• 弗兰切斯基尼欢迎了父母

    Franceschini welcomed my parents.


  • 切沃正要把丹尼尔·弗朗切斯基尼拉齐奥

    Chievo is about to sell Daniele Franceschini to Lazio.


  • 到目前为止,该公司已经收到30份申请,奇林斯基尼希望2017年到来之前聘用兼职译者,这个岗位可能变成全职

    With more than 30 applications so far, she is hoping to appoint somebody on a freelance basis by the start of 2017, with the potential for it to become a full-time 3 post.


  • 总部位于伦敦今日翻译公司的常务董事尤尔加奇基尼说:“本届世界杯比赛和进球渐渐被淡忘后,人们记住可能只有‘呜呜祖拉’。”

    "Long after individual matches and goals are forgotten, this will be remembered as the Vuvuzela World Cup, " said Jurga Zilinskiene, managing director of London-based firm Today Translations.


  • 这个男孩赢得纽约冠军后不久马科夫基就开始塔尼家人举办 GoFundMe活动这样可以继续他的国际象棋之旅了。

    Soon after the young boy won the New York Championship, Makofsky began a GoFundMe activity for Tani and his family so that he could continued his chess journey.


  • 55利平基本任命哈佛大学尼曼新闻学基金会负责人。

    Lipinski, 55, this week was named curator of the Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard University.


  • 我们版本中,我们增加了一段作曲家丹尼-马德尔基的插曲,北部过冬那里寒风呼啸,扯远了...

    In our version we added a score from composer Danny Madorsky who spends his winters north, where the winds blow through Harlem, but I digress...


  • 姆·乔姆基是的大号。上世纪70年代,尼姆出生俄克拉荷马州诺曼市的灵动物研究所

    Nim Chimpsky, to give him his full title, was born at the Institute for Primate Studies in Norman, Oklahoma, in the early 70s.


  • 导演达伦·阿伦诺夫基用尽浑身解数描述尼娜追求完美过程那些困扰恐惧

    The director, Darren Aronofsky, USES all the artifice in his Arsenal to portray the terrors that beset Nina in her pursuit of perfection.


  • 能够需要加强中场的硬度,又或者需要进球时用杰梅·迪福换下基或者鲁尼。

    He can stiffen midfield if required or exchange Jermain Defoe for Heskey, or Rooney, if goals are needed.


  • 事实上世界首演使用手写乐谱最后一,就当时的指挥家叶甫根尼·姆拉文基的泪水浸湿了。

    Indeed, the final page of the ink-written score that was used at the world premiere is smudged and run with the tears of Yevgeny Mravinsky, the conductor.


  • 总调查员尼尔·巴罗夫·对于发生欺诈行为可能性表示关切,他呼吁接受救援资金银行报告它们如何使用纳税人的资金。

    Inspector General Neil Barofsky expressed concern about the potential for fraud, and called on Banks receiving bailout funds to report on their use of taxpayer funds.


  • 同样有关基——也是记录片《尼姆计划主角:喜欢我不想独自一人面对他这只成年黑猩猩

    More on Chimpsky, who was also the subject of the documentary film Project Nim: I liked him, but I wouldn't want to meet him as a fully grown chimpanzee on my own.


  • 周六参加奖项角逐影片还有罗曼·波兰杀戮》、大卫·柯南伯格的《危险方法乔治·克鲁尼的《三月十五日》。

    Other films in competition for the awards given out on Saturday include Roman Polanski's Carnage, David Cronenberg's a Dangerous Method and George Clooney's the Ides of March.


  • 然而前锋人选仍然卡佩罗挠头。现在看来,伤病缠身的可能不会出现多哈赛场鲁尼打出行云流水般的配合

    Forwards do remain an issue for Capello and that is underlined now that the injured Emile Heskey will not be on the scene to enjoy the so far fruitful partnership with Wayne Roney in Doha.


  • 知道鲁尼克劳奇卡尔顿·科尔基搭档怎样

    I know what happens when Rooney plays with Crouch, with Carlton Cole or Heskey. I know that.


  • 纽瑞耶同样早逝。

    Nijinsky and Nureyev also died young.


  • 迈克邻居成熟有些怪异盘音乐磁带,象勃拉姆莫扎特巴赫普罗科菲耶夫、柴可夫西贝柳拉赫玛尼诺夫施特劳等等

    Mike, who was just a kid in the neighborhood with odd - evolved? Sophisticated? - taste, had dozens more tapes: Brahms, Mozart, Bach, Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky, Sibelius, Rachmaninoff, Strauss.


  • 卡尼曼特维例子人们判断年轻女性职业

    I'll give you — in one of Kahneman and Tversky's examples, people were asked to judge the occupation of a young woman.


  • 美国联合航空公司发言人罗宾·贾尼说明该项政策适用于如下乘客:加长安全带无法上者,坐下后不能放下座位扶手者,或侵占邻座个人空间者。

    United spokeswoman Robin Janikowski said the policy applies to passengers who cannot buckle up with a single seatbelt extender or lower the armrests or who infringe on their neighbours.


  • 玛丽莲已经获准加入演员工作室,并且正在学习高深坦尼·拉夫基的表演方法

    Marilyn had been admitted to the Actors Studio, and was studying the deep-dish Stanislavsky Method.


  • 匹兹堡大学蒂凡尼·司徒博士这项研究负责人。

    Dr. Stephanie Studenski at the University of Pittsburgh led the study.


  • 这座城市兰钦,巴瑞·辛尼可夫,杜内耶夫基和柴可夫基的故乡。

    This is the city of Balanchine and Baryshnikov, Dostoevsky and Tchaikovsky.


  • 曼尼·特基是位成功公司律师,因为揭发警方调查人员的惊天贪污阴谋,最终一批警察监狱逼迫致死

    Blew the whistle on a big corruption scheme run by a group of police investigators, only to be put in jail and hounded to death by the same policemen.


  • 刚才卡米尔•特霍雷克传给了一个网址链接上边克拉尼瓦克拉基创作精致随笔,发布地址是“犹太人杂志契约”的网站。

    I have just (hat-tip Kamil Tchorek) been sent a link to this masterly essay by Stanislaw Krajewski, in the online Jewish magazine Covenant.


  • 思维思维》(Thinking Fast and Slow)一书的作者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman),以及已去世的合作者埃姆·特Amos Tversky),因指出人类经常做出不理性的”决策而备受尊重。

    TOWARDS the end of “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, Daniel Kahneman laments that he and his late collaborator, Amos Tversky, are often credited with showing that humans makeirrationalchoices.


  • 早期研究者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)已故阿莫·特(amos Tversky),进行的是人类赌博行为理论研究

    Early researchers, such as Daniel Kahneman and the late Amos Tversky, were working on theories of human behaviour using gambling.


  • 早期研究者丹尼尔·卡尼曼(Daniel Kahneman)已故阿莫·特(amos Tversky),进行的是人类赌博行为理论研究

    Early researchers, such as Daniel Kahneman and the late Amos Tversky, were working on theories of human behaviour using gambling.


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