• 从杰斐逊时代到霍·时代,之间发生什么事情打破这个平衡

    What had happened between the generation of Jefferson and the generation of Horace Mann to tip the balance?


  • 弗吉尼亚州费尔法克警察局位女发言人表示目前没有迹象显示与谋杀有关。

    A spokeswoman for the Fairfax County Police Department in Virginia said there were no signs of foul play in Mr. Kellermann's death.


  • 一月份,博尔顿以及愿意冬歇期租借这位29岁的边锋,不过还是希望对方能保证租借结束后买断赖特.菲利普

    While Bolton and Fulham wanted him on loan, City asked for assurances that either club would agree to sign the 29-year-old on a permanent deal in the summer.


  • 可以宣称自己看到布莱·德露丝贝利塔娜,费德纳芙拉蒂诺娃,尼克劳伍兹。又或者你可以满怀激动地宣称自己看到明日之星。

    You can say that you saw Bradman or Ruth, pele or Montana, Federer or Navratilova, Nicklaus or woods-or you may have the tingling feeling that you have seen the next of the greats.


  • 特拉研究揭示黏菌世界没有骗子摧毁原因

    Research by Dr. Queller and Dr. Strassmann has revealed some reasons the slime-mold world has not been overwhelmed by these cheats.


  • 美国大学教授出示大量社会经济方面的证据证明人的生活犹太裔以色列人相比多么的惨不忍睹。

    Mr Peleg and Mr Waxman, both professors at American universities, provide the socioeconomic evidence to show just how badly the Palestinians fare compared with Jewish Israelis.


  • 近来的大型艺术展上,将几位艺术家同台展示蔚然成风,画展的名字则好似那些附庸风雅的广告公司一般——“马蒂.毕加索”,“特纳.斯勒.莫奈”, “杜尚..皮卡阿”。

    IT HAS become a trend for big exhibitions to feature more than one artist, so they sound like arty advertising agencies—"Matisse Picasso", "Turner Whistler Monet", "Duchamp Man Ray Picabia".


  • 收集很多网球选手球拍,像是费德阿加西里查潘

    I have a collection of tennis racquets from players, such as Federer, Henman, Agassi and Srichaphan, which I got them to sign because I am like a fan.


  • 四月一日,迈克尔·盖博击败了在任康星最高法院法官路易·巴特舆论杂音并未因此平息。

    Michael Gableman defeated Louis Butler, an incumbent on Wisconsin's Supreme Court, on April 1st, and the cacophony has not yet subsided.


  • 经过6小时46分太空行走,古德和的同事NASA航天员特.完成了为6号端口太阳能电池组B安装最后2个电池的任务。

    During the six-hour, 46-minute spacewalk, Good and fellow NASA astronaut Garrett Reisman completed the installation of the final two new batteries for the B side of the port 6 solar array.


  • 中刚刚那不了败仗城已经被推到了悬崖边缘他们可能难以进军淘汰赛阶段被淘汰出局,接下来的这周蓝月亮会接受到真正的考验

    Having lost 2-1 at Napoli on Tuesday night, a result which leaves them on the brink of Champions League elimination, City have stuttered in their first test of a challenging few weeks.


  • 研究免疫系统美国科学家布鲁·博伊特法国科学家科学家朱尔·霍夫物理学公布(2011年9月30日)去世加拿大科学家拉尔夫·分享了诺贝尔生理学和医学奖。

    Immune system researchers Bruce Beutler of the U.S. and Frenchman Jules Hoffmann shared the medicine prize Monday with Canadian-born Ralph Steinman, who died three days before the announcement.


  • 命运如何人生来就不是野蛮也不是乞讨者。人四周充满真正高贵财富身体心灵的财富。——霍·

    Theory of fate, born not barbarian, nor beggars. The wealth of the people around is full of true and noble - body and the wealth of the mind.


  • 诺内在阿森纳1比0战胜姆的比赛中表现令人震撼,主场对奥林匹亚再次加深了人们的印象

    Mannone produced a stunning display as Arsenal beat Fulham 1-0 at Craven Cottage and impressed once more when Olympiacos visited Emirates Stadium in the Champions League.


  • 利比亚外长卜杜·拉赫·沙·格姆星期四同美国国务卿其他美国官员举行了会晤

    Libyan Foreign Minister Abdel-Rahman Shalgam met Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other officials Thursday in a meeting underlining an improving bilateral relationship.


  • 纽卡经理报道在追逐中场乔伊巴顿。他是帕克的代替者。

    Newcastle's new manager Sam Allardyce is reported to be eyeing out-of-favour Manchester City midfielder Joey Barton as a potential replacement for Parker.


  • 斯勒几乎要抓狂了,电视机。他知道他,以及大多数观众,对奈德乍样闯入广播感爱好他们要的是纽答案

    Kessler said he went crazy, wanting to throw things at the TV. He realized that he, and most of the audience, wasn't interested in how Snyder got into radio. They wanted Newman's answer!


  • 勒曼坚持阿尼尔灵感来源尤伯连纳,托尼柯蒂1962年电影塔拉布利巴”。

    He said Salman insisted that Anil watch his source of inspiration, the Yul Brynner-Tony Curtis 1962 film "Taras Bulba".


  • 演员休·杰克,凯特·贝金赛尔理查·劳伯格·评论

    Commentary by actors Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roxburgh and Shuler Hensley.


  • 音乐指挥指导奎•魏阿根廷一位知名音乐家

    Guillermo Vaisman, the conductor and musical director, is a famous Argentine musician.


  • 尼尔·盖史蒂夫·还有后起之秀漫画,B.P.R.D。,诺·诺是我的爱!

    I'm a big Neil Gaiman and Steve Niles kind of fan. More Dark Horse Comics, B. P. R. D., Lenore. I love Lenore!


  • 尼尔·盖史蒂夫·还有后起之秀漫画,B.P.R.D。,诺·诺是我的爱!

    I'm a big Neil Gaiman and Steve Niles kind of fan. More Dark Horse Comics, B. P. R. D., Lenore. I love Lenore!


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