• 喜欢的诗歌收集你的笔记本中,你的朋友们也往里面增添些新诗歌

    Collect your favorite poems in a notebook and ask your friends to contribute to it.


  • 这本集子里,六十年代的旧书中选取了一部分诗歌,又添加一些诗。

    I've taken a few poems from that old Sixties book and joined them with new ones for this collection.


  • 葡萄园诗社同仁,学会诗歌艺术学会会员

    She is a member of the Vineyard Poetry Quarterly, New Poetry Association and Poetic art Association.


  • 诗产生以来都市诗歌一直处于一种边缘状态,对于都市特别是初期都市诗研究工作远远不够

    Since the occurrence of new poem, urban poetry has been marginalized, and the study of urban poetry, especial early urban poetry, is far from enough.


  • 本文通过相关史料的梳理呈现美国诗歌与“五四诗的交流状况的基础,揭示美国诗歌中国“五四”诗发生影响改变的事实。

    By combing and analyzing the related data, the dissertation shows that the American poetry exerts a good many influences upon the Chinese May Fourth new poetry based on their mutual communication.


  • 是否意味着美国诗歌中国五四诗的影响就小呢?

    Does this mean that the American influenced the Chinese May Fourth new poetry less?


  • 本文针对张中宇关于韵律中国诗歌繁荣对应关系观点进行了分析对中国诗中的韵律与诗歌繁荣的关系进行了讨论。

    This essay analyzes Zhang Zhongyu's idea on the relationship between the rhyme scheme and the prosperity of poetry and discusses the relationship in modern Chinese poetry.


  • 英语诗歌中国重要诗体资源

    English poetry is the most important style resource of Chinese modern poetry.


  • 英国诗选》产生影响只是外国诗歌中国影响一个表征而已。

    The influence of Selected English poems is just a superficial characteristic of the influence by foreign poems of China's new poems.


  • 那么风格如何,他的创作哪些方面、又是如何践行诗歌美学的,这些问题予以解决。

    Then how his style of poetry, his poetry writing from what and how did it live up to their poetic aesthetics, these issues be addressed in this chapter.


  • 废名饱含文化内涵诗歌想象创作不仅丰富30年代的现代诗坛而且给当下走向提供了一定启示

    The poetic imagination and creation filled with cultural connotation not only enriched the realm of 30's poetry but also left certain enlightenment of new poems.


  • 加坡华文审美传统中国诗歌一脉相承的。

    The new Chinese poetry in Singapore originated in China and its aesthetic tradition could be traced back to traditional Chinese poetry.


  • 美国诗歌中国“五四”关系极为密切

    The Chinese May Forth new poetry has a quite close relationship with the American poetry.


  • 对于何其芳杰出诗人,又是诗歌理论家。《预言》则是这位诗人的创作起跑点,是何其芳的一部个集。

    As regards new verse, he Qi-fang is both an outstanding poet and a theorist, whose Prophesy is not only his starting point in poetic writing but also his first personal collection.


  • 派对批评,五四文化派论争交锋火力点这种批评常与西方现代诗歌特别是意象主义和象征主义关联。

    The focus of contest between the May 4th new culture school and Xue Heng School is the criticism by Xue Heng School on New Chinese Poetry.


  • 而且萧红涉足文学最初创作诗歌最早发表的文学作品也是而不是小说散文

    Moreover, Xiao Hong's first involvement in literary creation is poetry; her literary work published earliest is also poetry, not novels or prose.


  • 的《诗选》霍汤-密林出版社出版2005年金斯莱·塔夫特诗歌

    His New and Selected Poems was published by Houghton Mifflin and won the 2005 Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award.


  • 外部空间合法性争取,首先要面对古典诗歌传统下的巨大阴影

    To gain the legality of "new poetry" in outer surroundings, the largest barrier is the great shadow thrown by tradition of classical poetry.


  • 在对本质诗歌本体构成质素艺术形式美探讨上,深受西方十九世纪浪漫主义唯美主义等现代文艺思想的影响。

    Discussing the essence, the composing element and the beauty in art of the poetry, he has deeply suffered by the western romanticism and estheticism of 19th century.


  • 英国诗选》产生的影响只是外国诗歌对中国诗影响一个表征而已。

    The influence of Selected English Poems is just a superficial characteristic of the influence b…


  • 中国具有两种传统”:其一古典诗歌传统关系,其二是自身传统

    New Chinese poems have 2 "traditions" : one is the traditional relationship between classical and new poems, and the other, the tradition of the new poems of their own.


  • 八十年代初理论界诗歌创作为切入点,展开关于诗创作的大讨论

    In the early 80s, theorists had an active discussion beginning with SHIJ Ting 's poems.


  • 2 0世纪中叶以来,我国诗歌写作教学出现了长达半个多世纪的“空白期”,严重阻碍了我国发展

    Since the mid 20th century there has been a long blank of about half a century in our teaching of poetry writing which has greatly restricted the development of Chinas new poetry.


  • 英国诗选》产生影响只是外国诗歌中国诗影响的一个表征而已。

    The influence of Selected English Poems is just a superficial characteristic of the influence by foreign poems of


  • 诗歌理想诗歌效用诗歌创作源泉问题阐述俞平伯观的基本内容。

    The expositions on such issues as the idealism and effectiveness of verse, the source of verse writing, etc. are cardinal components of Yu Pingbo's views on new verse.


  • 关心民瘼关怀民生,关注人民命运中国几千年诗歌五四以来诗的优秀传统

    Originally, it is a fine tradition of our modern Chinese poetry ever since the May 4th Movement to care about the common people with regard to their sufferings, daily life and eternal fate.


  • 部分诗歌翻译发表诗品》(第一卷)(云南大学出版社2008年1月版)。

    Some of her poetry translations have appeared in New poetry Appreciation (the 1st issue, Yunnan University Press 2008).


  • 五四时期(1917- 1927年)包括在内中国文学草创时期,更是中国诗歌脱胎换骨的时期。

    May 4th period (1917-1927) was the initial stage of Chinese new literature including Chinese new verse. It is in this period that Chinese poetry had undergone a thorough change.


  • 五四时期(1917- 1927年)包括在内中国文学草创时期,更是中国诗歌脱胎换骨的时期。

    May 4th period (1917-1927) was the initial stage of Chinese new literature including Chinese new verse. It is in this period that Chinese poetry had undergone a thorough change.


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