• 斯特俱乐部酒廊-一独俱乐部酒廊为客人提供精美经验提高泰国酒店

    The Lancaster Club Lounge - This distinctive club lounge offers guests an exquisite experience elevated by Thai hospitality.


  • 俱乐部买了不会产生足够现金流由于新的电视渠道更多商业方法---建立粉丝基地,使收入已经过去增加很多。

    The club may not have produced enough cash for Mr Tevez, but it has a lot more money than it used to, thanks to a new television deal and a more commercial approach to its vast fan base.


  • 卡洛·转会的一事因为科林蒂安指责曼城私自更改转会协议而再度生变曼城俱乐部方面则对此感到十分困惑。

    Manchester City have reacted with bemusement and frustration after Corinthians accused the Premier League club of moving the goalposts over Carlos Tevez.


  • 朴茨茅主教练哈里·雷德克纳普表示为了能够阿森纳租借阿曼德·劳雷不得不与几俱乐部竞争

    Portsmouth manager Harry Redknapp has revealed that he had to beat off competition from a number of rival clubs in order to sign Armand Traore on loan from Arsenal.


  • 残酷一年没有过去,出现了一个受害者17岁罗伯··12月28日上午发现吊死布里真德的一家网球俱乐部附近处。

    And before the grim year ended, there was yet another victim, 17-year-old Robert Scott Jones, found hung in a lot near a tennis club in Bridgend town on the morning of December 28.


  • 在这样现金时代债务可是个大麻烦年轻内阁部长——勋爵警告说,全体英格兰俱乐部贷款总计已经达到四十三亿美元。

    In an era where cash is king and debt is big trouble, a junior government minister, Lord Triesman, has warned that the entire stable of English clubs was carrying loans of $4.3 billion.


  • 大卫·费伊,是斯特狗狗俱乐部主办人承认参与演出狗们有些被切除声带。

    David Frei, the longtime co-host of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, acknowledged that some show dogs have had the operation.


  • 其他主要足球俱乐部曼切斯特足球队顿维拉足球队,最近几年转让给外国人掌控

    Other major clubs, such as Manchester City and Aston Villa, have also passed into foreign hands in recent years.


  • 曼城前锋卡洛·处理完女儿早产私人问题后,回归俱乐部请战。

    There is also the return for City of Carlos Tevez, after his well-documented personal problems concerning the premature birth of his daughter.


  • 后者则是老牌欧洲国家俱乐部47个成员国组成(其中还包括俄罗土耳其),总部位于法国境内的斯特堡。

    The second is the grandfather of European clubs, which has 47 members (among them Russia and Turkey) and plods along in Strasbourg.


  • 美国纽约的(曼哈顿)麦迪逊广场花园:第135届斯特英国养犬俱乐部会上,法老王猎犬等待评比结果。

    New York, USA: Pharaoh hounds wait for judging during the 135th Westminster Kennel Club dog show at Madison Square garden.


  • 斯特俱乐部美国犬业俱乐部(akc)第一注册会员

    The Westminster Kennel Club was the first member of the pure breed dog registry group, the American Kennel Club.


  • 霍尔奎斯特夫妇,2003年他们一个教堂单身俱乐部相遇时,他们可以察觉到,因为他们高度周围其他人在估摸着两人也许会擦出火花。

    The Hallquists said that when they met at a church singles club in 2003 they could tell that others around them were sizing upa possible love affair because of their height.


  • 尽管怀有雄心朴茨茅俱乐部新西兰后卫仍然穷追不舍,但是切尔西可能成为他的替代品。

    The New Zealand stopper remains a target for the ambitious South Coast club, but Chelsea's Huth is also a possibility.


  • 2012年2月28日位于以色列南部城市德洛拳击俱乐部,一位年轻的以色列拳击手国家青年拳击锦标赛开始跳绳

    In this picture taken on Feb. 28, 2012, a young Israeli young boxer jumps rope ahead of the Israel's National Youth Boxing Championship at a boxing club in the southern Israeli town of Sderot.


  • 美国肯塔基州南盖贝弗利希尔晚餐俱乐部失火,造成164死亡1942年以来同类事故严重的次。

    A fire at the Beverly Hills Supper Club in Southgate, Ky. , killed 164 people. It was the worst such accident since 1942.


  • 一直自己未来非常担心始终都在担心自己赛季究竟要去哪里踢球现在加入世界上伟大的俱乐部实在是一个棒极了消息

    Tevez has been concerned about his future, worried about where he may play next season and now he is joining the biggest club in the world! This is massive news.


  • 经纪人透露,目前有五俱乐部想要引进莫滕-甘穆斯特-彼得森

    The race is on to sign Morten Gamst Pedersen and the top-five clubs in England want him, according to his agent.


  • 一旦我们进入瑞士遭到多米尼克·克兰西瑞士MGA汽车俱乐部多尔夫,带领我们,克洛·和兰德夸库尔我们目的地

    Once into Switzerland we were met by Dominic Clancy from the Swiss MGA Car Club and as he led us through Dorf, Klosters and Landquart to our destination at Chur.


  • 维埃拉充分赞扬过去两个赛季曼城扮演角色,同时期望俱乐部快速前进

    Vieira is full of praise for the role the influential Tevez has played in City's development over the past two seasons, but expects the club to quickly move on.


  • 俱乐部直到冠军联赛收入得到保证以后才会全面展开收购球员的活动因此现在应该补充新鲜血液了,而阿根廷新星卡洛·很有可能成为目标之一。

    The club had held back in its transfer campaign until the cash from the Champions League was secured, so now there should be some reinforcementspossibly including Argentine sensation Carlos Tevez.


  • 希尔·德布兰的德甲合约六月期满,现在俱乐部开始协商续约协议虽然似乎并不那么强烈的希望继续留在图加

    Hildebrand's deal with the Bundesliga side also expires in June and he has started negotiations with the club to renew the agreement, although he does not seem keen on remaining in Stuttgart.


  • 为了扮演好队长皮尔纳,马·达蒙地来到登氏橄榄球俱乐部接受斯特·威廉姆的高强度训练。1995年,威廉姆南非橄榄球联赛里名运动员

    To prepare for his role as Francois Pienaar, Matt Damon took intensive coaching at the Gardens Rugby Club under Chester Williams, who himself was a player in the South African rugby team of 1995.


  • 斯特最终还是听到了故事不过他们到达温莎市的巴伐利亚俱乐部之后的事情了。这家俱乐部高的两建筑带有木质屋顶刷成白色墙壁

    Eventually, Kostya heard his story, though not before he and Emil arrived at the Bavaria Club in windsor-a low, two-story building with a wooden roof and white stucco walls.


  • 1884年AKC成立斯特养犬俱乐部成为第一个加入AKC的俱乐部

    The Westminster Kennel Club was the first club admitted to the AKC after AKC's founding in 1884.


  • 1884年AKC成立斯特养犬俱乐部成为第一个加入AKC的俱乐部

    The Westminster Kennel Club was the first club admitted to the AKC after AKC's founding in 1884.


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