• 应该世界传达一个信息,这个世纪美国打算维持加强我们领导地位

    It should also serve as a message to the world that the United States of America intends to sustain and strengthen our leadership in this young century.


  • 故事关键这个女孩成长电影明星,名字叫玛丽莲.梦露,而且这个梦想如此不羁的范围变成了现实,广阔世界已经拜倒她的脚下.

    The point of the story is that the little girl grew up to be a movie star named Marilyn Monroe, and the dream came true on such a preposterous scale that her new wide world has fallen at her feet.


  • 金融世界,一个理念没有个希腊字母代称就是完整的。

    In the world of finance no new idea is complete without its Greek letter.


  • 美国虽然世界最大能源生产国但是1979年骇人(致死)的核泄漏事故以来,还没有批准任何建造任何核电站

    America is the world's largest producer of nuclear energy, but has not approved a single new plant since a scary (but non-lethal) nuclear accident at Three Mile Island in 1979.


  • 世界复杂的,我们数字时代留在身后遗迹方式我们暴露于人前。

    The world is complicated -- and our dynamic digital fossils trail along behind us, exposing us in new ways.


  • IT世界出现任何趋势一样,所有的组织都必须考虑云计算带来好处风险以及怎么最好使用这项技术

    As with any new trend in the it world, organizations must figure out the benefits and risks of cloud computing and the best way to use this technology.


  • 就像几千突然倒塌柏林墙这次突然暴跌证实金融世界每个人都可以感觉到将即将到来是什么:一个纪元的到来。

    Like the abrupt fall of the Berlin Wall thousands of miles away, the collapse suddenly confirmed what everyone in the financial world could already feel in the wind: a new era had arrived.


  • 通信世界个人信息增多了,充满希望与人分享的数据可能还有一些你不希望人分享的信息。

    In the new messaging world, you have a higher profile, packed with data you want to share and possibly some you don't.


  • 这样世界培养人们想象力催发想法社会才会繁荣

    In such a world, societies that can nurture people with the ability to imagine and spin off new ideas will thrive.


  • 进去以后着脚尖房间另一个雍容富贵的房间,直到发现宴会厅为止。那有着世界第二地毯,它的影记,又出现墙上有着十九世纪末法国艺术派风格镜子

    Inside, tiptoe through room after glorious room until you emerge in the ballroom, with the second largest carpet in the world reflected in a long wall of art nouveau mirrors.


  • 中国人来说,这个起点非常吉利他们认为这个的60年中国成为世界最大经济体领导力量

    And, for many Chinese, it is an extremely auspicious one: the dawn of a 60-year cycle during which China will become the world's biggest economy and, they believe, its leading power. 2009.


  • AIX 6.1非常出色不要忘记IBM世界,AIX 6.16.0。

    AIX 6.1 is simply wonderful, but also remember that in the world of IBM, AIX 6.1 is the new 6.0.


  • 记得我们谈论千禧年的时候,这个问题变成了:过去的1000什么世界伟大的进步

    I recalled when we tipped over into this millennium. The question then: What is the greatest advance in the world in the past 1, 000 years?


  • DarkWaters世界魔法是个相对概念。

    Magic is a relatively new thing in the world of Dark Waters.


  • 《经济学人一份分析报告指出世界增长最快10经济体,至少有6个来自撒哈拉以南的非洲地区(上表)。

    An analysis by the Economist finds that over the ten years to 2010, no fewer than six of the world's ten fastest-growing economies were in sub-Saharan Africa (see table).


  • 这部影片也瞄准了可能造成现在大萧条大人物:阿兰·格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan),罗伯特·鲁宾Robert Rubin),拉·萨默斯Larry Summers)(他们人1999年得意洋洋地登上时代杂志封面,当时的题目是“拯救世界三巨头”)提姆·盖特纳(Tim Geithner)。

    Alan Greenspan, Robert Rubin, and Larry Summers (the three smugly depicted in that 1999 Time cover of the "committee to Save the world"), and Tim Geithner.


  • 对于任何惧怕世界同一化出现人们,地下罪恶世界看到的、听到以及闻到的仍能让他们耳目一

    For anybody who dreads the emergence of an undifferentiated world, the sights, sounds and smells of the criminal underworld are still refreshingly varied.


  • 你们可以回忆一下首诗其中叶芝想象一个世界,那世界鲜血开辟。

    You can look at it with those poems in mind where Yeats imagines a new world coming into being, ushered in through the blood of the old.


  • 发现博客世界,对博客评论部分有个的趋势

    I have noticed a trend present in the comments section of blog postings across the blogosphere.


  • 一项研究表明夜间一直沉浸电视智能手机客厅灯光带来绚丽世界可能置身于抑郁危险之中。

    Basking in the glow of your TV, smart phone or living room lights late into the night may put you at risk for depression, suggests a new study.


  • 世纪世界全球化文化多元化并存

    In the new century, the world of globalization and cultural diversity coexist.


  • 世界,会有什么事情如此紧迫以致不能年幼儿子体验一下自己靴子呢? 要知道,在一个四岁孩子生活,这可是件重要大事呀!

    Nothing in her universe was so pressing that it couldn't wait a few more minutes to let her young son try out his new boots-an important event in the life of any four-year-old.


  • Lithium本周发布套装工具,把之前论坛为中心的软件融入到了FacebookTwitter统治网络世界

    Released this week, Lithium's new suite takes their previously forum-centric software and ushers it in to a Web dominated by Facebook and Twitter.


  • 但是这个完全不同的世界,既有潘多拉这样显然广播路子的服务,也有Spotify这样的服务。

    In the new world, a different world, you have services like Pandora which is clearly radio.


  • 方案调查世界亚洲人历史他们美国文化贡献主意还有他们发挥在在现代美国生活中的领导作用

    This program examines the history of Asians in the New World, the ideas they have contributed to American culture, and the leadership they exert in modern American life.


  • 投票形式欧洲有利委员会9个欧洲成员国,欧洲人确信举行3世界,就有一欧洲举行

    The new voting format should benefit the Europeans, who have nine members on the committee and who believe that one in every three World Cups should be staged on their continent.


  • 投票形式欧洲有利委员会9个欧洲成员国,欧洲人确信举行3世界,就有一欧洲举行

    The new voting format should benefit the Europeans, who have nine members on the committee and who believe that one in every three World Cups should be staged on their continent.


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