• 相信,我贝琪·赖特迪克·莫里斯、戴维·沃特金有能力应付可能发生的一切但是担心切尔西其他人爸爸坏话有何反应

    I felt confident that Betsey Wright, Dick Morris, David Watkins, and I could deal with whatever came up, but I was concerned about how Chelsea would react to people saying bad things about her father.


  • 研究美国布朗大学·麦克德莫特、加利福尼亚的詹姆·福勒哈佛大学尼古拉·克里塔基进行的。

    The study was carried out by academics Rose McDermott at Brown University, James Fowler at the University of California and Nicholas Christakis at Harvard.


  • 今年早些时候授爵学者莫里斯·哥莱就是支持者之一

    Maurice Glasman, an academic who was ennobled earlier this year, is one proponent.


  • 莫里斯·迈纳也曾写过关于时代精彩小册子,严格意义不是一本传记

    Maurice Meisner wrote a book of marvelous verve about Deng and his era, but it doesn't actually contain that much in the way of biography.


  • 路易莫里斯公寓的门口没有洋基球场罗雷莱有。

    But the Lewis Morris didn’t have Yankee Stadium at its door; the Lorelei did.


  • 克里克写信合作者莫里斯·威尔金博士,庆幸一位女性合作者罗莎林德·富兰克林退出

    Crick writes to collaborator Dr. Maurice Wilkins and praises the exit of a female collaborator, Dr. Rosalind Franklin.


  • 2005年,莫里斯·尼古拉·拉蒂计算的结果是人民币低于其应有价值的20- 25%,人民币以后开始升值然而顺差加倍了

    In 2005 Messrs Goldstein and Lardy reckoned that the yuan was 20-25% undervalued; it has since risen by that, yet the surplus has doubled.


  • 非裔美国人来自阿拉加州丈夫莫里斯五个孩子条狗,连同290美金刚刚到达这里。

    Just as I was losing hope, I came across Vanessa. An African American from Alaska, she had just arrived in Vegas with her husband Maurice, their five youngest kids, a dog and $290.


  • 因为霍华德祖父莫里斯曾经发明了LBBC公司的快锁定柜门,所以来自格拉哥的发明者·沙利文才会选择与这家公司展开合作。

    LBBC's Quicklock door, invented by Howard's grandfather Maurice, was the reason inventor Sandy Sullivan from Glasgow-based Resomation Limited chose the firm.


  • 童年好友起)梅丽莎•兰奏娃凯、莫珍妮•巴耶、童雅•克里托弗、当•伊苟爱丽森•托姆共同持有一本集体日记帮助她们保持紧密即使她们她们不同

    Childhood friends (from left) Melissa Lanzourakis, Morgenne Basye, Tonya Christopher, Dawn Eagle and Alison Storm keep a group diary to help them stay close, even though they live in different states.


  • 英国普利茅大学心理学讲师莫里斯叫做"时间接近",29%属于这种行为。

    This is called a "temporal contiguity" error, according to Paul Morris, a psychology lecturer at England's University of Portsmouth. He says it occurs in about 29% of fake injuries.


  • 理查森以抒情笔触摹状痴迷爱情心灵感受到每一次隐秘震颤,《莫里斯·格特》也由此而得以跻身于《包法利夫人》、《安娜·卡列尼娜》之列。

    Maurice Guest joins Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina, as the lyrical sweep of Richardson's prose reveals every intimate tremor felt by a human heart obsessed with the love of another. Carmen Callil


  • 克里汀娜·霍夫。索(Christina Hoff Sommers)美国企业学院学者(resident scholar),著有包括对抗男孩战争》等部书

    Christina Hoff Sommers is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. She is the author of several books, including the War Against Boys.


  • 得克萨科伊. 莱森尼尔.莫里斯1991因伪造罪缓刑3并处1200美元罚金.

    Scoey Lathaniel Morris, of Crosby, Texas, sentenced in 1991 to three years of probation and $1, 200 restitution for counterfeiting offenses.


  • 承认,他对富勒姆英格兰u 21队中场核心克里·莫林感兴趣

    He has also admitted that he has an interest in the Fulham and England Under-21 centre-half Chris Smalling.


  • 保罗伦南克里托弗•阿莫并不否认deCODE公司第15号染色体研究蕴含着一些至关重要的东西。

    Paul Brennan and Christopher Amos both agree that something significant is going on in the part of chromosome 15 studied by deCODE.


  • 作者克里·参加了一个兹郎(Couserans)地区的徒步假日游客可以亲身体验这个古老庆典活动。

    Chris Moss joins a walking holiday in the Couserans that lets visitors join in the centuries-old festivities.


  • 海恩莫里斯公司周一公布公司7月份可比店面销售额增加10%,销售额增长21%。

    It said Monday that its comparable sales rose 10% in July while total sales climbed 21%.


  • 克里莫林了解自己很难周一与阿森纳比赛中获得出场机会,虽然这位年轻后卫表示自己整装待发。

    Chris Smalling accepts he's unlikely to feature against Arsenal on Monday night, although the young defender says he's more than ready to step in if required.


  • 博利育成莫里斯·卡弗埃迪·克劳(熟悉)1969年。

    Bolio was bred by Maurice Carver and Eddie Klaus (familiar of mine) in 1969.


  • 外套队的艾斯-克努发出球后,火焰队的德里克·莫里斯击歪了,导致冰球直接越过拉网后玻璃,正中女孩的左太阳穴位置。

    A shot by the Blue Jackets' Espen Knutsen was deflected by the Flames' Derek Morris and went over the glass behind the net, striking her in the left temple.


  • 朱利安莫里斯亚历克先生鼓励朋友

    Julien: You see, Maurice, Mr. Alex was grooming his friend.


  • 威廉·莫里斯真正成长起来附近牛津,这座泰晤士河查尔韦河包围城市始终庇护着威廉·莫里斯和他的汽车梦想

    William Morris is the real Worcester grew up near Oxford, the search Helveg in the River Thames and surrounded the city, always sheltered the William Morris and his dream car.


  • 父子店主普拉特克里莫拉莱拘泥细节,将药草香料金黄色的面包上甚至翅膀和腿”用颜色较深全麦面粉代替

    Sticklers for detail, father-son owners Pratt and Chris Morales sprinkle herbs and spices on the golden-brown loaf, and even substitute darker whole wheat flour for the "dark meat" wings and legs.


  • 一发现科学家詹姆士·沃森,弗朗西·克里克莫里斯·威尔金赢得了名利。

    The discovery brought fame and fortune to scientists James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Willkins.


  • 戈弗雷·菲利普执行副总裁妮塔·卡普尔万宝路菲利普·莫里斯质量标准制成的。

    Godfrey Philips executive V-P Nita Kapoor said Marlboro is being made as per Philip Morris quality standards.


  • 戈弗雷·菲利普执行副总裁妮塔·卡普尔万宝路菲利普·莫里斯质量标准制成的。

    Godfrey Philips executive V-P Nita Kapoor said Marlboro is being made as per Philip Morris quality standards.


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