• 意大利拿坡附近湖。

    Avernus is a small lake near Naples, Italy.


  • 让埃·感到自豪他们拥有共和国最大——“释迦摩尼金色寺院”,那儿有全欧洲最高大的

    Elista's pride is the largest Buddhist temple in the republic - "the Golden Cloister of Buddha Shakjamuni" where the highest in Europe Buddha statue is situated.


  • 一些容易成为校园笑柄英国过去一个世纪下降75%,这些姓氏包括考克夏特、鲍尔、戴和苏鲍特姆。

    The number of people in Britain with surnames like Cockshott, Balls, Death and Shufflebottom-- likely the source of schoolroom laughter--has declined by up to 75 percent in the last century.


  • 我们提升防守密度他们带来了麻烦,”里佛这样谈他们下半场防守,下半场尼克命中率只有32.6%(43投14中),安东尼只有11投1中的惨淡表现。

    "We upped our intensity and it created problems," said Rivers of their second-half defense, which held the Knicks to 32.6 percent (14-of-43) and Anthony to 1-of-11 over the final two quarters.


  • 其他一些值得一提的二轮秀包括c.j迈尔伊利亚·索瓦,罗尼亚夫,马辛戈塔特,冯韦安·戈麦

    Other useful second-rounders from that draft include C.J Miles, Ersan Ilyasova, Ronny Turiaf, Marcin Gortat, Von Wafer and Ryan Gomes.


  • 于是最快的速度赶到了雷一部电话。

    so Harry went fast as he could to Rivers ‘s place , where there’s a telephone .


  • 这个思想首先州立大学心理学家安得·艾利克森所拥护说法为:任何个人大约1万小时练习,方能成为专家

    This is the idea, first espoused by K. Anders Ericsson, a pyschologist at Florida State University, that it takes about 10,000 hours of practice before any individual can become an expert.


  • 芝加哥公牛队副总裁·克劳朋友蒂姆·罗伊德于7月13日造访了该队,他认为是芝加哥公牛队新任教练首要候选人

    Tim Floyed,a good friend of the Chicago Bulls vice president Jerry Krause, interviewed with the team July 13 and was considered the leading candidate for the Chicago Bulls' new head coach.


  • 离开卡梅隆,”波士顿教练里佛说道,“我们侥幸胜利了。”

    "When it left Carmelo's hands," said Boston coach Doc Rivers, "I was thinking we got away with it."


  • 从“特”先生的“男人洞穴”出来,跨过条小河,爬上陡峭山坡,就到了“特”女士维多利亚式的小别墅了,干净得如果夏日l的一抹白云,精巧的窗帘前盛开着蓝相间牵牛花儿......

    Across a stream and up a steep hill is Ms. Foster’s Victorian cottage. With lavender blush white petunias in a window box and lace curtains, it is clean as a summer cloud.


  • 一个山脉,麦克韦·蒙特达到以上的伊师塔地周围12罗狄忒兵马俑已经扩展到数千山谷庞大体系

    There is a large mountain range, Maxwell Montes, reaching 12km above the surroundings in Ishtar Terra, while Aphrodite Terra has a vast system of valleys spanning thousands of kilometres.


  • 妈妈爸爸种叫做“绝对芯片”的人体植入电子装置第一自愿试验者。

    Derek, his mom Leslie and his dad Jeffrey are the first volunteer test subjects for a new, implantable computer device called VeriChip.


  • 克·塞身世是杰逊以及全部的可都相当了解的。

    The story of Phrixus was well known to Jason and to all the people of Iolcus.


  • 除了一次躲避在贫民窟时候我自称兰德太太

    Except that once, as before, I called myself Mrs. Flanders, when I sheltered myself in the Mint.


  • 他们儿子成为美国第一个电子人家庭准备好“植入芯片”了吗?

    Jeffrey, Leslie and their boy Derek will be America's first cyborg family. Are you ready to "Get Chipped"?


  • (以及周围奇蒙)海平面海平面以下后院浸水草地妨碍露天宴会的举行。

    Steveston (and Richmond around it) is at or below sea level and the soggy grass of the backyard impeded their taking the party outside.


  • 亚利桑那州的弗来格·达市,有1000长的自行车通向弗朗西山峰该州最高峰

    In Flagstaff, Arizona, a thousand miles of bike trails lead into the SAN Francisco Peaks, the highest summit in the state.


  • 他们儿子成为美国第一个电子人家庭

    Jeffrey, Leslie and their boy Derek will be America's first cyborg family.


  • 是位于许纳南端中世纪古堡,那儿新石器时代遗址,发现冰人凹陷处到居堡,海拔高度了2000公尺以上可是直线距离只有15

    A Neolithic site has been discovered at Juval, a medieval castle at the southern end of the Schnalstal, more than 2,000 meters lower but only 15 kilometers from the hollow as the crow flies.


  • 芝加哥公牛队副总裁·克劳朋友蒂姆·罗伊德于7月13日造访了该队,他认为是芝加哥公牛队新任教练首要候选人

    Tim Floyed, a good friend of the Chicago Bulls vice President Jerry Krause, interviewed with the team July 13 and was considered the leading candidate for the Chicago Bulls' new head coach.


  • 芝加哥公牛队副总裁·克劳朋友蒂姆·罗伊德于7月13日造访了该队,他认为是芝加哥公牛队新任教练首要候选人

    Tim Floyed, a good friend of the Chicago Bulls vice President Jerry Krause, interviewed with the team July 13 and was considered the leading candidate for the Chicago Bulls' new head coach.


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