• 昨天我们参观码头

    Yesterday we visited the new port.


  • 系统码头锁控制上海是首次启用

    This is enabled by the new marina lock, the first of its kind in Shanghai.


  • 同时修筑条总长495公里私有铁路一个靠近Bowen的码头

    A private 495-kilometre rail line will be built, along with new jetties and ports near Bowen.


  • 另外希腊对大量码头建设需要也将适应大量不同船只船主们的需要。

    In addition, Greece needs new marinas to be built that will accommodate a wide variety of boats and boaters.


  • 构成三个主要方向之间结点游轮码头码头以及连接城市街道

    It constitutes a node between the 3 main directions: the new cruise ship quay, the new marina, and the new street linking to the city.


  • 整个项目的开发包括个有170个泊位码头、一个游艇俱乐部度假区游客凉亭、别墅以及酒店特色

    The full development includes a new, 170-berth marina plus yacht club and the resort will feature guest pavilions and villas as well as the hotel.


  • 累了超市便宜啤酒,然后到尼哈文(码头)或者公园里,和那些高价啤酒游客坐在一起喝。

    And you can always buy a cheap cold beer or two from a supermarket when you get tired of walking, then sit in Nyhavn alongside the tourists drinking expensive beers, or in a park.


  • 我们计划设想码头1639专门面向风力涡轮机离岸公司需要我们他们就我们的方案起草进行了具体讨论。”说。

    Our plans envisage new quays 1,630m long, specifically tailored to the needs of the wind turbine offshore companies with whom we have been in detailed discussion in drawing up our proposals, 'he said.


  • 那天丰田塔科马驶往码头海滩找到冲浪板

    That day, he climbed into his Toyota Tacoma and drove to Marina State Beach to try out a new surfboard.


  • 11那时,只要一有机会,就会到他家汉普郡湖心岛小屋码头钓鱼

    He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family's 1 cabin on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.


  • 迈克尔兄妹与其当地支持者虽震惊并未灾难所吓阻,他们举办一个设计码头比赛

    Devastated but undeterred by the disaster, the Michaels teamed with local boosters to hold a design competition for a new Grand Pier.


  • 如果沿着水边然后走台阶便会撞上码头无头其他鬼,教堂院子围墙还有鬼。

    If I go round by the water, and up by the steps, there is the headless one and another on the quays, and a new one under the old churchyard wall.


  • 城市变革引发了对金融交易场所需求码头成为构建伦敦水上华尔街的最佳场所。

    As the City's Big Bang led to a new demand for trading floors, Docklands was ideally suited to become London's Wall Street on water.


  • 2008年9月日本村证券以象征性价格收购了雷曼兄弟银行欧洲业务银行最近全体员工都搬迁到了距离金丝雀码头以西较远的大楼里。

    Lehman Brothers' European business was acquired by Nomura of Japan for a "nominal" amount in September 2008, and the bank recently moved its staff to a new building farther west of Canary Wharf.


  • 六月里,中国最大国有运输公司中国远洋运输公司(Cosco)中投标成功了,他们会希腊比里亚斯建造营动一个货柜/集装箱码头

    In June Cosco, the biggest Chinese state-owned shipping company, won a tender to build and operate a new container terminal at the port of Piraeus.


  • 11岁那时,只要一有机会会到他家汉普郡湖心岛上小屋码头钓鱼

    He was 11 and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family's cabin.


  • 三亚有足够码头容纳更多水面舰艇,这里一座更大的码头的司令部住宅房也大量建立起来。

    Sanya has piers necessary to base a far larger force of surface warships, a new large pier, and many new housing and headquarters buildings in this attractive resort area.


  • 11那时,只要一有机会,就会到他家汉普郡湖心岛小屋码头钓鱼

    He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family's cabin on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.


  • 渡轮今年连续第五天后宝诞期间提供往来北角码头大庙的特别渡轮服务

    This year is the fifth consecutive year that First ferry provides ferry service from North Point West Pier to Joss House Bay during Tin Hau Festival.


  • 渡轮今年连续第四天后宝诞期间提供往来北角码头大庙的特别渡轮服务

    This year is the fourth consecutive year that First ferry provides ferry service from North Point West Pier to Joss House Bay during Tin Hau Festival.


  • 本文介绍古老泉州建设成就客货码头建设采取工程措施

    This paper gives brief introduction to the achievement of port construction at the old and famous port of Quanzhou and the engineering measures taken in the construction of passenger and cargo wharfs.


  • 将要重置的天星码头会采用仿古设计,参照其1912年的设计特色,海滨长廊平添一点历史色彩。

    The reprovisioned Star Ferry Pier is designed with a historical heritage approach similar to the year 1912 design to add a little history to the new waterfront promenade.


  • 位置景湾码头附近公众洗手间后面

    The new location is at the rear of the public lavatory near the Discovery Bay pier.


  • 11时候,只要一有机会会到他家小屋所在汉普郡湖心岛码头钓鱼

    He was 11 years old and went fishing every chance he got from the dock at his family's cabin on an island in the middle of a New Hampshire lake.


  • 结合码头加深改造工程技术经济研讨,推出了一种码头结构型式——半遮帘式板桩码头结构,提出了相应的设计计算方法。

    Combining with the technical and economic study and discussion on deepening and reforming project of the terminal of some port, a new type of wharf structure I.


  • 由于结构型式具备一系列优点码头改造工程开辟一个思路

    The type of structure possesses a serious of advantages and it will create a new train of thought for wharf reforming project.


  • 分析结果表明南通河段河势格局基本稳定码头工程水域长江河势将会长期维持下去。

    The results indicate that the river-bed of Nantong reach is stable on the whole and Xinda dock waters will serve as a main channel over the long term.


  • 在对原有系统改造基础上我们按照有计划逐步替换原则设计实现一种码头管理系统。

    On the basis of the original system, in accordance with the principle of gradual replacement of the system, we design and implement a new terminal management system.


  • 1995年,码头拆卸渡轮航线亦取消,这里进行填海,西」的地段

    The ferries cancelled and the pier also demolished in 1995 for reclamation. The reclaimed land is the "West Kowloon" lots nowadays.


  • 迪拜风光图片集迪拜码头钓鱼人们尝试他们运气,有一个巨大的酒店用正餐厅联合组成。

    Fishermen try their luck from the railings of the Dubai Marina, a huge new hotel and dining complex.


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