• 招标单位承担该项工程施工能力以上(含三个)企业发出招标邀请书

    The unit offering bid invitation gives out bid invitation letters to three or more enterprises which have the capability to undertake the construction project;


  • 制作各类活动房工业工程施工能力具有结构生产线一条弯机设备

    Manufactures each kind of active room, the industry to plant the muscle project construction ability, has steel structure production line one, cuts, equipment and so on booklet, bender.


  • 公司现有各类专业管理人员195人,大中型机具设备476台套,施工能力3亿元人民币以上

    There are 195 managerial staff for various specialties and 476 sets of large-scale or medium-scale machines with an annual construction capacity of more than 300 million RMB.


  • 专业的设计施工能力顶尖的设计能力高效物流配送体系致力于大众提供全套完整装修解决方案

    With a professional design and construction ability, top design ability, efficient logistics distribution system, committed to providing full complete solution.


  • 专业的设计施工能力顶尖的设计能力高效物流配送体系致力于大众提供全套完整装修解决方案

    With a professional design construction ability, top design ability, efficient logistics distribution system, committed to providing full complete solution.


  • 不仅如此到了2016年,世界涡轮机制造能力也不能满足同时施工的所有项目

    Not only that, but by 2016 there's not enough turbine manufacturing capacity in the world to be able to deliver the turbines to all the projects that need them at that time.


  • 施工需要国家查明、核实应对疾病暴发以及其他事件方面具备很强能力

    Implementation will require very strong national capacities for detection, verification and response to disease outbreaks and other events.


  • 降低劳动强度操作安全可靠动力强劲提高切割能力劳动生产率拆迁拆除施工项目使用先进设备

    Reduce the labor intensity, safe and reliable operation, strong power, improve the cutting ability and labor productivity, is the demolition, removal of construction projects using advanced equipment.


  • 具有初步行动能力里程碑标志年底施工阶段

    The Initial Operational Capability Milestone marks the end of the Construction phase.


  • 对于新建桥梁我们需要准确评定该桥承载能力设计施工质量从而确定工程可靠度。

    Moreover for those Bridges set up lately, we need to assess the loading capacity, the design and the construction quality of the Bridges, consequently confirm the credibility of the engineering.


  • 特点产品整体稳定性柔性良好腐蚀性良好,抗冲刷能力具有透水性施工方便造价低等特点。

    Features: the overall stability and flexibility of the product is good, good corrosion resistance, strong anti erosion ability, with water permeability, low cost of construction and so on.


  • 具备图纸审核能力;具备《施工组织设计》、《招投标编制与审核能力具备施工现场结构专业及其他专业督导协调能力

    With ability of drawing audit; with preparation and audit ability of construction organization design& bidding; with good supervision and coordination ability of construction site steel structure.


  • 分包商确认有根据专业要求进行施工能力

    The Sub-Contractor assures his ability and construction qualification to comply with the specified requirements.


  • 为了使加固混凝土结构新旧材料能共同工作,施工时应采取适当措施提高结合面的抗剪能力能力

    In order to acquire good combination of new and old materials in reinforcement process some proper measures are adopted in construction to enhance the shear ability and impermeability.


  • 毕业生从事土木工程设计施工管理工作具有初步项目规划研究开发能力

    Graduates may engage in design, construction and management of civil engineering, and have the initial capabilities of the project planning and the scientific research.


  • 水泥混凝土路面具有强度车辆通行能力、使用寿命等特点,公路建设施工得到了广泛应用

    With high strength, large traffic flowing capacity and long life expectancy, the concrete pavement has got wide application in highway construction.


  • 做好合同索赔不但提高承包商国际工程施工管理能力而且能够建筑商带来可观的经济效益

    Not only can contract claim enhance the ability of contractors to manage international engineering, but also can bring considerable financial benefit.


  • 该桥型以强度线形明快、施工简便快捷跨越能力优势在大跨度桥梁中得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    Continue rigid frame bridge is more and more widely used because of its high strength, lightful line type, convenient and fast construction, long-span ability.


  • 钢管混凝土系杆拱桥系梁支架搭设施工,支架基础承载能力支架自身稳定性工程的关键

    The foundation's bearing capability under the bearing bracket and the stability of the bearing bracket are the key points in the construction of the under supporting steel pipe concrete arch bridge.


  • 该种新型模板变形承载能力满足施工要求

    The distortion and carring capacity of the new type of formwork could meet the requirements of construction.


  • 介绍了穿插管材选择讨论了穿插法施工燃气管道输送能力影响

    The selection of pipe material for insertion method is introduced, and the influence of insertion method construction on transmission capacity of gas pipeline is discussed.


  • 桥型跨越能力较大施工较为方便交通影响适宜城市桥梁应用

    This bridge type has greater capacity for spanning, easy construction and little influence on traffic, so it is suitable for the application in urban bridges.


  • 认为能力成为施工项目经理吗?

    Are you sure you have the abilities to be the manager of this construction project?


  • 环氧玻璃鳞片涂料胶泥具有优良的抗渗透能力防腐蚀性能,残余应力易于保证施工质量。

    Epoxy glass flake coating and daub offers excellent anti-permeability and corrosion resistance. They are small in residue stress and easy in construction.


  • 准确估计挖泥船性能提高疏浚能力必须详细地记录各挖泥船施工环节中的有关数据

    To evaluate correctly the behavior of a dredger and raise its capacity of execution, all working data should be recorded in detail when the dredger is under operation.


  • 课程平面设计施工测量建筑系统拟草专业写作估计能力相关学科

    Courses include site planning, construction surveying, building systems drafting, technical writing, estimating, and related subjects.


  • 对于大多缺乏原始设计施工资料拱桥很难承载能力作出准确评定

    For most old arch Bridges lack of original design and construction data, it is difficult to assess their bearing capacities accurately.


  • 提出从设计材料施工管理等方面把好质量关提高屋面防水能力关键

    The key to improve waterproof performance of pitched roofs is strict quality control in design, material and construction management.


  • 提出从设计材料施工管理等方面把好质量关提高屋面防水能力关键

    The key to improve waterproof performance of pitched roofs is strict quality control in design, material and construction management.


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