• 英国著名土地艺术家的“石头”是波蒂黑德海滩上紫色石头组成的完美圆环放置画廊地板上展现了构造优雅脱俗一面

    Long is Britain's best-known Land Artist and his Stone Circle, a perfect ring of purplish rocks from Portishead beach laid out on the gallery floor, represents the elegant, rarefied side of the form.


  • 他们画廊墙上重现随机英国风景艺术家马克·伊尔琼·希尔他们孩子们也参与了创作。

    Comprising artists Mark Boyle and Joan Hills and their children, they recreated random sections of the British landscape on gallery walls.


  • 起源于伟大的户外运动结果特纳特布尔画作一样画廊所束缚。

    It had its origins in the great outdoors, but the results were as gallery-bound as the paintings of Turner and Constable.


  • 19世纪末这间画廊迎来光辉岁月,时任经理奥托·古特孔特把店搬进名画博物馆。

    The gallery's glory days came in the late 19th century when Otto Gutekunst became its director and moved the firm into Old Master paintings.


  • 最近例子整1年前售出顶级古代青铜器,目的纽约水牛城的阿尔·布莱特·诺克艺术画廊筹集资金。

    Recent examples of top-of-the-range archaic bronzes are two pieces that were sold exactly a year ago for the benefit of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo, New York.


  • 漫长职业生涯中伟大摄影创始人阿尔佛雷德戈雷兹的画廊搭档

    During his long career, he was a gallery partner with the great photography promoter Alfred Stieglitz.


  • 莎莉喜欢上了自己上司一个感性画廊老板安东尼奥班德拉饰演

    Sally develops a crush on her boss, a sensual gallery owner played by Antonio Banderas.


  • 琳达画廊尼科·亚克·图卡的“发动,调入退离汇集来自拉丁美洲艺术家,但并没有界定成为特殊运动艺术界对话

    At Linda Gallery, Nicoykatiushka's "Tune in, Turn on, Drop out" brings together artists from across Latin America without delineating a specific movement or dialogue in the art.


  • 缪西娅贝尔泰利艺术抱有很大热情,”伦敦蛇形画廊(Serpentine Gallery)国际项目负责人·尤利•奥布里·特(HansUlrich Obrist)表示

    'Miuccia and Bertelli are both very passionate about art,' says Hans Ulrich Obrist, director of international projects at the Serpentine Gallery in London.


  • 义大利佛罗伦的一画廊里。

    In an art gallery in Florence, Italy.


  • 内利形容这是作为旅程“,”情人艺术家作用苏黎世途中画廊制定他的艺术生涯作品

    Kounellis describes his role as an artist as a "lover on a journey" and he is now making his way to Zurich to enact a piece from his artistic career at the gallery.


  • 库尔·费腾达商业街3千米商店、服饰店、画廊次林比。

    Chur charge Sternberg Dam 3 km long commercial street, shops, clothing shops, galleries in rows Ringby.


  • 画廊组织了一个题为《中国每年举办的中国画展,一共搞了

    In that year, Quast Galleries formed an annual celebration of Chinese art work titled, "From China to Taos," which spanned six years.


  • 图片画廊一个众多人口加利福尼亚海狮居住在加拉帕戈群岛群体分类分开亚种亲戚关系沿着北美洲海岸

    A large population of California sea lions inhabits the Galápagos Islands. This group is categorized as a separate subspecies from its relatives along the North American coast.


  • 克莱设计建造,画廊拥有1200平方米宽阔空间德国著名画廊之一

    Kleihues, who also was the designer of the Chicago Art Museum. With a space as large as 1200 square meters, the gallery was one of the best known galleries in Germany.


  • 坐落风景如画海湾画廊广场韦拉克鲁一个直接连接美洲广场购物中心豪华韦拉克鲁酒店、世界贸易中心

    Located along the picturesque Gulf Coast, Galeria Plaza Veracruz is a luxury Veracruz hotel directly connected to the Plaza las Americas mall and the World Trade Center.


  • 作者Jannis库内利艺术展览中的结果总是艺术家本人制定整个房间介绍一个画廊博物馆

    An exhibition of Jannis Kounellis' art always results in the presentation of the entire room enacted by the artist himself, be it in a gallery or a museum.


  • 英国国家肖像画廊将这项历史性创作任务委托伦敦艺术家妮基?菲利普创作期间,(两位王子曾多次前往)位于辛顿社区画室做”肖像模特“。

    The gallery commissioned the historic work, painted by London-based artist Nicky Philipps, after a series of sittings at her studio in the South Kensington neighborhood.


  • 阿布辛波古庙图片画廊幅油画阿布辛波古庙显示拉美西二世打败仗被俘这里拉美西言过其辞的大小――也许他的英雄壮举

    Photo Gallery: Abu Simbel A painting at Abu Simbel shows Ramses II beating war captives. Here Ramses exaggerated his sizeand possibly his heroic feats.


  • 他们系列詹金艺术工作室艺术工作坊詹金重新-资深主持人观众介绍了油画艺术工作室,他们在内华达州里诺市画廊

    In their new series, the veteran hosts of Jenkins art studio and Jenkins art Workshop re-introduce viewers to the art of oil painting from their studio and gallery in Reno, Nevada.


  • 最快一个较长的妇女画廊目前男性同样作为供应商个性化服务以及路易挑选出来的。

    Zero longer quickest is there a gallery for women, however men likewise currently have the personalized Louis services as well as providers to pick out out of.


  • 视野西蒙麦卡利馆长她答应可以快递画廊妈妈同意移动

    When the curator of Visions, Simon McAllister, promised that she could courier her paintings to the gallery, my mother agreed to the move.


  • 画廊独奏哈维尔·洛佩马德里配合展览KAWS参加马德里当代艺术博览会一部分签名作品展示

    In conjunction with his solo exhibition at the Galerie Javier Lopez in Madrid, KAWS is taking part in the ARCO art Fair as well, with a small showcase of his signature artwork.


  • 件艺术作品价值最高达到5000英镑时,希望客户建立一定的业务关系蒂夫拉扎里迪说道蒂夫都市艺术方面的专家即开了实体画廊,还开了一家艺术品销售网店

    When the price of an artwork tops 5,000, you want a relationship with a client, says Steve Lazarides, a specialist in urban art who runs both physical galleries and an online shop.


  • 件艺术作品价值最高达到5000英镑时,希望客户建立一定的业务关系蒂夫拉扎里迪说道蒂夫都市艺术方面的专家即开了实体画廊,还开了一家艺术品销售网店

    When the price of an artwork tops 5,000, you want a relationship with a client, says Steve Lazarides, a specialist in urban art who runs both physical galleries and an online shop.


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