• 新加坡国立大学统计数字显示超过40%的学生在学期间被迫工作放假期间,这一数字增加90%。

    NUS statistics show that over 40% of students are forced to work during term time and the figure increases to 90% during vacating periods.


  • 耶鲁很多国际计划没有海外计划名字预想方式放在新加坡国立大学去做

    While Yale has many international programs, it has not put its name on an overseas project the way it envisions doing at the national University of Singapore.


  • 新加坡国立大学巴里·哈利维尔同意上述关于活性氧自由基的说法,他说:“没有活性氧自由基人活不成谁也希望这样,但是最后也许正是它们要了。”

    "You cannot live without them, nor should you wish to, but they will probably help to kill you in the end," agreed Barry Halliwell of the National University of Singapore, of reactive oxygen species.


  • 但是毕业文凭没有完整耶鲁学位印章;学位新加坡国立大学颁发

    But the diplomas would lack the cachet of a full Yale degree; they would be issued by the National University of Singapore.


  • 马凯硕现任新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院院长,喜欢别人称呼他马教授,而不是马大使不过,他这本绝非学究气十足大部头作品,读起来也不觉得索然无味

    Mr Mahbubani is now dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, and prefers the title of professor to ambassador, but this is no dry scholarly tome.


  • 约翰•密细一个执教于新加坡国立大学美籍教授,专注于东南亚考古方面的研究。 他认为这些手工制作证明那时候是“工厂生产”。

    The handmade bowls give evidence of "factory-like production, " says John Miksic, an American professor at Singapore's National University who is an expert on Southeast Asian archaeology.


  • 乔森·威尔兹新加坡国立大学商学院副教授

    Jochen Wirtz is an associate professor at the National University of Singapore's business school.


  • 新加坡国立大学发现,会花大约20%时间上网员工比起那些工作时从不上网的员工的效率要高出9%。

    The National University of Singapore found that workers who spend 20 percent or less of their time browsing the Web are 9 percent more productive than those who never go online at all.


  • 邓永恒房地产金融系教授新加坡国立大学房地产研究院院长

    Yongheng Deng is a professor of finance and real estate and the director of the Institute of real estate Studies at the National University of Singapore.


  • 认为不会看到两国会改变其原子能利用计划,”新加坡国立大学能源政策助理教授BenjaminSovacool表示

    "I don't think you'll see countries that have already committed to nuclear plans change course," says Benjamin Sovacool, assistant professor of energy policy at the National University of Singapore.


  • [color=#444444]去年身着实验室白大褂,趋行于新加坡国立大学商学院走道时,迈克尔•塞弗(MichaelZyphur)必有令人突兀之感。

    [color=#444444]SCURRYING around the corridors of the business school at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in his white lab coat last year, Michael Zyphur must have made an incongruous sight.


  • 新加坡国立大学商学院院长KulwantSingh课堂上告诉我们

    That's what Kulwant Singh, Dean of the National University of Singapore's Business School, told us each day when we entered his classroom.


  • 重要一点新加坡国立大学作为地域教育中心,凭借耶鲁名字提高声誉

    The last point is important because it's the Yale name that NUS actually bought to improve its reputation as a leading regional education centre.


  • 研究小组包括新加坡国立大学上海癌症研究所研究人员,将尿中NNAL水平分为、中和三类

    The team, which included researchers at the National University of Singapore and the Shanghai Cancer Institute, divided NNAL urine levels into low, medium and high categories.


  • 今年纽约大学法学院新加坡国立大学法律系发起了一个法学学士JD双学位课程

    This year, New York University School of Law and the National University of Singapore Faculty of Law launched a bachelor of laws and J.D. dual degree program.


  • Zyphur博士(现在墨尔本大学)在新加坡国立大学时候,领导了一项研究睾丸激素怎样团体个体地位集体效率联系起来的。

    When Dr Zyphur (who is now at the University of Melbourne) was at the NUS, he led a study of how testosterone is related to status and collective effectiveness in groups.


  • [color=#444444]供职于墨尔本大学塞弗博士新加坡国立大学主持了有关睾丸激素集体中的状态与综合效应相关性的研究

    [color=#444444]When Dr Zyphur (who is now at the University of Melbourne) was at the NUS, he led a study of how testosterone is related to status and collective effectiveness in groups.


  • 童贵卿马来西亚人目前新加坡国立大学社会系博士生

    Joy Tong is a Malaysian, now a PhD candidate in the sociology department in National University of Singapore.


  • 新加坡国立大学则成为亚洲最贵大学

    National University of Singapore was the most expensive in Asia.


  • 我们新加坡国立大学世界一流大学

    We went to NUS( the National University of Singapore), which was one of classical universitys of the world.


  • 高兴来到新加坡国立大学利用用“新加坡讲座”这个平台,各位同学各界朋友见面。

    I am delighted to come to the National University of Singapore and talk to you as a guest speaker of Singapore Lecture.


  • 这些结果上个月新加坡国立大学研究结果相左那个研究发现因为全球变暖鸟类哺乳动物在缩小

    The findings are at odds with research from the National University of Singapore last month, which found birds and mammals are shrinking because of global warming.


  • 新加坡国立大学蛋白质蛋白组学研究中心网站

    This is the website for Protein and Proteomics Centre of the National University of Singapore.


  • 本文介绍了新加坡国立大学图书馆概况以及一些特色服务展示了学校中的学术地位价值

    This article introduced the survey of this library as well as its some special services and demonstrated the academic status and the value of this library in National University of Singapore.


  • 拥有新加坡国立大学工商管理硕士学位。

    She also holds a Master of Business Management from the National University of Singapore.


  • 本次研讨会会与2012年223日(星期四)2月24日(星期五)新加坡国立大学举行

    The Workshop will be held at NUS in Singapore from Thursday, 23 February to Friday, 24 February 2012.


  • 新加坡国立大学拥有110悠久历史,亚洲乃至世界知名高校。

    With a history of 110 years, the national University of Singapore is renowned both in Asia and internationally.


  • 李光耀公共政策学院于2004年新加坡内阁资政李光耀正式开幕新加坡国立大学研究生学院。

    The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) was officially opened in 2004 by the Minister Mentor of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew as a graduate school of the National University of Singapore.


  • 李光耀公共政策学院于2004年新加坡内阁资政李光耀正式开幕新加坡国立大学研究生学院。

    The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKYSPP) was officially opened in 2004 by the Minister Mentor of Singapore, Mr Lee Kuan Yew as a graduate school of the National University of Singapore.


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