• 于那些可能有太多脂肪的人来说,喝茶可以帮助他们在体内重新建立一个新的平衡。

    To those who may have too much fat, drinking tea can help them to recreate a new balance in their bodies.


  • 新建条目选择控制器需要展示选中的条目。

    New entry selection: the controller needs to present the newly selected entry.


  • 新建提要选择控制器需要加载展示选中的提要。

    New feed selection: the controller needs to load and present the newly selected feed.


  • 这些项目创造工作不只来自铺设铁轨或者路面,工作机会来自在镇里新建火车站或者匝道附近开设行业

    The jobs created by these projects didn't just come from laying down tracks or pavement. They came from businesses that opened near a town's new train station or the new off-ramp.


  • 创建资产简单方法使用新建资产向导。

    The easiest way to create a new asset is to use the new asset Wizard.


  • 他们联络机会(一个很好的借口),。他们喝酒一道晚餐创造机会探索领地

    This is a great time (and a great excuse!) to reconnect with these contacts-and, by meeting up with them for drinks or dinner, create another chance to explore your new turf.


  • 逐渐长大不能兄弟共居一个卧室时,地面上敲新的木桩用来测量房的地基

    When I became too old to share a bedroom with my brother, he pounded wooden stakes into the ground to measure the new foundation.


  • 新建家庭按理来说是不能再生我们了——一旦做到了,它就不再新的了——他们很多为之

    The new ones by definition cannot spawn usas soon as they do that, they stop being newbut there is plenty they can do.


  • 有时文档写到一半时候,为了给自己一种干净感觉我会新建开始一个新的主题

    Sometimes, in the middle of a document I will start a new topic on a fresh sheet to have that clean feeling.


  • 事实上即使逆向工程目标系统新建模,那么必须某个关键组件移植定型新的架构检查可能的。

    In fact, even if the target of the reverse-engineering is to remodel a system, it must also prototype the migration of some key component to the new architecture to check that it is possible.


  • 这些内容可以用来规划新的基础设施市民创造经常挤塞警报并分析网站位置

    This content can be used to plan new infrastructure, create alerts on regular congestion for the public and to analyze site locations for new construction.


  • 再次提醒鉴于企业拥有大量闲置建筑设备为什么还要修建新建购买新的设备呢?

    Again, given that businesses have plenty of idle structures and machines, why should they be building or buying even more?


  • 以后看来,ERI公司在海岸边非常非常繁忙。但是新业务的展望为时过早了。

    Eventually, ERI will be very, very busy inspecting new construction along the coast. But the expectation of new business is premature.


  • 人们不得不一头扎进去新建这些测试应对修改后代码。

    And you have to be able to go in and recreate those tests to reflect the new reality of the code.


  • 例如如果用户试图通过新建配置类型实例设置新的版本6的配置属性配置版本5的节点时,出现异常。

    For example, if the user tries to configure a V5 node by creating a new instance of a configuration type, or by setting a new V6 configuration attribute, an exception will be raised.


  • 新建业务项目可以添加新的模板没有属性

    The new business item could add new attributes that are not present in the template.


  • 不久之后新的物种就开始到处出现甚至是当地市场——新建道路促进野生动物捕猎交易

    Not long after, new species began turning up everywhere, even in local markets where new roads led to increases in wildlife hunting and trade.


  • 理论讲第二好处提供一项新的服务时,不必新建网络基础设施就可以快捷轻便的让新的服务授之于大众。

    The second advantage is that in theory, new services can be added far more quickly and easily, without the need to add any new network infrastructure.


  • 豪华影院正在兴起,发展缓慢每年新建不到300个放映厅与之相比中国每年新建2,500个放映厅。

    Swanky new cinemas are going up, but slowly: no more than 300 new screens a year, compared with 2, 500 in China.


  • 豪华影院正在兴起,发展缓慢每年新建不到300个放映厅与之相比中国每年新建2,500个放映厅。

    Swanky new cinemas are going up, but slowly: no more than 300 new screens a year, compared with 2,500 in China.


  • 打开新的工作区时看到用于创建项目向导发生了改变

    When opening a new workspace, you'll see that the wizard for creating a new modeling project has changed.


  • 可以凭借新的导入迁移特性ALM系统轻松移动任务,也可以在应用新建条目表示任务。

    New importing and migration features allow tasks to be easily moved between ALM systems and to be established as new items within an application.


  • 大城市外围新建巨型校园着动力站作用,培养新的有文化的一,它们最初建设时在人力物力严格限制的,现在一代人已经带动变革

    The huge new campuses on the outskirts of big cities were powerhouses, put up initially with strictly limited staff and resources to produce the new educated generation that has mobilised change.


  • 平凡无奇的材料技术工具简化筑物建造过程,同样也简化了踏入领域的人员的培训

    Common materials, techniques, and tools simplify the development of new buildings and also simplify the training of those entering the field.


  • 报告艾琳说,他家庭。 艾琳,已经开始期待开始一个新的家庭,来自国民谘询。

    There have also been reports that Elin is looking to start a family with her new man.


  • 他们了一个新的理论,即量子光学,用来解释那些经典物理学中无法解释东西。

    They are able to build and reconstruct states of light with intrinsic quantum properties, unexplainable in classical terms.


  • 古老里尔城市弗拉芒中心鹅卵石铺就的街道品质上等石雕清洗一新。新建咖啡馆精品店是生意兴隆。

    The Flemish centre of old Lille, with its cobbled streets and gilt-edged stonework, has been scrubbed up; new cafes and boutiques flourish.


  • 古老里尔城市弗拉芒中心鹅卵石铺就的街道品质上等石雕清洗一新。新建咖啡馆精品店是生意兴隆。

    The Flemish centre of old Lille, with its cobbled streets and gilt-edged stonework, has been scrubbed up; new cafes and boutiques flourish.


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