• 不会替代方案,”丹麦环境大臣尼·赫德·戈特口头禅,全世界纷纷表示赞同——尽管其中夹杂着声含糊的应承

    "There is no Plan B," was the Danish Environment Minister Connie Hedegaard's mantra-and the rest of the world seemed to signal its agreement, even if only in a murmur.


  • 里安抛出计划之后,通用股价猛涨10%,可见投资者普遍赞成这项方案

    GM's other investors also liked the idea: its share price rose nearly 10% on news of the scheme.


  • 但是纽约州布鲁克林一位学家声称掌握针对上述所有问题解决方案

    But there's a scientist in Brooklyn, N.Y., who says he has a solution to all of these problems.


  • 受到这些激励方案以及涌现出石油峰值理论的刺激,壳牌埃克森石油公司以及阿莫公司成为太阳能技术上最大投资者

    Motivated by these incentives and the emergence of "peak oil" theory, companies like Shell, Exxon, and Amoco became some of the largest investors in solar technology.


  • 齐先生提出了一项包含减薪机制的方案,在此方案交易员可能因为银行整体表现而失去奖金

    Mr Sarkozy dubbed a new scheme, under which traders may forgo bonuses depending on Banks' overall performance, a bonus-malus system.


  • 贝鲁斯抵达戛纳并未带来新的消减赤字方案

    Berlusconi arrived in Cannes with no new proposals for deficit reduction.


  • 中心可以使海军、洛克希德·马丁公司塔公司迅速创建关于正式宙斯盾基本构型强大完善测试解决方案

    The Center enabled the Navy, Lockheed Martin and Lakota to rapidly move from a prototype capability to a robust, well-tested solution that is now part of the official Aegis baseline.


  • 遗憾是,所有解决方案不大可能来自我们内分泌专家们实验室

    Unfortunately, any solutions are unlikely to come from the LABS of our nation's endocrinologists.


  • 本届诺贝尔生理学及医学奖对此予以奖励,等于宣布人类发现细胞生长基本机理这一学发现,将加快人类研究全新疾病治疗方案的步伐。

    The award of the Nobel Prize recognizes the discovery of a fundamental mechanism in the cell, a discovery that has stimulated the development of new therapeutic strategies.


  • SPD领导贝克甚至设计他们自己减税方案

    The SPD chief, Kurt Beck, even says his party will cook up cuts of its own.


  • 知道自己税收这件事上遇到压力但是没有准备套备选方案满足默克尔(或者是齐)。

    He knew he would come under pressure on taxes, but brought no alternative offering to satisfy Mrs Merkel (if not Mr. Sarkozy).


  • 紧接着瑞典罗氏药厂决定放弃此前对加利福利亚生物制药业领头羊基因公司提出的温和收购方案,转之对其进行恶意收购。

    Soon afterwards Switzerland’s Roche decided to abandon its previously friendly overtures toward Genentech, a Californian biotechnology pioneer, in favour of a hostile takeover bid.


  • 我们想要医好我们治疗,”纪念斯隆·凯特琳癌症中心的肺专家彼得·B·巴赫,“而不要看起来漂亮的治疗方案。”

    We want the thing that makes us better, ” says Dr. Peter B. Bach, a pulmonary specialist at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, “not the thing that is niftier.”


  • 6月30日西尔维奥·贝卢斯内阁批准了一项苦盼已久一揽子预算削减方案预示可能明年早些时候举行大选

    An anxiously-awaited package of budgetary measures approved by Silvio Berlusconi's cabinet on June 30th hints at the possibility of a general election early next year.


  • 但是纽约州布鲁克林一位学家声称掌握针对上述所有问题解决方案

    But there's a scientist in Brooklyn, N. Y., who says he has a solution to all of these problems.


  • 但是美国疾病控制预防中心(CDC)工作过的流行病学家医学人类学家大卫西想出一个解决方案

    But David Van Sickle, an epidemiologist and medical anthropologist who once worked for America's Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has come up with a solution.


  • 类似地,博伊(2008)有否研究纠错输出编码方案地方意义当地社会带来影响布鲁日市使用邮寄问卷调查访谈

    In a similar fashion, Boyko (2008) has studied the impact of the ECoC programme on place meanings for the local community in the city of Bruges, using a mail survey and interviews.


  • 兰德尔先生,请原谅。的确什么必要把整个方案完全推倒重做。

    I'm sorry, but I really don't see the value in doing this entire project over from scratch.


  • 公司总部位于美国伊利诺斯州芝加哥附近处理工艺过程处理化学品解决方案领导者主要服务领域水处理和过程处理。

    The Nalco Company, with headquarters near Chicago, Illinois, USA, is the world leader for integrated water treatment and process improvement, focusing on water treatment and process chemicals.


  • 难民专员办事处同意委员会建议:保护信息培训金方案进行正式评价

    UNHCR agreed with the Board's recommendation to conduct a formal evaluation of its Protection Information Section traineeship programme.


  • 通过部分参考调养方案拜纳姆过去几年稳步增加出场数:35,5065。

    With a better conditioning regimen partly mirroring that of Kobe Bryant, Bynum has steadily increased the games he's played in the past few years: 35, 50 and 65.


  • 篇陈述中同样包括了急性冠脉综合症患者血糖控制后结果,心血管医生提供了一个类似“总体参照”的指导框架不是仅仅像平时一样给予清楚治疗方案

    The evidence for glucose management in ACS is evolving, so the statement provides guidance framed as a "general reference" for cardiologists, rather than the usual clear treatment protocol.


  • 方案完成机械设计最终满足了肛肠手术综合要求

    The final mechanical design of this project fulfills the synthesized requirement for anorectal surgery.


  • 乔海城郊共和党代表最近投票要求保留伯克利担心的一个方案

    Joe Heck, the Republican who represents many of the city's suburbs, recently cast the sole Republican vote to preserve one of the programmes Ms Berkley is so worried about.


  • 培训涉及欧文斯·宁复合材料公司未来需求预测用户解决方案制定办法。

    Training also concerns the ways OCC can anticipate future needs and develop customized solutions.


  • 方案相位匹配条件可以自动满足但是倍频效率低。

    In Cerenkov second harmonic generation (CSHG) scheme, the phase matching condition is satisfied automatically, but the conversion efficiency is low.


  • 美国尼伯法兰球阀提供精确地、高性价比的工业流体控制应用方案

    NIBCO flanged ball valves provide precision, performance and value for industrial flow control applications.


  • 员工致力于客户提供增进绩效解决方案

    Crown's employees are focused on providing solutions that generate improved performance for our customers.


  • 本文根据曲靖地区某生产实际状态线性规划方法编制最优化的生产方案

    According to the real situation of the production of a factory of Qujing Prefecture, where the use the best Scientific production plan made on basis of linear programming.


  • 我们学生超过500荣誉方案一个研究最多可以借此荣誉学位课程的资格

    Most of our students study for one of more than 500 Dual honours programmes, where you can gain an honours degree level qualification in two subjects.


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