• 林德先生希望见见坎研究所所长,内奥。

    Mr Lynd, I want you to meet Mr Naomi Service, director of Cambex Research Institute.


  • 林德先生希望见见坎培史研究所所长,内奥塞维先生。

    Mr. Lynd, I want you meet Mr. Naomi service, director of cambex research institute .


  • 林德先生希望见见坎研究所所长,内奥·塞维先生。

    Mr. Lynd, I want you to meet Mr. Naomi Service, director of Cambex Research Institute.


  • 马尼亚孟席研究所研究人员发现血小板疟疾传染过程的早期能杀死疟原虫。

    The researchers at the Menzies Research Institute in Tasmania have discovered that platelets kill the malaria parasite during the early stages of a malarial infection.


  • 不仅NOAA进行合作,同时克里普斯研究所保持合作关系从而确保了数据的准确性以及质量的把关。

    As well as working with NOAA, it has a partnership with Scripps to ensure its precision and quality control.


  • 2009年亨利·黑兹利特纪念演讲彼得·希夫讲话摘录录影于路德维希米塞研究所奥地利学者年度会议

    An excerpt of the Peter Schiff speech at the 2009 Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture. Recorded at the annual Austrian Scholars Conference, Ludwig von Mises Institute.


  • 致力于研究这种海蜗牛科·利普斯研究所海洋生物学家们,正在探究生物光的特性怎样应用于光学生物工程学领域。

    The Scripps Marine biologists who studied the snail are now investigating how its luminescent properties could be applied to the fields of optics or bioengineering.


  • 肯尼博士开始伦敦盖伊医院进行研究现在佛罗里达里克研究所工作。研究中老鼠分成,研究结果很快将美国发表

    Dr Kenny, who began his research at Guy's Hospital, London, but now works at Florida's Scripps research Institute, divided rats into three groups for his research, due to be published in teh US soon.


  • 威廉姆研究所研究员这份研究报告作者加里·盖茨(Gary Gates)博士说:“我们生动地说明普查存在问题的地方。”

    We’ve been telling the Census for 10 years that they’ve got a problem here, ” says Gary Gates, a scholar at the Williams Institute and author of the report.


  • 他们更为复杂精密工具包有名望品牌健康资产负债表普罗米修研究所(一家太阳能倡导集团)的总裁特拉维·布拉德福德表示。

    They have the most sophisticated kit, respected brands and healthy balance-sheets, notes Travis Bradford, President of the Prometheus Institute, a solar advocacy group.


  • 与此相反加州拉霍亚·克里研究所卡洛·巴尔·巴同事们把一种可携带“病毒”的称为重组酶,把它们安装指上取名ZFRs

    Instead, Carlos Barbas of the Scripps Research Institute in la Jolla, California, and his colleagues have taken viral enzymes called recombinases and attached these to zinc fingers, called ZFRs.


  • 哪,棒的主意!”格林最近研究所一次聚会说道

    "My God, what an idea!" Greene said at a recent gathering at the Aspen Institute.


  • 获救的儿童带到洪都拉儿童家庭研究所然后交给他们父母,父母承诺他们权利得到保护。

    Those children who are rescued are taken to the Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family and then handed over to their parents with the promise that their rights will be protected.


  • 从本质上非常同意作者观点。”德国马克·普朗克进化人类学研究所生物学家主任温特·帕波说。

    "Essentially, I could not agree more with the authors," said Svante Paabo, a biologist and director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany.


  • 洪都拉儿童家庭研究所连同警察和地方检察官,在全国范围内展开行动解救儿童惩戒父母

    The Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family, together with the police and the district attorney, carry out operations around the country to rescue the children and punish the parents.


  • 这种情况下,事实上蜘蛛无法控制要去哪里,走,罗研究所科学家安迪·雷诺兹

    The spider has virtually no control of where or how far it travels by this means, said Andy Reynolds, a Rothamsted Research scientist.


  • 美国小型贷款市场发达:据一个称作阿研究所的智囊团估计全美大约700个小型贷款机构。

    In America, the microfinance market is much more developed: the Aspen Institute, a think-tank, reckons there are nearly 700 microfinance organisations across the country.


  • 这项研究瑞典卡罗琳·研究所乌普萨拉大学美国密歇根韦恩州立大学科研人员开展,认为迄今为止一领域全面的一项研究。

    The study, by scientists from the Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University in Sweden and from Wayne State University in Michigan, is thought to be the most comprehensive of its kind.


  • 这项研究瑞典卡罗琳研究所乌普萨拉大学美国密歇根韦恩州立大学科研人员开展,认为迄今为止一领域全面的一项研究。

    The study, by scientists from the Karolinska Institute and Uppsala University in Sweden and from Wayne State University in Michigan, is thought to be the most comprehensive of its kind.


  • 科瑞。卡克胡佛研究所研究员美国西点军校副教授

    Kori Schake is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and an associate professor at the United States Military Academy at West Point.


  • 位于加利福尼亚州霍华德·医学研究所大卫·勒所领导研究小组人类基因组包括灵长类动物在内的一些哺乳动物的基因组进行对比,并将研究结果发表自然》杂志上。

    A team led by David Haussler of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in California, compared the human genome with that of mammals including other primates. They reported the results in Nature.


  • 根据霍华德·医学研究所终身聘任职位这样个职位,它包含终身教授任命潜在的充足薪金支持——如果拨款耗尽的话。

    According to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a tenure-track position is one that leads to a permanent professorial appointment and potentially full salary support if grant funding runs out.


  • ,系马克·普朗克鸟类研究所感官生态学研究小组负责人蝙蝠达能到8个八度最好人类女高音发出的音调更高

    Siemers, research leader of the Sensory Ecology Group at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, said the bats reach notes that are 8 octaves higher than what the best human sopranos can produce.


  • 26成为哈佛大学员,如今他是哈佛遗传学教授也是霍华德·医学研究所的一位研究员

    At 26 he joined Harvard's faculty, where he is now a professor of genetics and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator.


  • 多玛基这样病人新泽西州研究所接受德·菲纳乔纳森·费治疗时,并不会得到标准的“维持生命”的药物治疗。

    When a patient like Domalewski comes under the care of DE Fina and Jonathan Fellus at the Kessler Institute in New Jersey, he doesn't get the standard "life-sustaining" drug treatments.


  • 罗瑟研究所研究人员重新设计蜘蛛运动模式强韧用来四处活动阻挡猎物的牵引具有弹性柔韧性

    Researchers at Rothamsted Research redesigned the model to allow for elasticity and flexibility in the spider's dragline, its most sturdy line of silk used for moving about and snagging prey.


  • 马克·普朗克研究所科学家们实验鼠植入了一种光敏感蛋白质

    Scientists at the Max Planck Institute inserted a light-sensitive protein into a lab mouse.


  • 茨任职于威特沃特大学伯纳德·普莱古生物研究所,他领导许多其他当地和国际科学家进行这项研究

    Yates, who is based at the University of the Witwatersrand's Bernard Price Institute for Paleontological research, led the research with a number of other local and international scientists.


  • 茨任职于威特沃特大学伯纳德·普莱古生物研究所,他领导许多其他当地和国际科学家进行这项研究

    Yates, who is based at the University of the Witwatersrand's Bernard Price Institute for Paleontological research, led the research with a number of other local and international scientists.


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