• 美国希望巴基斯坦努力提高投票率。

    The Americans hope that Pakistan's efforts can help bolster turnout.


  • 美国希望巴基斯坦努力提高投票率。

    The Americans hope that Pakistan’s efforts can help bolster turnout.


  • 一直一个问题就是,塔吉克斯坦能多少,一半整个阿富汗人口

    and the question that I've been asking They are The Tadzhiks in Afghnastan constitutes what about half of the entire population?


  • 美以公共事务委员会捐赠者秘密会议上说,如果以色列巴勒斯坦举行一次建设性对话,建立一个制裁德黑兰联盟任务轻松多了。

    He told a private meeting of Aipac donors that the task of building an international coalition against Tehran will be made easier if Israel and the Palestinians hold a constructive dialogue.


  • 对于那些照顾它们保持凉爽它们提供饲料定期挤奶农场主来说,斯坦奶牛平均每年产2275加仑牛奶

    For the farmer who takes care to keep them cool, providing them with high-energy feed, and milking them regularly, Holstein cows are producing an average of 2,275 gallons of milk each per year.


  • 获得爱因斯坦理论物理学达到最高成就。

    Winning the Albert Einstein Award is the highest achievement in theoretical physics.


  • 斯坦·麦克里斯特尔将军《赋一书描述伊拉克战争早期军队等级结构对军事行动阻碍

    In his book, Team of Teams, General Stanley McChrystal describes how the army's hierarchical structure hindered its operations during the early stages of the Iraq war.


  • 知道是否冷静地面对一新的解决方案。”爱因斯坦写道,言辞着一丝防备。

    "I am curious to know whether you will take kindly to this new solution," Einstein noted with a touch of defensiveness.


  • 对此,斯坦表示:“今天我们脂肪胆固醇困扰是因为我们随时超市这些食品将自己填饱。”

    "We have an obsession today with fat and cholesterol because we can go to the market and stuff ourselves with it," Stanford said.


  • 我国保持以色列的影响也削弱了我们美国声称巴勒斯坦人的公正中间人立场。

    That enabled us to maintain our influence with them, but weakened our claim to be an honest broker with the Palestinians.


  • 顺便一说爱因斯坦理论没有什么阻止时间旅行,通过它可以走向未来回到过去

    Incidentally, there is nothing in Einstein's theory that prohibits time travel, be it into the future or into the past.


  • 作为这一平行努力结果印度如今拥有了不但核弹头投送至巴基斯坦全境而且打击中国腹地的导弹

    As a result of the parallel effort, India now has missiles capable of delivering nuclear warheads on targets not just throughout Pakistan, but deep inside China too.


  • 在那里他们不会无人驾驶飞机攻击,而且没有称职巴基斯坦情报系统迅速他们赶走阻止他们制造更多麻烦

    There they will be safe from the drones; and there is no competent Pakistani intelligence system that can flush them out quickly and stop them from making more mischief.


  • 爱因斯坦过“只有他人而存在的生命才是值得的,”相信服务他人的生命才是带来真正的意义

    Albert Einstein said that 'only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile,' and I believe that a life of service to others is what truly brings meaning.


  • 我们忍受几个爱因斯坦

    How many Einsteins can we tolerate?


  • 然后说服国际原子机构(组织的理事会包括巴基斯坦中国)也这样

    Oh, and then to persuade the IAEA, whose governing board includes Pakistan and China, to do the same.


  • 以色列指出即使战火爆发的时候,一些巴勒斯坦还是直接以色列高级法院投诉人权事宜并立即解决问题

    Indeed, the Israelis point out that even as fighting raged, some Palestinians were able to complain about humanitarian issues directly to Israel's Supreme Court for immediate ruling.


  • 世界银行报告,《奥斯陆和平协议》或许可以一个活下来的巴勒斯坦带来水资源改善巴勒斯坦人的生活,这样的希望实现很小的部分”。

    The World Bank report said the hopes that the Oslo accords might bring water resources for a viable Palestinian state and improve the life of Palestinians had "only very partially been realised".


  • 我们希望国际社会慷慨地一呼吁作出反应使我们改善巴勒斯坦民众生活健康

    We hope that the international community will generously respond to this appeal so that we can make difference in the life and health of the Palestinian people.


  • 雕出爱因斯坦是因为认为造出一个更棒的南瓜

    I carved Einstein because I thought he would make a striking pumpkin.


  • 觉得只要印度够做一些小让步只要和平很快到来巴基斯坦今天的所作的让步所受的羞辱完全值得的。

    He believes Pakistanis will swallow this humiliation so long as India is prepared to sweeten the deal with small compromises and provided that peace comes quickly.


  • 这个美国俄罗斯和国际原子机构合作使一批高度浓缩铀乌兹别克斯坦交还俄罗斯城市德米特罗夫·格勒。

    This month, the United States, Russia and the IAEA worked to return highly-enriched uranium from Uzbekistan to a nuclear facility in the Russian city of Dmitrovgrad.


  • 中东地区天空非常晴朗,使我们一览无云阿拉伯半岛以及伊朗巴基斯坦群山的景象。

    Skies over the Middle East were clear, providing a cloud-free view of Arabian Peninsula and the mountains of Iran and Pakistan.


  • 为了更好的观察它们斯坦分子细胞生理学教授斯蒂芬·史密斯以及团队研发了一种称作层面摄影法的方法。

    To get a better look at them, Stephen Smith, a professor of molecular and cellular physiology at Stanford, and his team developed a process called array tomography.


  • 表示,他希望论坛协助缓和阿富汗其邻国巴基斯坦关系经常出现紧张局面

    He also said he hoped the trilateral forum can help ease his country's frequently tense relationship with neighboring Pakistan.


  • 1985年,斯旺森博士创建了太阳公司斯坦大学电子工程学教授研发太阳电池技术商业化。

    In 1985 Dr Swanson founded SunPower Corporation to commercialise the solar-cell technology he developed while he was a professor of electrical engineering at Stanford University.


  • 爱因斯坦:“学习不断地追求真理和美我们永葆青春活动范围”(《爱因斯坦通信》,第62)。

    Einstein said: "Learning, constantly pursuing truth and beauty, is the sphere of activity which can always keep our youthful vitality" (Selected Communication of Einstein, page 62).


  • 如果和谈重启巴勒斯坦希望他们中断处继续。

    If and when talks resume, the Palestinians want to pick up where they left off.


  • 今年早些时候霍金表示,开发出穿越时间旅行飞船顺势打破爱因斯坦的相对论理论

    Earlier this year Hawking he said that a spaceship capable of travelling through time - but only forwards - would breach Albert Einstein's theories of relativity.


  • 今年早些时候霍金表示,开发出穿越时间旅行飞船顺势打破爱因斯坦的相对论理论

    Earlier this year Hawking he said that a spaceship capable of travelling through time - but only forwards - would breach Albert Einstein's theories of relativity.


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