• 新奥尔良美国南部大都会

    New Orleans is the metropolis of the American South.


  • 美国世界来说,爵士乐一种新的音乐新奥尔良就是诞生地

    Jazz was a new kind of music, for America and the world, and New Orleans was its birthplace.


  • 2005年,为应对卡特里娜飓风美国邮政管理局将把新奥尔良收到的邮件改寄休斯敦现存邮局

    In response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, USPS redirected incoming New Orleans mail to existing mail facilities in Houston.


  • 小说散文新奥尔良评论》和《牛津美国人》上刊登。

    Her fiction and essays have appeared, most recently, in New Orleans Review and Oxford American.


  • 共和党特殊选举中赢得了新奥尔良美国众议院的一个席位

    The Republicans won a special election for a New Orleans seat in the House of Representatives.


  • 研究报告新奥尔良召开美国心脏病学会会议作出

    The study was reported at the meeting of the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans.


  • 多年来,新奥尔良一直美国谋杀犯罪案件高发城市。

    FOR years New Orleans has been the murder capital of America.


  • 气候变化加速了海水上涨2100年威胁美国180沿海城市,这其中受到严重影响的地方是迈阿密新奥尔良以及维吉尼亚海滩

    Rising seas spurred by climate change could threaten 180 U. S. coastal cities by 2100, a new study says, with Miami, New Orleans and Virginia Beach among those most severely affected.


  • 气候变化加速了海水上涨2100年威胁美国180沿海城市,这其中受到严重影响的地方是迈阿密新奥尔良以及维吉尼亚海滩

    Rising seas spurred by climate change could threaten 180 U.S. coastal cities by 2100, a new study says, with Miami, new Orleans and Virginia Beach among those most severely affected.


  • 长期以来美国谋杀之纽瓦克·路易斯新奥尔良却更为要命。

    But Newark, St Louis and New Orleans, long the nation's murder capital, have become even deadlier.


  • 爵士乐唱片古老美国铸币厂展出每年春天传统节日都会上演新奥尔良爵士乐。

    The jazz collection is displayed in the Old U.S. Mint. Each spring the city puts on the New Orleans jazz and Heritage Festival.


  • 新奥尔良独特的户家庭住宅引起美国建筑师学会关注

    This unique single family residential house in New Orleans also caught the eye of the AIA.


  • 想到美国人的信心之后新奥尔良卡特里娜飓风所摧毁?而二十一世纪,同样梦想正在被中国人的规模重塑。

    Who would have guessed then that this faith would crumble for Americans, paving the way for a post-Katrina New Orleans just as the dream was being reborn in 21st-century China at 10 times the scale?


  • 年前的8月29日卡特里娜飓风袭击了美国墨西哥湾沿岸地区,冲垮了防洪堤,使新奥尔良大片地区被

    Five years ago this Sunday Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf coast area and caused massive flooding in New Orleans after levees there failed to protect the low-lying city.


  • 精神病专家大师级音乐会钢琴演奏家RichardKogan医学博士APA(美国精神疾病协会)新奥尔良2010会上解密Copin心理音乐以及困厄与艺术之间联系

    Psychiatrist and master concert pianist Richard Kogan, M.D., will explore the mind and music of Chopin and the connection between his suffering and his art at APA's 2010 annual meeting in New Orleans.


  • CQ Press于本周一发布美国城市犯罪率年度排行榜新奥尔良成为去年全美犯罪率最高城市,过去年中,该市共发生了1.9万犯罪案件,其中包括209起凶杀案

    New Orleans had the highest crime rate of any U.S. city last year, with 209 murders and more than 19,000 reported criminal incidents, CQ Press reported on Monday in an annual ranking.


  • 因拍摄《华氏911》而一举成名的美国导演迈克尔·摩尔会把镜头对准最近袭击美国新奥尔良地区的卡特里娜飓风吗?

    Will Michael Moore turn his cameras on Katrina?


  • 新奥尔良作为爵士乐发源地,在非美国人和加勒比地区影响融合西班牙法国文化

    The home of jazz music, New Orleans is a blend of the Spanish and French culture with influences from Afro-American and the Carribbean.


  • 参议员听证会华盛顿展开同时海岸警卫队美国国家矿产局也在新奥尔良举行自己的听证会,完善关于事故原因的“理论”。

    While the Senate hearing was unfolding in Washington, the coastguard and the MMS held their own hearing outside New Orleans to look at the developing theories as to what went wrong.


  • 最近新奥尔良公司在全美国范围内针对酒店进行调查,该调查的结果向人们展示了消费者对墨西哥湾海产品的恶劣印象。

    A recent survey of restaurants around the country conducted by Greater New Orleans Inc. shows just how bad the perception is.


  • 今年超级创造美国电视收视纪录,1.065亿球迷通过电视收看新奥尔良圣徒队战胜印第安纳波利斯小马队的比赛。

    THIS year's Super Bowl set a record for the largest ever American television audience, with 106.5m football fans tuning in to see the New Orleans Saints triumph over the Indianapolis Colts.


  • 作为美国最为自豪城市之一新奥尔良特点的逐步消失,大部分可能会对一事实让感到伤悲。

    But for a city that is one of America's proudest, the confirmation that New Orleans' profile is ever-shrinking may hurt the most.


  • 作为美国最为自豪城市之一新奥尔良特点的逐步消失,大部分可能会对一事实让感到伤悲。

    But for a city that is one of America's proudest, the confirmation that New Orleans' profile is ever-shrinking may hurt the most.


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