• 随着罗茜·汉丁顿-惠莉、莉莉·嘉丽·约翰逊纷纷选择剪短发,短发成为当下热门发型。

    The crop is the hottest thing in hair right now as Rosie Huntington-Whitley, Lily Collins and Scarlett Johansson all go for the chop.


  • 那天晚上,先生发现菲力普太太很和蔼别人讲话很专心一点使很幸运因为家的姑娘们已经再也耐不住性子听他讲了。

    During the evening Mr Collins found Mrs Philips a kind and attentive listener, which was fortunate, as the Bennet girls could not bring themselves to listen to him any longer.


  • 于是决定亲自把这件事告诉嘱咐先生回到博恩吃饭时候不要在班纳家里任何人面前透露一点风声

    She resolved to give her the information herself, and therefore charged Mr. Collins, when he returned to Longbourn to dinner, to drop no hint of what had passed before any of the family.


  • 安德烈•柯特回到法国发现年轻时拍摄布达佩巴黎珍贵照片以及底片,它们装在几个破旧的箱子里一直法国朋友经纪人雅克利恩•波仪亚克收藏。

    Back in France, he found some old boxes of vintage prints and negatives from his youth in Budapest and Paris that had been kept by his French friend and agent, Jacqueline Paouillac.


  • 益华证券矿业分析师查理·表示拓的声明十分重要

    Charles Kernot, mining analyst at Evolution Securities, said the Rio Tinto announcements were important.


  • 全家都被卢卡府上请去吃饭多蒙卢卡小姐一片好意,整日陪着先生谈话。

    The Bennets were engaged to dine with the Lucases, and again during the chief of the day, was Miss Lucas so kind as to listen to Mr. Collins.


  • 2005年,导演··执导电影最后日子上映,该片讲述了一位本经历颇为相似的摇滚音乐人的故事。

    In 2005, Gus Van Sant released a film called Last Days, about a rock musician whose life mirrors that of Cobain's.


  • 包括哈珀·在内的几家国外出版社希望从这种增长中分一杯羹,近年印度发行图书。

    Keen to exploit this growth, several foreign publishers, including Hachette, and HarperCollins have launched in India in recent years.


  • 这个些时候,阿歇公司将加入企鹅出版集团、哈珀集团兰登书屋进军印度行列首次在印度出版新书——印度专栏作家阿密·瓦尔玛的小说《朋友桑丘》。

    Later this month Hachette is joining the ranks of Penguin, HarperCollins and Random House by publishing its first new book in India - My Friend Sancho, by Amit Varma.


  • 蜘蛛侠”1,由托比.马奎尔.主演。 这部电影成为2002年收入最高电影,全球票房达到了8亿美元。

    The first Spider-Man movie, starring Toby Maguire and Kirsten Dunst, became the highest grossing film of 2002, taking over $800 million at cinemas worldwide.


  • 上个月底,一位来自贝尔法北爱尔兰首府,最大海港,译者注)皇后大学天文学家的研究表明,在伊伯最大而奇怪天体,守护石星(Haumea,小行星136108,这颗小行星并没有官方的中文译名,这个译名是我参考其他用法拟的,不当之处请指正。 译者注)的表面存在

    Late last month, an astronomer from Queen’s University in Belfast reported the existence of a red spot on the surface of Haumea, one of the largest and weirdest objects in the Kuiper Belt.


  • 曼联现在健在年纪最大的球员89岁的杰克洛普敦,也是战后爵士第一个拿到冠军的主力门将。

    United's oldest-surviving player Jack Crompton , now 89, was our first post-War regular – and Busby's first shot-stopper to taste silverware success.


  • 至关重要的:每个人都关注睫毛膏,使睫毛卷曲事先使用两个柯特他们

    ESSENTIAL: Everyone notices mascara so curl your eyelashes beforehand and use two cotes to give them volume.


  • 墓地回来的路上,无意中提到了巴临终忏悔

    Returning from the cemetery, Collins had made some innocent remarks about Baxter's last confession.


  • 的确公道,”班纳先生,“先生要继承博恩的产业,他罪过是洗也洗不的。”

    It certainly is a most iniquitous affair, "said Mr. Bennet," and nothing can clear Mr. Collins from the guilt of inheriting Longbourn.


  • 描述灯塔上俯瞰凯普

    Caption: The view of Cape Coast from a lighthouse.


  • 巴克临死前的话确实有意思要让身边的人开始

    In his final message, Baxter surely had meant for Collins to start with someone close at hand.


  • 一个骑机车警察汤玛格洛夫,声言情人径入口处附近看见

    A motorcycle cop, Thomas S. Cosgrove, declared he had seen Sharrett near the entrance to Lover's Lane.


  • 亲爱的卢卡小姐,”班纳太太叫道,“不能说服伊丽莎白接受先生?”

    'Oh dear Miss Lucas,' cried Mrs Bennet, can't you persuade Elizabeth to accept Mr Collins?


  • 全家都被卢卡府上请去吃饭多蒙卢卡小姐一片好意,整日陪着先生谈话。

    The Bennets were engaged to dine with the Lucases, and again during the chief of the day, was Miss Lucas so kind as to listen to Mr.


  • 描述本地人凯普海滩游玩。

    Caption: Locals enjoy the beach in Cape Coast.


  • 一个骑机车的警察汤玛格洛夫,声言情人径的入口处附近看见夏勒

    Thomas S. Cosgrove, declared he had seen Sharrett near the entrance to Lover's Lane.


  • 民意调查机构阿伦巴赫(Allensbach瑞内克(Renate Köcher)表示默克尔夫人正在经历就任以来“从未有过的最艰难的时期”,原因部分归咎于此。

    Partly because of it, Mrs Merkel is going through her "roughest patch so far" in more than five years in office, says Renate Köcher of Allensbach, a pollster.


  • 今天女儿卡琳大学第一回家我们开车父母那儿,他们在华盛顿州的安娜市,是位于圣胡安群岛最大的菲达尔戈岛上的港口城市。

    My daughter, Karlene, was home for the first time since leaving for college. We drove up to Anacortes , Washington, on Fildalgo Island, the largest of the San Juan Islands, where my parents live.


  • 这些措施包括例如,“追求卓越托马·彼得罗伯·,“最后”的吉姆·里·波拉说:“伟大”的吉姆·

    These include, for example, "in Search of Excellence" by Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman, "Built to Last" by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, and "Good to Great" by Jim Collins.


  • 这些措施包括例如,“追求卓越托马·彼得罗伯·,“最后”的吉姆·里·波拉说:“伟大”的吉姆·

    These include, for example, "in Search of Excellence" by Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman, "Built to Last" by Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, and "Good to Great" by Jim Collins.


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