• 说:“感到震惊愤怒使用真人照片合成恐怖分子画像,真是无耻至极。”

    "I was surprised and angered because it's the most shameless use of a real person to make up the image of a terrorist, " Llamazares said.


  • 那里,他被一个澳大利家庭收养,并坐飞机去到了塔斯马

    There, he was adopted by an Australian family and flown to Tasmania.


  • 澳大利80%鲸鱼搁浅发生斯马附近时,盖尔团队必须继续寻找答案

    When 80% of all Australian whale strandings occur around Tasmania, Gales and her team must continue in the search for answers.


  • 非常奇怪的是,那个来自德拉的男人没有笑出声了脸,好像对成内说的话感到非常惭愧。

    Strangely, the man from Madras was not grinning; he had turned his face away, as if he were ashamed at what Chenayya had said.


  • 约翰·亨特澳大利斯马大学海洋学家,认为研究站得住脚的那些准备撤退的人来说是个好消息

    John Hunter, an oceanographer at the University of Tasmania in Australia, says the study is solid, and good news for those preparing evacuations.


  • 来自伯南布哥联邦大学塔沃马亚戈麦到,干旱地区受益于果园和谷物业农场,轻工业扩展.

    The drylands have also benefited from an expansion of fruit and grain farming and of light industry, says Gustavo Maia Gomes of the Federal University of Pernambuco.


  • 新南威尔士昆士兰橄榄球维多利澳大利斯马西澳大利和北领地则是澳式足球根据地。

    New South Wales and Queensland are the rugby states; Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory are strongholds of Australian rules football.


  • 近期评估报告表明较为凉爽地区例如澳洲新南威尔士州维多利斯马等地的桉树林大约有640吨/公顷碳储存能力

    In Australia, recent estimates show that eucalyptus forests in cooler regions such as southern NSW, Victoria and Tasmania have a carbon-carrying capacity of about 640 tonnes a hectare.


  • 基因排序表明病毒起源于尼日利输入但是无法确定该病毒肯尼传播多长时间。

    Genetic sequencing indicates a virus of Nigerian origin, imported from Kismayo, Somalia; however, it is not possible to determine how long the virus has been circulating in Kenya.


  • 今天澳大利野生动物救助者正在喷气滑水艇小船拯救200头巨头鲸还有几只海豚,他们澳大利斯马之间一个岛屿搁浅了。

    Australian wildlife rescuers were using jetskis and small boats today to try to save nearly 200 pilot whales and a small pod of dolphins beached on an island between the mainland and Tasmania.


  • 斯马岛上袋鼠找到一种消磨时间方式或许可以解释澳大利出现神秘麦田怪圈现象

    The marsupials of Tasmania have found a means of passing the time on Australia's island state that could also explain mysterious local crop circles.


  • 维多利澳大利斯马西澳大利北领地则澳式足球根据地。

    Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia and the Northern Territory are strongholds of Australian rules football.


  • 清晨薄雾澳大利斯马西南富兰克林

    Morning Mist, Rock Island Bend, Franklin River, south-west Tasmania, Australia.


  • 掌管王府库儿子斯马

    Azmaveth son of Adiel was in charge of the royal storehouses.


  • 澳大利斯马的507,600在上院拥有新南威尔士7百万人相同权重

    In Australia the 507, 600 people of Tasmania have the same weight in the upper house as the 7m who live in New South Wales.


  • 鲍勃·利曾说过给影响最大个人分别是泛非主义者库·维和埃塞俄比国王海尔塞拉西。

    Bob Marley stated that his two biggest influences were the pan-Africanist activist Marcus Garvey and King Haile Selassie of Ethiopia.


  • 纳米比大学校长拉扎-汉古拉努乔先生所作决定全校学生教职工来说令人欢欣鼓舞的”。

    The university's vice-chancellor Lazarus Hangula said Mr Nujoma's decision was a "cause of jubilation" for staff and students alike.


  • 贝卢科尼已经原谅了袭击者西莫·塔尔塔·格里。据说此人患有精神病,目前仍拘留中。

    Berlusconi says he has forgiven attacker Massimo Tartaglia, who has been described as mentally ill and remains in custody.


  • 范围树木受到严重的损害,”力杭德罗·埃尔南德·莫罗。 他家住巴达附近的赫德罗卡巴尔利诺,每年500头猪

    "There are huge areas of trees which have been seriously damaged, " said Alejandro Hernandez Matamoros, whose family breeds 500 pigs annually in Jerez de los Caballeros near Badajoz.


  • 其他一些值得一提的二轮秀包括c.j迈尔伊利·索瓦,罗尼图里夫,辛戈塔特,冯韦佛里安·戈麦

    Other useful second-rounders from that draft include C.J Miles, Ersan Ilyasova, Ronny Turiaf, Marcin Gortat, Von Wafer and Ryan Gomes.


  • 如果教练依然拒绝改变阵型把他们同时派上场的话,·费尔南得乔治·巴尔迪维就要继续球队组织者的位置而竞争

    Matias Fernandez and Jorge Valdivia are still competing for the playmaker position, as the coach refuses to change the shape and pick both.


  • 皇家德里:伊瓜因,本,范尼奈德......这些仅仅板凳球员们(尽管卖掉罗本奈德)。

    Real Madrid: Higuaín, Robben, Van Nistelrooy, Sneijder, Diarraand that's just the players on the bench. (Although Madrid would like to get rid of Sneijder and Robben still).


  • 澳大利清晨薄雾中,从西南方塔斯马潺潺流过的富兰克林在蜿蜒的洛克群岛中穿行,张栩栩如生的照片中,河流自由流淌。

    Morning Mist, Rock Island Bend, Franklin river, Southwest Tasmania, Australia. This iconic photograph was instrumental in allowing the rivers to run free.


  • 澳大利斯马大学Will Howard这个发现将来可以帮助预测大洋环流如何影响二氧化碳浓度

    The findings could help predict how ocean circulation will affect atmospheric CO2 levels in future, says will Howard of the University of Tasmania, Australia.


  • 智利前锋线杀手,洛·萨拉98年世界杯打入这一纪录应该是苏努力的目标。

    Chile's last striking hero, Marcelo Salas, scored four goals at the 1998 World Cup, a record Suazo will be looking to emulate.


  • 意大利切万顿的进球帮助塞维利2球击败对手,西班牙人赛季第一场失败积分滑落第8

    Italian Enzo Maresca and Ernesto Chevanton were on target to help Sevilla move two points off the lead, while Espanyol slip to eighth after their first defeat of the season.


  • 意大利切万顿的进球帮助塞维利2球击败对手,西班牙人赛季第一场失败积分滑落第8

    Italian Enzo Maresca and Ernesto Chevanton were on target to help Sevilla move two points off the lead, while Espanyol slip to eighth after their first defeat of the season.


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