• 小学阶段教师充分发挥教学管理中的主导优势方向正确目标明确,思路清晰有的放矢就会收到良好教育效果

    At the primary stage, teachers should give full play to the leading edge of teaching management, direction to the right, goals must be clear, clear, targeted, will receive a good education results.


  • 尽管正确方向前进一步但是告诉从事应用程序开发用户程序员究竟发生了什么问题这些消息仍然是没有太大用处的。

    While this is a step in the right direction, it's still a pretty useless message in terms of telling the user or a programmer working on the application what actually went wrong.


  • 牢记一点只不过是一个介绍被设计用来帮助正确方向开始

    What is important to keep in mind is that this is merely an introduction designed to get you started in the right direction.


  • 说:“保证自己方向正确,千万等到事情脱离正轨补救。”

    "Make sure you are on track, don't just wait for things to go off the rails," she says.


  • 妇幼保健院坚持正确方向抓住妇幼卫生工作重点不能盲目综合医院攀比。

    MCH hospital should insist on the correct direction of running the hospital, seize the emphases of the MCH work, cannot implicate the synthetical hospital blindly.


  • 它们可以一些小成就必须是反映工作进展真凭实据,而且一目了然任何看到这些业绩的人都会相信正在沿着正确方向加速前进

    They may be small, but they need to be real evidence of progress and they need to be unambiguous: anyone seeing these results would be convinced you are achieving momentum in the right direction.


  • 使研究保持正确方向研究中处理已知未知关系”的态度对待学术争论

    To remain in the correct direction of the research, it is necessary to understand the relation between the "known" and "unknown" properly and face the academic contention with concord.


  • 不是关于如何找到正确方向而且关于怎么探索方向

    It "s not about having the right resources; it" s about exploiting the resources you do have access to.


  • 不过肯定我们能够逐步做到一步,前提是我们坚定行走正确方向包括坎昆峰会。

    However, I am certain the world can do this step by step, but only if we keep on walking firmly in the right direction, including at Cancun.


  • 然而,各个国家人为的压低力货币价值调整偏离正确方向

    K. need to spend less and save more. By fiddling with currencies, however, the adjustments needed are being deflected.


  • 一次1月26日的日蚀偏向帮助的,不管别人怎么相信自己的感觉,因为直觉会引向正确方向

    This eclipse on January 26 is supporting you in big way. Follow your heart, no matter what others tell you to do, for it is sure to lead you to precisely the right place.


  • 丹尼尔-德称,保证这种关系正确方向可以借助社交软件

    Keeping the relationship on track is where social software can help, says Daniel Debow.


  • 正确位置应该座椅接近方向、仪表台地方,保证座椅头枕的上边缘眼睛等高

    Correct position should be: don't be too close to front seats will be moved to the steering wheel, instrument desk, to the upper edge of the seat headrest to eye contour;


  • 接着测试我们确保这些改变已经开始朝着正确方向进行

    Testing is where we make sure the changes that have begun are heading in the right direction.


  • 不是关于如何找到正确方向而且关于怎么探索方向

    It's not about having the right resources; it's about exploiting the resources you do have access to.


  • 我们坚持正确前进方向可能不必去对遥远未来作具体设想描绘

    We must never deviate from the correct course of progress, but it is neither possible nor necessary to envisage or describe in great details the development course in the distant future.


  • 我们坚持正确前进方向可能不必去对遥远未来作具体设想描绘

    We must never deviate from the correct course of progress, but it is neither possible nor necessary to envisage or describe in great details the development course in the distant future.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定