• 对于半数美国新娘新郎来幸福美满的婚姻到头都会离婚痛苦结束

    FOR almost half of America's brides and grooms, wedded bliss eventually turns to divorce misery.


  • 筵席尝了并不知道那里,只有舀水的用人知道。 管筵席的便新郎

    When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom


  • 举行婚礼日子很快就到了新郎到新娘的家里,磨坊老板邀请了所有朋友亲戚参加婚礼。

    When the wedding day came, the bridegroom appeared. The miller had invited all his relatives and acquaintances.


  • 宝贝。”新郎转过身,“什么故事吗?”

    "You, my love," said the bridegroom, turning to her, "is there no tale you know?"


  • 小小新郎桑格拉在18个月大时候出第一。 当村里人注意到孩子的第一颗牙长在时,建议父母安排这么一场婚礼

    Parents of the groom, 18-month-old Sangula, were advised to arrange the marriage when they noticed a tooth growing from their infant son's upper gum.


  • 危地马拉婚礼习俗是新郎妈妈会在婚宴上打破一只白色欢迎新人

    At a Guatemalan wedding reception, the mother of the groom breaks a white bell to welcome the newlyweds to the party.


  • 新娘新郎也是雇佣的,假婚礼还会秘密男友或者感觉备受冷落的情人闹场

    The bride and groom are hired too, as is a secret boyfriend or spurned lover who arrives unexpectedly to disrupt the ceremony.


  • 看起中国婚礼一个很好的机会,让新郎新娘建立新的关系包括新的朋友关系,同时也是老朋友和家人重新相聚的好机会。

    Chinese wedding provides a good opportunity not only for the bride and bridegroom to build up a new relationship but also for the old friends and family members to get together.


  • 新郎:“下个星期天必须这儿。”已经邀请了客人我会一路,到时穿过树林找到

    "The bridegroom said," Next Sunday you must come out to me. I have already invited guests. I will make a trail of ashes, so that you can find your way through the woods.


  • 我们等待著完善正常婚礼新郎新娘留在教堂圣坛前。我们等了小时,但新郎都没有

    We expected a perfectly normal wedding until the groom left the bride at the altar. We waited for an hour but he never came.


  • 新娘父母新郎衣服珠宝嫁妆南亚几百年传统

    Paying and accepting dowry is a centuries-old South Asian tradition where the bride's parents gift cash, clothes and jewellery to the groom's family.


  • 婚礼之后新郎新娘通常会烧纸食物祭祀祖先。

    After the ceremony, the bride and the groom usually burn money and food as offerings to the gods.


  • 酒店老板,举行婚礼平均多少客人新娘250人,新郎一方差不多”。

    I asked him what the average number of guests at a wedding was, and he told me, "About 250 from the bride's side and about 250 from the groom's."


  • 新郎便摘下只钻石戒指,给手指上,说:“如果做好事的话,不论碰到什么困难,它都会帮助的。”

    The bridegroom slipped a diamond ring on her finger. "If you use it to a good end, this ring will help you in whatever situation you find yourself."


  • 还有民间习俗这样有趣的研究,如果新郎结婚的当天因故不能拜天地,就让他的姐妹公鸡代替

    As a result, people pay a great attention to this ceremony. An interesting custom is that if the groom cannot come to this ceremony, he should ask his sister to hold a cock instead.


  • 还有民间习俗这样有趣的研究,如果新郎结婚的当天因故不能拜天地,就让他的姐妹公鸡代替

    As a result, people pay a great attention to this ceremony. An interesting custom is that if the groom cannot come to this ceremony, he should ask his sister to hold a cock instead.


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