• 一种新型流感病毒正在全球蔓延。

    A new influenza virus is spreading across the globe.


  • 了解新型流感起源

    A better understanding of how the new strain of influenza arose.


  • 过去的中,猪身上携带新型流感病毒一直发生着变化。

    Over the last ten years, new flu strains have been cropping up in pigs on farms and scientists don't know why.


  • 卫生部官员表示其它国家比较印度新型流感死亡率偏高。

    Ministry of Health officials said that compared with other countries, India, a new influenza mortality rates.


  • 新型流感病毒进入环境中以后,人类它们没有任何自然抵抗力

    When new influenza viruses are introduced into the environment, humans do not have any natural immunity to protect against them.


  • 消息这份研究发现新型流感基因材料迥异已知的病毒亲戚

    The worrying news is that the study found the genetic material in the new influenza is significantly different from that in its known close relatives.


  • 不过迄今为止,世卫组织印度境内新型流感感染密度列为温和

    However, to date, WHO will continue in India as a new type of influenza infection density moderate.


  • 新型流感A(H1N1)传播途径季节性流感类似 通过说话喷嚏咳嗽产生的飞沫

    The main route of transmission of the new influenza A(H1N1) virus seems to be similar to seasonal influenza, via droplets that are expelled by speaking, sneezing or coughing.


  • 欧盟委员会这种病毒命名新型流感病毒”,虽然描述得准确随着时间推移这种叫法难免被淘汰。

    The European commission is calling it the "novel flu virus", which as a description is accurate but will also become redundant as time passes.


  • 高致病性流感病毒(H5N1)一种严重危害人类健康新型治病源,新型流感的暴发流行有关

    Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1) is an emerging pathogen with the potential to cause great harm to humans, and there is concern about the potential for a new influenza pandemic.


  • 日本确认人死。 日本卫生事务大臣本周表示,确诊病例增加表明今年夏季新型流感传播速度超过预期

    The country has confirmed three deaths from the , and the health minister said Wednesday a rise in cases meant the new flu had spread more than expected this summer.


  • 明尼苏达州美国第三猪肉养殖卫生专家指出,周三他们开始称呼疾病为H1N1新型流感”。

    Minnesota is the nation's third-largest pig farming state, and its health experts said Wednesday they would be calling the illness "H1N1 novel flu".


  • 组织指出,迄至目前发现新型流感死亡病例,有44%与病人已经糖尿病、肺病心脏病以及艾滋病有关。

    World Health Organization says that, as to the present discovery of new influenza deaths, 44% of the patients had been suffering from diabetes, lung or heart disease, and AIDS-related.


  • 个月他们接受第一次甲流疫苗接种21天后超过85%的志愿者这种新型流感病毒菌株显示出了免疫力

    They got their first shot to test the vaccine about two months ago, and, after 21 days, more than 85 percent showed an immunity to this novel flu strain.


  • 新型流感基因材料的确流感人类感冒、流感的病毒大杂烩不过八种基因片段最近全部来自于猪只。

    The genetic material in them is indeed a hotchpotch derived from avian, human and swine sources, but all eight segments come most recently from pigs.


  • 目前大部分流感病例很轻微这次大流行严重程度远远低于1918年流感然而专家们担心新型流感越来越强。

    At present, most swine flu infections are mild, and the severity of the present pandemic does not come close to the 1918 flu, but experts worry that the new virus could become more virulent over time.


  • 一种新型流感病毒正在全球范围内蔓延。我们第一篇文章关于全世界下一次大范围爆发流感之前,是否做好了准备;第二篇是关于其预计开销

    A new influenza virus is spreading across the globe. Our first article asks whether the world is ready for the next pandemic. Our second assesses the economic costs.


  • 墨西哥流感疫情公布天后,对这种流感病毒于一身新型病毒来源搜索将目标对准三个地方。

    Five days since the announcement of Mexico's swine flu epidemic, the search for the source of the new virus that combines pig, bird and human influenza is focusing on three main possible sites.


  • 作者从理论上推测,老年受试者具有1918h1n 1流感病毒暴露史,使得这些老年人的免疫系统能够识别新型H1N1病毒。

    The authors theorized that exposure to post-1918 H1N1 human flu viruses had primed the oldest subjects' immune system to recognize the novel H1N1.


  • 新型病毒孩子数量本周快速攀升至76接近于2007年8月流感季节导致88名孩子死亡的数量。

    The number of children who have died of the new virus climbed rapidly to 76 this week, already nearing the 88 child deaths for the entire 2007-8 flu season.


  • 季节性流感变异缓和称为渐变;H1N1这样新型病毒株发生变异的时候就是突变

    When the mutations are gradual, as with seasonal flu, it is known as drift; when they are abrupt, as with the new strain of H1N1, you have a shift on your hands.


  • 季节性流感变异缓和称为渐变;H1N1这样新型病毒株发生变异的时候就是突变

    When the mutations are gradual, as with seasonal flu, it is known as drift; when they are abrupt, as with the new strain of H1N1, you have a shift on your hands.


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