• 塔基普罗维

    How far is Pawtucket from Providence?


  • 塞克大学认知科学教授人工智能领域先驱玛格丽·称赞了此类讨论进展

    AI pioneer Margaret Boden, professor of cognitive science at the University of Sussex, praised the progress of such discussions.


  • 塔克商学院教授科林布莱规则可能会改变力量变化。

    Regulations could change these dynamics, says Colin Blaydon, a professor at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth.


  • ·格兰之前的人物了。达本纳还年轻的时候曾经看过,和杰克邓普希拳。

    Pat Glendon was before his time, though, as a cub, he had once seen Old Pat spar at the benefit for Jack Dempsey.


  • 猫王兰尼·布鲁、奥维勒·瑞巴克、罗伯·帕斯特莱利,这些什么共同之处?他们卫生间里

    What do the following people have in common? Elvis Presley, Lenny Bruce, Orville Redenbacher and RobertPastorelli - they all died in a bathroom.


  • 美国宇航局艾姆研究中心主管西蒙·皮·说:“从地球表面拾掇陨石可比发送航空探测器太空搜集样本省钱多了。”

    “It’s a lot cheaper to go pick it up on the ground than to send a space probe to go get it, ” says the director of the NASA Ames Research Center, Simon “Pete” Worden.


  • 这个些时候,阿歇公司将加入企鹅出版集团、哈珀柯林集团书屋进军印度行列首次在印度出版新书——印度专栏作家阿密·瓦尔玛的小说《朋友桑丘》。

    Later this month Hachette is joining the ranks of Penguin, HarperCollins and Random House by publishing its first new book in India - My Friend Sancho, by Amit Varma.


  • 对于约翰辛格•萨金其他巴黎精进自己技艺艺术家来说,麦卡洛先生作品给予了独到的见解,就像理解奥古都•圣•高一样,令人印象深刻

    Mr. McCullough brings a similar, impressive understanding to the paintings of John Singer Sargent and other artists who came to Paris to perfect their craft.


  • 1879年,罗切斯特具名乔治·赛尔申请汽车专利权

    In 1879, George B. Selden, a resident of Rochester, had filed a patent application in which he claimed to have invented the automobile.


  • 美国至少11艘军舰驻扎在的黎波里附近包括艘潜艇——克兰顿号、佛罗里达罗维号,以及2驱逐舰——巴里

    The United States has at least 11 warships stationed near Tripoli, including three submarinesthe Scranton, the Florida and the Providence — and the destroyers the Stout and the Barry.


  • -符腾堡州(图加其首府)民众预定11月对“图加21”进行全民公投——只要不低于三分之一的合资格选民投票反对他们就能将否决。

    In November the people of Baden-Württemberg are scheduled to vote in a Stuttgart 21 referendumbut they will stop it only if at least one-third of the eligible electorate votes against.


  • 2009年11月5日,苏格兰考·比·凯莉·莫法()注视丈夫托马·梅森下士的棺木三一教堂出。

    Kylie Moffat (right) watches the coffin of her husband Corporal Thomas Mason, carried from Trinity Parish Church on November 5, 2009 in Cowdenbeath, Scotland.


  • 半夜时分,JP摩根的高级交易员•赞姆(Matt Zames)团队检查贝尔帐簿

    Around midnight, Matt Zames, a senior J.P. Morgan trader, arrived with a team to look over Bear Stearns's books.


  • 事情发生比尔饭店。在当时年8的眼里,那普罗维最好的饭店了。

    It took place at the Biltmore Hotel, which, to my eight-year-old mind, was just about the fancies place to eat in all of Providence.


  • 8月30日飞往哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳,同行的众议院议长丹尼·斯特另外位众议员,参议院·另外参议员还有位内阁成员

    On August 30, I flew to Cartagena, Colombia, with Speaker Dennis Hastert and six other House members, Senator Joe Biden and three other senators, and several cabinet members.


  • 这位名叫提姆·克雷齐默尔Tim Kretschmer曾经就读温嫩Winnenden小镇上中学的学生大约于上午9:30格林尼治标准时间8:30进入学校开始开枪射击靠近图加温嫩Winnenden小镇有27 000名人口。

    The ex-student, named locally as Tim Kretschmer, entered the school in Winnenden, a town of 27, 000 near Stuttgart, at about 9.30am (8.30am GMT) and began firing.


  • 最终到了三个部落——博凯德和伊尔

    To this end, he recruited three Ugnaught tribes, the Botrut, the Isced and the Irden.


  • 马塞诸塞州塔夫茨大学工程师·里格赫兹博士试图创造出人性化方式交流的机器人

    Engineers Gordon Briggs and Dr Matthais Scheutz from Tufts University in Massachusetts, are trying to create robots that can interact in a more human way.


  • 克莱妮丝拉亚格门农妻子情人帮助下洛伊战争返回中将谋杀之后自己也为其子奥瑞提所杀。

    The wife of Agamemnon who, with the assistance of her lover Aegisthus, murdered him on his return from the Trojan War and was later murdered by her son Orestes.


  • 不同的是斯特砾石在这里得到下降更快

    Unlike the Dempster, new gravel here would get punched down quicker.


  • 斯特先生看来一个习惯于发号施令

    Mr. Dempster appeared to be a man accustomed to exercise authority.


  • 本文权利资源行动报告摘要报告作者·奥尔·利、戴维·罗兹马都·萨林、米娜·塞菲尔·希尔曼

    This article is a summary of an original report by the Rights and Resources Initiative, co-authored by Liz Alden Wily, David Rhodes, Madhu Sarin, Mina Setra and Phil Shearman.


  • 得岛州普罗维布朗大学阿尔珀医学院内分泌科、糖尿病内分泌中心R.J.S。),02903;

    Division of Endocrinology and the Hallett Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology (R. J. S. ), Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02903;


  • 秘书协会苏格兰总部负责人格雷格·斯特表示,孩子道德教育的当下困境,目前没有所谓的“灵丹妙药”,惟有家长学校共同承担其教育孩子的重任。

    Greg Dempster, the general-secretary of the Association of Heads and Deputes in Scotland, said there was no "magic bullet" and that parents and schools both had a role to play in educating children.


  • 那时还是一个餐馆用品的经销商,盘算卡姆费城或是顿的穷人开一家披萨店或是熟食店…

    Vince, who buys and sells restaurant equipment, was setting up pizzerias and delis in poorer sections of cities like Camden, Philadelphia, and Trenton.


  • 罗德东南城市,位于普罗维东南偏南纳拉甘西入口。

    A city of southeast Rhode Island at the mouth of Narragansett Bay south-southeast of Providence.


  • 罗德东南城市,位于普罗维东南偏南纳拉甘西入口。

    A city of southeast Rhode Island at the mouth of Narragansett Bay south-southeast of Providence.


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