• 英国篮球项目总监克里·斯皮表示,他们目标2016年里约热内卢奥运会取得决赛资格。

    Chris Spice, British Basketball's performance director, says the aim is to qualify on merit for the 2016 games in Rio DE Janeiro.


  • 也是位多产乐队成员路易·阿姆特朗、迪兹·吉莱斯皮詹姆乐队一起录音,同时也是一位作曲家编曲人

    He was also a prolific small group player, recording with Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, and James Band as well as a composer and arranger.


  • 忠实的

    Pistis is faithful.


  • 终于找到马吕的住处。天上午,马吕学校回来,发现大姨的一封信六十托尔,就是说六百法郎封在一个匣子里。

    One morning, on his return from the law-school, Marius found a letter from his aunt, and the sixty pistoles, that is to say, six hundred francs in gold, in a sealed box.


  • 大学毕业夫妇到了丹佛他们最终决定回到哈蒂当地奶场工作。

    After college, the couple moved to Denver, but eventually decided to return to Hattiesburg, where Mr. Peeples works at a local dairy.


  • 还有人称,萨特罗之松索莱斯皮诺萨已经厌倦了蒙克洛亚生活(2004年萨帕特罗上任以来夫妇俩就一直居住此处)。

    Others say his wife, Sonsoles Espinosa, is tired of life in the official Moncloa Palace residence, where the first couple have lived since Mr Zapatero took office in 2004.


  • 但是密特,因为大自然务农和农业提供了原材料,歌贝克力山丘遗址建造者正面临着生活方式的巨变。

    But, Peters and Schmidt say, Gobekli Tepe's builders were on the verge of a major change in how they lived, thanks to an environment that held the raw materials for farming.


  • 茱丽六月底乘坐直升机抵达莱瓦尔医院。此前,特带他们的其他四个孩子马德克帕克、扎哈啦夏洛伊一直住在普罗的一幢别墅里。

    Jolie arrived at the Lenval hospital in late June by helicopter from the Provence villa where she and Pitt had been staying with their four other childrenMaddox, Pax, Zahara and Shiloh.


  • 索尼娅·切尔瑞·黑人,2003年密西西比大学科学大楼前与丈夫迈克尔·尔普邂逅。迈克尔白人那时两人在南密西西比大学上学。

    Sonia Cherail Peeples, who is black, met her husband, Michael Peeples, who is white, in the science building at the University of Southern Mississippi in 2003, when they were both students.


  • 布鲁克·传记标题表明是个好斗之人,同时因说话直来直去而受人钦佩。

    As the title of Brooke Masters's new biography suggests, Mr Spitzer is a combative fellow. He can be admirably plain-spoken, too.


  • 因此职业昵称、家乡父亲的名字用来当作姓氏——例如,富勒特和史密夫,利德·希特和福特格林灵,威肯约翰逊

    So trades, nicknames, places of origin, and fathers' names became fixed surnames - names such as Fletcher and Smith, Redhead and Swift, Green and Pickering, Wilkins and Johnson.


  • 明星学徒决赛要求麦克蓝宝创造一种新的口味,还要做好这种软饮料营销活动

    The final challenge for "The Celebrity Apprentice" had required Michaels and Robinson Peete to each create a new flavor of Snapple and a marketing campaign for the soft drinks.


  • 直到前不久,沃恩安妮都还竭尽全力避免谈论曝光他们恋情。二人在安妮·顿与离婚开始恋爱。

    Aniston and Vaughn had until recently gone to great lengths not to discuss or reveal their relationship, which began after her marriage to Pitt collapsed.


  • 明尼阿波利城市商业区图书出版商云集,成为其主要支柱产业。博物馆职工数量多到不合比例的程度。

    The Minneapolis metro area relies heavily on book publishing, whereas Pittsburgh has a disproportionate number of museum workers.


  • 英国在一八二七年警力武装,或者是一八二九年,记不清是哪个了,罗伯特·创建了第一个伦敦警局,叫做博比警署,后来,罗伯特·尔,博比发现

    The British don't have a police force until 1827 or 1829, I can't remember which, when Robert Peale creates a London police force which they call the Bobbies, after, like, Robert, Bob, bobbies.


  • 莫尔调查案中用的完全是塔尔套,花费了1700万美元,凡是沾边的人要指控,目的就是强迫他们说出迈克不利的话。

    Smaltz had followed Starr’s playbook in the Espy investigation, spending more than $17 million and indicting everybody he could in an effort to force them to say something damaging against Mike.


  • 我们能够-特公司whitebox公司,实际上同意但是whitebox公司对管理完全不再幻想,所以我们把股份给了特公司。

    We couldn't — Petters and Whitebox actually did not disagree, but the — Whitebox got completely disillusioned with management and wasn't — so we sold our stake to Petters.


  • 法国乌伊特·勒昂附近噶苏伯拉格(pegasusbrug)作为踏脚石一种有限盘式开启桥。

    The Pegasusbrug near Ouistreham in France, which was a stepping stone for tail Bridges, is a limited turntable bascule bridge.


  • 起:亚历克·克雷汤米·塔克豪弗兰克·迪特拉保罗约旦

    From left: Alex Crespo, Tommy Stackhouse, Frank DiPietrapaul, and Jordan Ricks.


  • 当时在公司有几台闲置图像电脑种宽幅动态范围电脑(-.51.5)正是由于台电脑,以及公司使用一些协议我们后来nuke设计产生了影响。

    Sidley Wright used a few of the remaining Pixar Image computers, which had larger dynamic range (-.5 to 1.5) and this and some of the terms used by Pixar influenced Nuke's design.


  • 傍晚时分,生物学家弗朗西•阿尔瓦雷(Francisco Álvares)走进葡萄牙北部村庄特沃-达-朱尼奥(Pitõesdas Júnias),与老朋友们打着招呼

    At nightfall, biologist Francisco álvares walks through the village of Pit?es das Júnias, in northern Portugal, greeting old friends.


  • 然而计划花费时间无论是安静放松冒险皇家棕榈广场度假村有事大家

    However you plan to spend your time in Campinas, whether it's quiet relaxation or adventure, Royal Palm Plaza Resort Campinas has something to please everyone.


  • 提出上诉国家公诉人到,托瑞蓄意杀害了廷坎普在枪击期间到了厕所

    State prosecutors who lodged the appeal say Pistorius intended to kill Steenkamp and that she fled to a toilet during a row.


  • 集团合伙人迈克尔·巴表示有许多因素共同协作推动股价上涨。

    Michael Bapis, partner at Bapis Group, said many factors are operating in conjunction together to push prices higher.


  • 南非残奥会金牌得主奥卡·代理人称,由于托利正在等待谋杀审判,因此参加今年的比赛。

    The agent for the South African Paralympic gold medallist Oscar Pistorius says the athlete will not compete again this year while he awaits trial for murder.


  • 也许虽然格林终止这些可疑交易斯皮武器对付,也无法挽回败局。

    Perhaps, although he failed to stop the questionable deals that had given Mr Spitzer the ammunition to use against him.


  • 也许虽然格林终止这些可疑交易斯皮武器对付,也无法挽回败局。

    Perhaps, although he failed to stop the questionable deals that had given Mr Spitzer the ammunition to use against him.


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