• 尼尔Claudemir皮雷德索巴西罢工期间探戈舞第七届世界锦标赛预选赛布宜诺艾利星期二,2009年825日发子弹。

    Nilza and Claudemir Pires de Souza, of Brazil, strike a pose during the qualifying rounds of the 7th Tango Dance World Championship in Buenos Aires, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009.


  • 我们以前也过,图亚特皮尔加雷盖特以及克里·那些曾罚点球,受到国家责备的人。

    We've seen it all before with Stuart Pearce, Gareth Southgate, and Chris Waddle, who've missed penalties and got the blame of the nation.


  • 是个挑战。”教授

    "It will be a challenge," said Professor Southwood.


  • 2011年时装上,模特展示西班牙设计师赫苏·尔波作品

    Models present creation by Spanish designer Jesus del Pozo during Madrid Fashion Week 2011 in Madrid.


  • 第三个受导演特芬·伯格谈到了父母期望,“如果一个孩子,你会希望他们找到他们喜欢的职业,”

    A third honoree, the director Steven Soderbergh, brought up parental expectations. "If you have a child, you hope that they'll find something that they love to do," he said.


  • 我们以前也过,图亚特·皮尔,加雷··盖特以及克里·,那么曾罚点球,受到国家责备

    We've seen it all before with Stuart Pearce, Gareth Southgate and Chris Waddle, who've missed penalties and got the blame of the nation.


  • 租借到了联队,他那里学习和提升自己。

    Norwood has just gone on loan to Scunthorpe United where the learning process will accelerate.


  • 子女都是她和一任丈夫托马约尔公爵工程师路易·马丁内··伊鲁霍所

    All her children were born to her first husband, engineer Luis Martinez DE Irujo, son of the Duke of Sotomayor.


  • 霍尔目标是参加2014年俄罗冬季残奥会

    Halsted aims to compete at the 2014 Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi, Russia.


  • 帕西都是罗亚·教徒——古老拜火教徒的后代。

    The Parsees are Zoroastrians, the theological descendants of ancient Persian fire-worshippers.


  • 俄国科学家在做以备万一计划。圣彼得堡国家大学李尔尼·科尔夫教授,阿波99942更有可能撞上地球之前已经被击碎。

    The Russian scientists are also hedging their bets. Professor Leonid Sokolov of St. Petersburg State University remarked that 99942 Apophis would most likely disintegrate before hitting Earth.


  • 3月23日霍尔布鲁克离开贝尔格莱之后,全力支持下,北约秘书长哈维尔·拉纳·克拉克将军下达了空袭命令。

    On March 23, after Holbrooke left Belgrade, NATO Secretary-General Javier Solana, with my full support, directed General Wes Clark to begin air strikes.


  • 圣彼得堡国家大学李尔尼·科尔夫教授,阿波99942更有可能撞上地球之前就已经被击碎。

    Professor Leonid Sokolov of St. Petersburg State University remarked that 99942 Apophis would most likely disintegrate before hitting Earth.


  • 对于诺克莱奇托来说,他们监狱里已经渡过时光,谈不上所谓的公正;对梅雷迪一家来说,他们至今仍然知道是否参与了谋杀,如果不是,那么究竟是杀害了梅雷迪思,对于他们一家也还谈不上公正。

    Not for Knox and Sollecito, who've spent four years in jail, nor Meredith Kercher's family who still don't know if Rudy Guede had an accomplice or not, and if so, who it might have been.


  • 圣彼得堡国立大学教授莱尼·科洛夫指出,“2029年4月13日时,“阿波菲小时3700到3800公里时速接近地球

    Professor Leonid Sokolov of the St Petersburg State University told the RiaNovosti website: ‘Apophis will approach Earth at a distance of 37,000-38,000 kilometres (per hour) on April 13, 2029.


  • 最后一本书狄奥尼·-酒神赞歌》(1889)中,有一首名为“阿里涅的挽歌充满痛苦渴望

    In his last book, Dithyrambs of Dionysus (1889), Nietzsche included 'Ariadne's Lament', a poem full of pain and longing.


  • 正如世界卫生组织理查·特曼约瑟夫·菲格拉解释,“国家至上假设正在重新评估。”

    As Richard Saltman and Josep Figueras of the World Health Organization explain, "the presumption of public primacy is being reassessed."


  • 6000余名粉丝齐聚孟菲以南英里市中心观看鲁迪盖慈善会为Flight22基金募资而举行群星篮球表演赛,并亲自见见他们最喜欢的明星们。

    Around 6,000 fans came to the DeSoto Civic Center, located about 10 miles south of Memphis, to see some of their favorite stars in Gay's charity game benefiting his Flight 22 Foundation.


  • 癫狂之后尼采写信给科茜玛•瓦格纳(瓦格纳的妻子)道:“阿里阿”,然后署名狄奥尼

    While in a grip of madness, Nietzsche wrote to Cosima Wagner (Richard’s wife), “I love you Ariadneand signed it “Dionysus.”


  • 西格·弗洛伊(Sigmund Freud)沉迷莎士比亚陀思妥耶夫克勒(Sophocle 古希腊悲剧诗人)的悲剧角色命名狄浦情节。

    Sigmund Freud named the Oedipus complex for Sophocles' tragic character and was fascinated with Shakespeare and Dostoevsky.


  • 218日,模特秋冬时装展示西班牙服装设计师赫苏·尔·波的作品。当日,2011马里秋冬时装开幕

    A model presents a creation by Spanish designer Jesus del Pozo during Madrid fashion Week 2011 in Madrid, Spain, Feb, 18, 2011. The fashion Week kicked off on Friday.


  • 布拉·餐厅休息室客人可以享受美味美国克·烹饪一个精致氛围

    At Brazos Restaurant and Lounge, guests can enjoy a sophisticated ambiance for gourmet American cuisine mixed with authentic Texas recipes.


  • 公主朋友·卢克·天行者暴风雪外面时,不得不通知回波基地护盾必须在夜晚关闭

    When her friends, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker, were stranded outside in a Hoth blizzard, Derlin had to inform her that the shield doors to Echo Base must be closed for the night.


  • 218日,模特秋冬时装上展示西班牙服装设计师赫苏-作品。当日,2011马里秋冬时装周开幕

    Models present creation by Spanish designer Jesus del Pozo during Madrid Fashion Week 2011 in Madrid, Spain, Feb, 18, 2011. The fashion Week kicked off on Friday.


  • 至少44本书经验主义者一个人完成卡尔普尔尼乌,即尤里乌凯撒岳父亲密朋友

    At least 44 are by a single author: Philodemus, an empiricist, who was a close friend of Calpurnius Piso, Julius Caesar's father-in-law.


  • 评判是个很有趣,”美国人事总经理海蒂·尔·蒂·伯纳说道

    "Judging is an interesting word," said Heidi Soltis-Berner, managing director for talent at Deloitte in the US.


  • 他们赶到塔法,逮捕吉佐尔·,这个行为失常的的吉奥诺·西机器人工程师熔岩世界建立自己战斗机器人工厂。

    They traveled to Mustafar, to capture Gizor Dellso, a rogue Geonosian droid engineer who had erected his own battle droid factory on the fiery world.


  • 摩西沃姆一边把克勒对白自己的勉强扯上关系,一边狼吞虎咽地吃蔬菜肉饼

    Drawing tenuous connections between Sophocles' dialogue and his own, Moses Goldworm wolfed down his vegetable cutlet and raged like Carrie Nation against the New York theatre critics.


  • 摩西沃姆一边把克勒对白自己的勉强扯上关系,一边狼吞虎咽地吃蔬菜肉饼

    Drawing tenuous connections between Sophocles' dialogue and his own, Moses Goldworm wolfed down his vegetable cutlet and raged like Carrie Nation against the New York theatre critics.


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