• 城市支持者努力最终得到了回报,亚特兰大成为南方首府’。

    The efforts of the city's boosters eventually paid off, and Atlanta became known as' Capital of the New South.


  • 如同许多其他南部城市一样,亚特兰大南方代表一个希望信任代替恐惧和怀疑的地方

    Like many other Southern cities, Atlanta is representative of the new South, a place where hope and faith have replaced fear and doubt.


  • 虽然这些早期南方异议历史学家开辟了领域,但他们重复南方当局保皇派的负面看法,认为他们是可疑动机驱使的阴暗人物

    While these early historians of Southern dissent broke new ground, they also reproduced Confederate authorities' negative view of loyalists as shady characters driven by dubious motives.


  • 有一种说法条河流向转向南方他们只是顺着南方建造了城镇

    One theory is that the river's course shifted toward the South, and they simply followed it and built new towns to the South.


  • 智利拉西欧洲南方天文台发布的照片,我们可以看到:触手一样在太空中舞动,由热气形成的星云NGC 3582升起

    Like tentacles waving in space, large loops of hot gas rise from the nebula NGC 3582 in a new picture from the European Southern Observatory in La Silla, Chile.


  • 北方人眼里动摇南方根基搅乱民意投票能够削弱任何公认国家合法性

    In northern minds, destabilising the south and mucking up the referendum would undermine the legitimacy of any putative new country.


  • 亲眼目睹私人债务如何折磨南方种植园主乔治·华盛顿亚历山大·汉密尔顿的竭力劝说下接受公债巩固共和国财政

    George Washington, who saw how private debt plagued Southern planters, had to be persuaded by Alexander Hamilton to embrace public debt as a kind of financial cement for the new republic.


  • 整个南方采取了许多措施阻止类似的事情发生,一些地方宣布采取军事管制。

    New measures were approved throughout the South to prevent this. Military law was declared in some areas.


  • 他们亚特兰大是个南方城市保守音乐不会被接受。

    They said, you know, 'Atlanta is a Southern town, it's conservative, it's a social scene at the orchestra, new music isn't gonna fly.'


  • 所有这些计划为了建立南方梦寐以求苏丹:一个统一的、联邦制多民族国家,几十年来第一能够建立内部和平上。

    All these proposals were designed to create the New Sudan that southerners dream of: an integrated, federal and multiethnic nation that, for the first time in decades, could live at peace with itself.


  • 他们指出一些南方各州通过法律就是证据。

    As proof, they pointed to new laws the southern legislatures passed.


  • 星期三,该组研究人员一个发布会上这种既像类人猿又像人类混合特征表明这个物种南方古猿人类之间过度类型。

    This mixture of apelike and humanlike features suggests that the new species was transitional between the australopithecines and humans, the researchers said at a news conference on Wednesday.


  • 我们必须同心协力建立有助于消除分歧同盟——由不同信仰信念组成同盟;由南方北方东方西方黑人白人和黄种人组成的同盟。

    Together, we must build new coalitions that bridge old divides — coalitions of different faiths and creeds; of north and south, east, west, black, white, and brown.


  • 日本出台防卫计划大纲防卫重点转向西向。

    Q: the new National defense Program Outline of Japan to be released shortly will shift its defense focus to the Southwest.


  • 南方人物周刊》出现一个里程碑标志着我国杂志史上的杂志类群——综合性人物杂志诞生。

    Southern People Weekly is a milestone and it means the emergence of comprehensive people magazine in the history of magazine in China.


  • 不论这座冰山是否是温室效应先兆,明显,这座冰山对于往来于南方海域船只大危险因此卫星飞机密切观察的行踪。

    Whether or not the new iceberg is a harbinger of the greenhouse effect, it is clearly a hazard for ships plying the southern seas, and so satellites and planes will keep a careful watch on it.


  • 南方饭店需要一个接待员

    The southern restaurant needs a new receptionist.


  • 迹象表明一个不同南方正在过去黑暗中走出来。

    There are signs that a new different south is coming out of its dark past.


  • 一个两层亭式建筑,由产中国南方暗绿色石材覆盖,漂浮在上方用作亚洲协会入口

    A new two-story pavilion building, clad in dark green stone sourced from southern China, floats above, serving as the Asia Society's entrance.


  • 年前维拉兹盖兹回到出生岛上买了一幢房子工作室比较干燥的南方接近

    Several years ago, Velázquez returned to his native island and bought a new home and workshop in the dry southern part, near the city of Ponce.


  • 随着海王星逐渐离开事业南方节点依然你的事业线前方走低,已经有了一个的机会从事幕后工作

    With Neptune gone from your work sector and with the South Node keeping things on the down low on the career front, you've had a chance to work behind the scenes.


  • 然后允许前任南方邦联官员参加南方各州选举

    Then, he permitted former officials of the confederacy to run for office in their states' new elections.


  • 《太霞奏》押韵系统基本上按照《中原音韵》的体系,其中出现的一些例外大都由于南方方言影响造成。

    The versification system of Taixia Xinzou essentially conforms to that of Zhongyuan Yinyun, with some exceptions influenced largely by the Southern dialects.


  • 推出计算公式分别1464名北方青年2264名南方青年的身高体重进行分析,结果表明推出计算公式以往的计算公式符合我国的情况,因而更具有实用意义。

    It also showed that the ideal body weight of 1464 young men from north and 2264 from south calculated according to the formula seemed to be more reasonable than the another's formula used previously.


  • 推出计算公式分别1464名北方青年2264名南方青年的身高体重进行分析,结果表明推出计算公式以往的计算公式符合我国的情况,因而更具有实用意义。

    It also showed that the ideal body weight of 1464 young men from north and 2264 from south calculated according to the formula seemed to be more reasonable than the another's formula used previously.


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