• 有的司机旁边一边一边开车

    Beside some drivers and people talking while driving.


  • 尽量保持能够旁边轻松交谈配速

    Try to keep your pace such that you could easily carry on a conversation with someone running next to you.


  • 完全膝盖工作因此照样可以拉着旁边

    It was worked entirely with the knees, so that I could still hold the hands of the people on either side of me.


  • 婚姻犹如餐馆吃饭。了你要吃的,看到旁边点的菜后,你又的菜。

    Marriage: is like going to a restaurant. You order what you want, then when you see what the other person has, you wish you had ordered that.


  • 遇到旁边以前上天兴许会陈设咱们碰到另外咱们终于碰见心仪,便把稳存感谢。

    Maybe God wants us to meet a few erroneous people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.


  • 习惯忽略,习惯了旁边人的嘻打闹,习惯了自己的没有资格,习惯了上课时过头看看天空这样其实挺好

    Accustomed to being ignored, accustomed to the next play, accustomed to their not eligible, accustomed to class turned to look at the sky, it is actually quite good.


  • 如果知道如何变得富有那么和旁边人打听打听,调查,记住不要浪费太多时间那些努力已经富有搞好关系

    If you want to know how to become wealthy, ask around, do some research, don't waste your time, only develop relationships with those who have strived and won the right to abundance.


  • 他们旁边张桌坐了一,有十几个

    There was a big group of a dozen people at the table next to theirs.


  • 匹马向后仰,骑手撞倒站在旁边的一个年轻

    The horse reared, throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it.


  • 一些则认为让狗狗每天坐在“盒子”旁边好几个小时太疯狂了。

    Others think it's crazy to keep a dog sitting near a "box" for several hours a day.


  • 旁边的一对年轻夫妇同情地看着这位24岁的年轻的幼稚行为。

    A young couple sitting nearby looked at the 24-year-old's childish behavior with pity.


  • 接着,那个大个的海牛浆一样的脚掌着那个小家伙,把它推出水面旁边,那动作温柔的让无法相信来自这么巨大的生物

    Then, with incredible gentleness for such an enormous creature, the larger manatee nudged the little one with her paddle-shaped flipper and pushed it to the surface beside me.


  • 虽有千仆倒旁边,万仆倒在你右边,这灾不得临近

    A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.


  • 广告商不会希望他们的产品悬在下流不安的东西旁边

    Advertisers would not want their products flagged alongside anything off-colour or embarrassing.


  • 天都坐车校区办事公交车上都会坐在旁边的爱尔兰聊天

    These two days I had to shuttle to the main campus to deal with some affairs. On the bus I usually had a chat with some locals sitting next to me.


  • ,一个不是一位爱斯基摩,在旁边握着钓竿了个POSE,相机伪装在8英磅的线上

    At one point, one man, not Inupiat, posed beside the whale holding a small fishing rod, pretending for a camera that he had caught it on eight-pound line.


  • 惊奇地发现,旁边表示问候时,那些甚至陌生都是多么开心。

    You will be amazed at how people, even strangers will light up when you say something next to them.


  • 丈夫妻子孩子们货车旁边绳子隔开的停车场鼓掌吹口哨有些哭了

    Husbands and wives and children stood in a roped-off parking lot next to minivans, clapping and whistling. Some wept.


  • 旁边需要一个需要加密密钥任何软件提供密码

    Someone needs to be around to feed passwords to any software needing encryption keys.


  • 大门旁边的那个年轻啊?

    Who is the young man near to the gate?


  • 一个想象中站在旁边成年朋友而不是问露丝的。

    She is asking an imaginary friend who's a grownup standing next to her, not Ruthie.


  • 我们应当步那些控告苏格拉底后尘最好仔细想想他“认识自己”的忠告,自己诚实我们自己,而不是旁边什么知道什么正确的。

    Rather than follow the example of his accusers, we should perhaps honour Socrates's exhortation to "know ourselves", to be individually honest, to do what we, not the next man, knows to be right.


  • 更让上火的是,在旁边队里,那个家伙比你来的晚,居然得意洋洋地在你之前,拿到汉堡薯条生气又增加了一天压力

    Then there's always the stress that somebody who joins a parallel line next to you can get their burgers and fries before you, and that adds to the stress of the day.


  • 这些出来,然后他们名字旁边列出,他们之所以能成为伟大领导的品质。

    I listed these people, then I wrote beside their names one by one what was it that made me think they were great leaders.


  • 杜杜的两居室公寓旁边独自一艰难地生活,床垫子铺在地板上,蓝绿色墙壁孤零零地挂着日历

    His two-room apartment close by - where he lives alone, with a mattress on the floor and only a calendar on the teal wall - managed to survive.


  • 坐在商场里长椅上这时一个留着刺猬头的年轻走过来坐在旁边

    An old man was sitting on a bench in the mall when a young man with spiked hair came over and sat down beside him.


  • 有些需要老师旁边监督才能保持动力学习状态,远程学习者却能够自我激励

    While some people need teachers to keep them motivated and on-task, distance learners are able to motivate themselves.


  • 巴拉塔难民营旁边小街上,前来朝圣的犹太踩着喧哗的鼓点彻夜舞蹈

    In the alleys next to the Balata refugee camp, Jewish worshippers danced the night away to a raucous beat.


  • 巴拉塔难民营旁边小街上,前来朝圣的犹太踩着喧哗的鼓点彻夜舞蹈

    In the alleys next to the Balata refugee camp, Jewish worshippers danced the night away to a raucous beat.


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