• 欧洲每年超过14名学生参加伊拉斯谟项目,他们在欧洲大陆2200所参与机构之一修读学分课程

    In Europe, more than 140,000 students participate in the Erasmus program each year, taking courses for credit in one of 2,200 participating institutions across the continent.


  • 特需要资金来完成这个项目,所以开始在网上呼吁人们为项目捐款,并筹集了超过200美元!

    Slat needed money for this, so he started asking people to donate to his project online and raised over $ 2 million!


  • 斯特拉里贝克获得了286美元的赔偿金还是结算时减少金额)。

    Liebeck was awarded $2.86 million (the amount was later reduced in a settlement).


  • 只是个开始,阿公司计划2012年第二季度发射拉斯2卫星以市场扩展非洲中东地区。

    It's also only just the beginning -- Avanti plans to launch Hylas 2 sometime in the second quarter of 2012, which will extend its coverage to Africa and the Middle East.


  • 加那利曼查风车米格尔·提斯唐吉柯德》书著名俘虏当时,那位爱管闲事的骑士唐吉柯德认为风车巨人,因而向它发起冲击。

    La Mancha's windmills were famously captured in Miguel DE Cervantes's Don Quixote, when the bumbling knight of the title rushes the windmills, thinking they're giants.


  • 凭借戴克斯特拉琼斯数据处理才能,该公司2007年的销售额达到了200美元。

    Dykstra and Jones' data handling smarts helped push 2007 sales to $2 million.


  • IDC公司杰德·斯凯拉米勒,1996至2006年期间,服务器数量由600增加2,800台,每个服务器平均能耗150w增长至400w。

    Between 1996 and 2006, says Jed Scaramella of IDC, the number of servers in use went from 6m to 28m and the average power consumption of each server grew from 150 watts to 400 watts.


  • 弗蒂会计师吕克·德斯贾丁斯告诉说拉弗蒂总共花费超过100美元,但那幅没有卖出

    Lafferty's accountant, Luc Desjardins, told me that altogether Lafferty spent well over a million dollars-but the painting never sold.


  • 马哈·拉斯·特拉人口9600印度第二邦。

    Home to 96 million people, Maharashtra is India's second largest state.


  • 随着城市扩张完成非洲将会拥有80个城市人口超过100,外加以金萨沙,拉格斯开罗为代表巨型城市,并且没有一个城市出现大规模饥荒迹象

    When the city rush is done, Africa may have 80 cities with more than 1m people, plus a cluster of megacities headed by Kinshasa, Lagos and Caironone of which show signs of mass starvation.


  • 生活美国的50同胞汇款回国就可以帮助洪都拉斯继续前进。

    He says the half million Hondurans living in the United States who send money home can help the country move forward.


  • 为了满足巴马去年做出的增兵1决定,拉斯穆森先生已经成功说服了部分成员国派出更多的士兵。

    Mr Rasmussen has also been more successful than expected in persuading members to meet Mr Obama's request last year for 10, 000 additional troops.


  • 为了满足巴马去年做出的增兵1人的决定,拉斯穆森先生已经成功说服了部分成员国派出更多士兵

    Mr Rasmussen has also been more successful than expected in persuading members to meet Mr Obama's request last year for 10,000 additional troops.


  • 人工记录很少长期保存。法国拉斯科旧石器时代岩画是个例外它已经有16千的历史了。

    FEW human records survive for long, the 16,000-year-old Paleolithic cave paintings at Lascaux, France, being one exception.


  • 4月23世界文学而言是很纪念意义。因为1616的同一天,提斯莎士比亚印卡加西索(描述拉美古文化的《印卡王室述评》的作者)去世了

    April: a symbolic date for world literature for on this date and in the same year of 1616, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso DE la Vega all died.


  • 今年秋天前往伊拉斯谟大学攻读市场营销硕士学位,对此感到激动分,同时也必将怀念我在英结识的老师同学们

    Although of course I am thrilled to go to Erasmus University of Rotterdam this fall to start my Masters in Marketing, I also must say that I will miss my teachers and classmates at EF a lot.


  • 来自宾夕法尼亚州拉克迈克尔·休斯20年前参军第82空降师服役

    Michael Hughes of Lackawanna, Pennsylvania, enlisted in the 82nd Airborne 20 years ago.


  • 穿红色球衣著名斯特拉福德足球场当着成千欢呼球迷的面踢球得分

    He was a Manchester United supporter and wanted to wear the red shirt and score goals at the famous Old Trafford Stadium in front of thousands of cheering fans.


  • 去年8月安东尼尼乘坐一架阿根廷国家能源公司授权的私人飞机拉加拉斯抵达布宜诺斯艾利斯行李箱80美元的钞票没有报关

    Last August Mr Antonini arrived in Buenos Aires from Caracas on a private jet chartered by Argentinas state energy company, clutching a suitcase with $800,000 in cash which he had failed to declare.


  • 凯瑟琳·布莱尔目前就读于伦敦大学国王学院,过去一年作为伊拉兹马斯交流项目的交换生一直居住法国斯特拉斯堡一处父母购置的价值25英镑的公寓内

    Kathryn Blair a student at King's College London spent the past year in Strasbourg on an Erasmus exchange scheme where she lived in a ?250000 flat bought by her parents.


  • 就是我们里迢迢来寻找弗林特宝藏伊斯班袅拉号已有十七个人为此送

    That was Flint's treasure that we bad come so far to seek, and that had cost already the lives of seventeen men from the Hispaniola.


  • 希望人类心灵有所了解,我曾知道星辰为什么发光,我曾试图理解比达哥拉斯力量,他认为的力量驾驭物的变化

    I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds away above the flux.


  • 赫拉:宙斯妹妹妻子神殿中的女主神,婚姻和妇女安康,是战神阿瑞斯、火神赫菲斯托斯和青春女神赫柏的母亲。 罗马神话中的朱诺Juno。

    The sister and wife of Zeus, the principal goddess of the Pantheon, the pantroness primarily of marriage and the well-being of women, the mother of Ares, Hephaestus and Hebe.


  • 根据网友评选结果,意大利法比卡纳瓦罗西班牙队的费尔南多•托雷斯大卫•维拉,美国队主力兰顿•多纳法国队蒂埃里亨利当选为球员。

    most beautiful, according to online voters subscribing to the site, are italy's fabio cannavaro, fernando torres and david villa of spain, us mainstay landon donovan and france's thierry henry.


  • 雅库茨克市内两个,分别为十月亚拉斯拉斯克区,人口22居民雅库特为主。

    Yakutsk city has two districts, respectively, in October and the Yarra slavsk District, population 220000, residents in the Yakut people.


  • 雅库茨克市内两个,分别为十月亚拉斯拉斯克区,人口22居民雅库特为主。

    Yakutsk city has two districts, respectively, in October and the Yarra slavsk District, population 220000, residents in the Yakut people.


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