• 上周沃基进行比赛约翰·亨利·威廉姆斯没有出场。

    John Henry Williams was a no-show at last week's game in Milwaukee.


  • 维斯·亚伦·普雷斯利于1935年1月8日出密西比州南部图佩洛

    Elvis Aaron Presley was born in the southern town of Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8th, 1935.


  • 密斯耶回忆道:“1998年,鲍勃关注大宗商品,并决定修复还是放弃这块业务。”

    "In 1998, Bob asked me to look at commodities and fix it or kill it," recalls Mr Del Missier.


  • 安妮·巴斯汀,沃基市威斯康星大学老年人社区中心主管了一出剧本取材于茨海默氏症患者所创作诗歌。她的口号是:“忘掉记忆。”

    Anne Basting, director of the Center on Age and Community at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, who wrote a play from poems created by people with Alzheimer's, has a slogan: "Forget Memory."


  • 著名电视工作者希瑟•密斯•麦卡特尼本人是1993年一次严重事故之后输血受益者,她主持庆祝典礼

    Television personality Heather Mills-McCartney, herself a beneficiary of blood transfusion following a serious accident in 1993, will preside over celebrations.


  • 这次兰伯特舞蹈团中国演出了经典四个节目,它们是知名舞蹈编导家卡罗-阿密迪奇、汉斯--马能拉非-伯纳·切拉进行编导的。

    This time the Rambert Dance Company presented four of the best pieces from its repertoire in China from renowned choreographers including Karole Armitage Hans van Manen and Rafael Bonachela.


  • 杰里·密斯耶里奇·瑞西两人担任戴蒙德曾监管投资银行部门联席总裁。

    Jerry del Missier and Rich Ricci will become co-CEOs of the investment banking unit that Diamond oversaw.


  • 尼古拉斯·施密也是一位美国记者巴基斯坦停留的时间相对短暂。

    Nicholas Schmidle, also an American journalist, spent less time in Pakistan.


  • 跻身排行榜位的城市还包括北卡罗来纳州的格林斯博罗、得美因、沃基波特兰匹兹堡排行榜男性健康杂志编撰。

    Greensboro in North Carolina, Des Moines, Milwaukee, Portland and Pittsburgh, rounded the top 10 in the ranking by Men's Health magazine.


  • 队长让密下次比赛中打后卫

    The captain wants to play Mills as defence in our next game.


  • 恩·斯利已经汉密提交了报价戴维希望这份报价能够达到利物浦俱乐部要求。

    Barnsley have now tabled a bid for Hammill and Davey is hoping that their bid meets the Anfield outfit's valuation.


  • 格里把通用语说得母语一样,高等瓦雷利亚语,潘托斯、泰洛西、、里斯下层方言水手们的行话流利

    Young Griff spoke the Common Tongue as if he had been born to it, and was fluent in High Valyrian, the low dialects of Pentos, Tyrosh, Myr, and Lys, and the trade talk of sailors.


  • 已经再三写信银行家们他们同意王室债务推给布拉·继续我们贷款的话,也许我们需要加税

    I have written again to the Myrish bankers. If they will agree to make good the crown's debt to the Braavosi and extend us a new loan mayhaps we will not have to raise the taxes.


  • 密特拉修斯联合星座公牛之上,呈现毒蛇,只蝎子,一条狗只大乌鸦认为描绘星座

    Mithras is associated with Perseus whose constellation is above that of the bull. A serpent a scorpion a dog and a raven are present also thought to represent associated constellations.


  • 读过斯密罗马》,时尼卡利古拉人物已有自己看法暗暗作类比,但决没有想到会如此大声地说出口来。

    I had read Goldsmith's History of Rome, and had formed my opinion of Nero, Caligula, etc. Also I had drawn parallels in silence, which I never thought thus to have declared aloud.


  • 这种玻璃更加类似于皮埃·沙鲁而非密斯所使用玻璃——乳白色透光性好同时还具备合理保温结构性能,造价低得惊人。

    It is more the glass of Chareau than the glass of Mies, milky and luminous and with a reasonable insulation-value and structural performance. It is surprisingly inexpensive.


  • 于是科斯洛杉矶沃基做了完全相同问卷调查,并且调查出了中间价格期望值

    So, Case and I did identical questionnaires in Los Angeles and Milwaukee and these are median price expectations.


  • 多么感谢小姐。我决心下次相见多拉求婚

    How grateful I was to Miss Mills. I made up my mind to ask Dora to marry me the next time we met.


  • 历史洪流角度来看,米米·贝萨姆约翰·斯图阿特·通常都被认为好人

    IN THE grand scheme of things Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are normally thought of as good guys. Between them, they came up with the ethical theory known as utilitarianism.


  • 诗人·玛.乌亭.玛斯脱,“要着,而能驰骋精神世界领域内;

    Says the poet Mr Udd, "Being seated, to run through the region of the spiritual world;"


  • 赖斯是三个孩子母亲沃基中弹身亡时,的母亲和她一岁的孩子在车里。

    When Ms. Price, a mother of three, was fatally shot in Milwaukee, her mother and her 1-year-old child were also in the car.


  • 不然如何解释象阿提密斯·恩崔立那样战士所取得的成就呢?可以打败许多年龄是他老资格精灵战士。

    How else to explain the accomplishments of a warrior such as Artemis Entreri, who could outfight many drow veterans ten times his age?


  • 过去这里有高中相邻的,现在通过管理运营可以将其紧密地连接在一起,合并路易·斯密和路易斯·阿拉贡这两所高中正逢其时。

    Historically the two high schools are adjacent, now closely linked by the administration and running, it is time to unite Louise Michel and Louis Aragon high schools.


  • 密特拉修斯联合星座公牛之上呈现毒蛇,只蝎子,一条狗和一只大乌鸦,都被认为是描绘星座

    Mithras is associated with Perseus, whose constellation is above that of the bull. A serpent, a scorpion, a dog, and a raven are present, also thought to represent associated constellations.


  • 亚当·斯密马克思,阿弗雷德·马歇凯恩斯以及少数其他人改变了整个世界经济影响了我们生活

    Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Alfred Marshall, John Maynard Keynes, and a handful of others have shaped the world of economics and influenced our lives.


  • 厄皮卡玛斯密斯西西里发明虚构或者情节

    The invented Fable, or Plot, however, originated in Sicily, with Epicharmus and Phormis;


  • 厄皮卡玛斯密斯西西里发明虚构或者情节

    The invented Fable, or Plot, however, originated in Sicily, with Epicharmus and Phormis;


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