• 平顶山市中原地区一个新兴能源城市农业大市

    The even crest Pingdingshan city is Central plains a newly arisen energy city, agriculture big city in the region.


  • 作为新兴能源行业光伏行业发展潜力巨大并且具有重要战略意义。

    As an emerging energy sector, there is a great potential for the development of the photovoltaic industry, and it is of strategic importance.


  • 建筑能源消耗全球总能耗中占有很大份额世界各国太阳能这一新兴能源运用建筑领域。

    The building energy consumption accounts for a large share in the global, the countries of all over the world has emerging solar energy used in construction.


  • 现代太阳能工业建立于1974,是石油之后新兴能源,太阳能逐步变为世界优先采用的能源

    GeneralThe modern solar industry was founded in 1974, following the original oil embargo of the previous year. In the years which followed, energy in all its forms became a national priority.


  • 建立一个国家新兴能源发电统一标准有助于统一美国零散电网系统是广泛采用风能太阳能发电重要一步

    Establishing a national renewable electricity standard will help to unify the fragmented U.S. grid systeman important step in the wider adoption of using more wind and solar for energy generation.


  • 为了排除新兴能源效率领域微软本周早些时候发布霍姆测试应用程序,业主如何削减他们能源法案意见

    Not to be left out of the burgeoning energy efficiency area, Microsoft earlier this week released the beta of Hohm, an application that gives homeowners advice on how to cut their energy bills.


  • 榆林矿产资源极为丰富,集四大资源于一体,素有中国科威特”之美誉,正在崛起中国新兴能源化工基地

    Yulin, is rich in mineral resources which include coal, gas, oil and salt, known as "China's Kuwait", is Chinese rising emerging energy chemical industry base.


  • 新兴市场穷人而言,由于食品能源价格占据了消费支出大一部分,这些价格上涨给他们带来了不成比例的威胁

    These price increases posed a disproportionate threat to poor people in emerging markets because food and energy costs represented a larger part of a consumer's spending.


  • 新兴市场(甚至替代能源股票)可能赢家

    This time round, emerging markets (or even alternative energy stocks) might be the big winners.


  • 与此同时能源强度大大降低,这主要得益于新兴经济体正在迅速采取提高能效的措施。

    At the same time, energy intensity is set to fall globally, thanks in large part to energy efficiency gains in emerging economies.


  • 由于不健全的制度食品能源家庭支出中所高比例新兴市场通胀尤其敏感。

    High inflation is particularly destabilising in emerging markets with weaker institutions and where food and energy costs represent a larger share of household budgets.


  • 非盈利组织提供大量资金新兴技术上,为了能够使得成果成为可能并且节约能源

    Nonprofit organizations also supply grant money for emerging technology that enables the production and conservation of energy.


  • 更多能源特别是绿色技术感兴趣这些领域很大增长空间,特别是新兴市场引入技术方面。

    A larger number are interested in energy, particularly in the space of green technologythere's a lot of room for growth, particularly in introducing new technologies in an emerging market.


  • 去年PPLE.O N手中购买了位于肯塔基的能源公司,E.O N出售资产为了偿还债务以及新兴市场扩张

    Last year PPL bought two power companies in Kentucky from E.ON, which is selling assets to help pay off debt and expand in emerging markets.


  • 他建议投资者关注消费能源材料亚洲地区新兴环保产业。

    Focus on the consumer, energy, materials, the emerging Asian environment plays.


  • 此次福岛事件,最主要影响在于对当前世界迫切需要新兴能源严重打击

    But the effects of this unique accident on the renewed drive for the nuclear energy that the world so desperately needs may be seriously damaging.


  • 西方石油巨头股票的可流通股票占总股本比例也明显高于新兴市场的大型能源公司

    And Western majors enjoy much higher free floats than large, emerging-market energy companies.


  • 此同时具影响力,有数以千计新兴企业投入到了网络科技的领域,还有诸如低耗能照明移动通信应用等清洁能源科技产品的领域。

    And most significantly, there are thousands of new startups that are building web technologies, clean-tech products like low-power lighting, and mobile applications.


  • 新兴经济体世界能源消费的比重将目前1/2增加2/3。

    Their share of global energy consumption is likely to reach two-thirds by 2030 from about half today.


  • 甘蔗巴西种植五百目前巴西更是全球最大甘蔗出口国现在甘蔗形成新兴农工业再生能源复合体核心

    Sugar has been grown in Brazil for 500 years, and the country is by far the world’s biggest exporter of it. But sugar now also forms the nucleus of a new agro-industrial and renewable-energy complex.


  • 但是一个新兴领域我们不经意的时候就转化了能源

    But a growing field is tapping into our energy without our even noticing it.


  • 过去年中这些新兴国家石油消耗量增长了五分之四,表明石油价格飞涨主要原因这些国家对能源巨大需求

    The oil price has risen mainly because of strong demand in emerging economies, which have accounted for as much as four-fifths of the total increase in oil consumption in the past five years.


  • 他们计算49个国家已经再生能源方面制订政策,这些政策促使清洁能源公司快速增长包括新兴巨大市场比如巴西中国印度

    By their count, 49 countries have policies on renewables in place that will foster rapid growth at clean-energy firms, including big emerging markets such as Brazil, China and India.


  • 东海岸破败不堪的港口希望于从外国能源公司北海新兴海洋可再生能源产业分一杯羹。

    Rundown ports on the east coast are wooing foreign engineering firms in the hope of becoming suppliers to the burgeoning offshore renewable industry in the North Sea.


  • 东海岸破败不堪的港口希望于从外国能源公司北海新兴海洋可再生能源产业分一杯羹。

    Rundown ports on the east coast are wooing foreign engineering firms in the hope of becoming suppliers to the burgeoning offshore renewable industry in the North Sea.


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