitive capability of tourism is still in biggish gap, compared with developed countries in tourism.


  • 推动会展业旅游业全面融合,使会展业与旅游业实现双赢

    Promote the comprehensive convention and tourism industry and tourism exhibition industry merge and realize a win-win situation.


  • 的研究专长国际旅游酒店管理战略管理旅游业企业家

    His specialized subjects are International tourism and Hospitality Management, Strategic Management, and Entrepreneurship in tourism industry.


  • 随着大众旅游时代到来旅游业环境影响日渐强烈,成为公众关注研究重要问题

    With the advent of the age of mass tourism, the environmental impacts of tourism have been getting increasingly notable and have become an important issue for public concern and academic research.


  • 文章探讨了传统旅游业网络环境下旅游产业旅游消费者信息需求满足程度变迁

    This article discusses the evolution of satisfying the need of information of the tourist consumers in the traditional tourist industry and in the tourist industry in the internet context.


  • 通过建设特色旅游基地使旅游业相关收入国民生产总值比例超过10%。

    Tourism through the construction of a number of bases, so that tourism-related revenue in the GNP ratio of more than 10%.


  • 乡村旅游作为旅游业农业结合新生代旅游产品,在旅游市场越来越散发着蓬勃的生命力。

    As a kind of new generation tourism product with the combination of tourism industry and agriculture industry, rural tourism is developing quickly on the tourism market.


  • 农业观光旅游农业旅游业结合的交叉型产业

    Agricultural tourism is a cross industry which combines tourism with agriculture.


  • 第三章浅析浅析农业旅游业产业融合产生新型产业农业旅游业主要特点演化趋势

    Thirdly, the paper analyses the main features and the evolution trend of the agri-tourism industry , which is generated from the convergence of two major industries of agriculture and tourism.


  • 休闲业旅游业城市休闲城市旅游相关概念进行阐释引述力图提出新的见解

    The paper carried on the explanation correlated concepts, such as the leisure industry , tourism , city leisure and city traveling and so on, and tries hard to propose the new opinion in quoting .


  • 旅游景点文化密切相关,文化现代旅游业立足点灵魂丰富的文化内涵是旅游景点品味基础。

    The scenery spots are intimately connected with the culture. The culture itself is the setting point and soul of modern tourism and its connotation is the basis of high level scenery spots.


  • 一现象背后是旅游业该层次人才供需矛盾,它直接反映旅游教育培养机制旅游行业人才需求之间的不协调。

    This phenomenon reflects the contradiction between supply and demand of tourism professionals, reveals the unharmonious relationship between the tourism education and the socioeconomic needs.


  • 第二理论基础模型设计阐述区域旅游业竞争力研究有关理论,设计区域旅游业竞争力分析模型。

    In Chapter 2, the author elaborates theories that have a correlation with the study of regional tourism competitiveness, designs the analyzing model of it.


  • 第二理论基础模型设计阐述区域旅游业竞争力研究有关理论,设计区域旅游业竞争力分析模型。

    In Chapter 2, the author elaborates theories that have a correlation with the study of regional tourism competitiveness, designs the analyzing model of it.


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