• 狄奥尼索斯剧场建于公元前6世纪,是古老的露天剧场

    The theatre of dionyssos was built the 6th century BC, the oldest outdoor arena.


  • 德勒·威尔剧场英国主要跳舞场所,在那世界级的编舞者,视觉艺术家音乐家推进表演艺术传统舞蹈的距离。

    Sadler's Wells is the UK's leading dance house, where world class choreographers, visual artists and musicians push the boundaries between performance art and traditional dance.


  • 希腊雅典,夜色渐浓,聚集在阿迪库剧场的观众们正满怀期待等候表演者们华丽的入场,这个仪式已经延续了几百年。

    In a ritual that has taken place for centuries, an expectant assemblage awaits a dramatic entrance by performers under darkening skies in the Herodes Atticus Theater in Athens, Greece.


  • 还有有名戴奥尼·索剧场——卫城南部看台世界上古老剧院——戴奥尼·索斯剧场,它于公元前6世纪公元前4世纪重建

    There is a famous theatre of Dionysus, south of the city stands is one of the world's most ancient theater, theatre of Dionysus, first built in the 6th century BC and rebuilt in the 4th century BC.


  • 利卡维多露天剧场每年夏天这里都会晚上举办一些音乐会及戏剧表演

    Overhead of open-air theatre of Lykavittos hill, each summer hosts musical, theatrical performances in evenings.


  • 雅典富人阿提库在各国各地行善,建造这座剧场作为送给雅典礼物

    Herodes, very wealthy Athenian who made great things all over Greece. And, he built this theater, this amphitheater, as a gift to the City of Athens.


  • 至今保存完好罗马剧场之一,土耳其的阿古罗马剧院。

    A rendering of the Roman theater at Aspendius, Turkey is shown in Fig.


  • 布宜洛·艾利·拉瓦勒大街的电影院区商店里剧场餐馆里到处都是人。

    On Calle Lavalle in Buenos Aires's cinema district, crowds throng shops, theaters, restaurants.


  • 阿提库圆形剧场,建于西元两世纪中期

    This is the amphitheater of Herodes. It was made in the middle of the 2nd Century, after Christ.


  • 希腊人使用一些古代场所尼克希罗德·阿提库剧场

    Greeks still use some ancient sites, such as the Pnyx and the Theater of Herodes Atticus.


  • 今天尼克娱乐音乐会的露天剧场

    Today the Pnyx is an openair theater for light and sound shows.


  • 若干年前,朱利亚诺•麦-哈麦两个男孩同在母亲剧场工作剧场位于巴勒坦约旦河西岸杰宁镇。

    Some years before, Juliano Mer-Khamis had worked with these boys in his mother's theatre in Jenin, in the Palestinian West Bank.


  • 纽约驶来的船只来一批批乘客,不是到剧场观看戏,就是普莱旅馆的水上餐厅进餐

    Boats from New York delivered passengers for a night of theater and a shore dinner at Price's Hotel.


  • 有些主要位于一些主要大城市比如柏林慕尼黑汉堡其它的在一些小城市比如包岑、帕骚特拉尔松。

    Some opera venues were in major cities like Berlin, Munich and Hamburg, but others were in smaller cities like Bautzen, Passau and Stralsund.


  • 俄亥俄州托莱多市贝尤维公园剧场的拳赛中,“马纳萨的击鼓者”杰克·邓普西经回合激战, 粗暴地击倒了6英尺6英寸的卫冕者·威拉德,将他拉拳王宝座。

    The Manassa Mauler' Jack Dempsey brutally beat down and dethroned reigning 6'6 champion Jess Willard in three violent rounds at the Bay View Park Arena in Toledo, Ohio.


  • 剧照,杰克逊洛杉矶戴普中心(The Staples Center)的舞台上,将于今年夏天在伦敦O2 Arena剧场演唱会紧张排练着,演唱会的门票早已销售一空。

    They show Jackson on stage at the Staples Centre, in Los Angeles, where he was preparing for his sell-out concerts at the O2 Arena in London this summer.


  • 几年道格拉父亲柯克·道格拉(Kirk Douglas)还命运多舛剧场“飞跃疯人院”中扮演尼科尔森(Jack Nicholson)在电影中所扮演的男主角麦克墨菲(Randle P.McMurphy)的角色

    Douglas's father Kirk had played Jack Nicholson's role of protagonist Randle P. McMurphy in the ill-fated stage version of the work several years earlier.


  • 附近海滨长廊毗邻路易剧场

    It is near the waterfront boardwalk and adjacent to the Louisbourg Playhouse.


  • 中欧萨达参观了公元前190年期间在建造半月形剧场当时的云石雕刻,手工精细

    Went to the central library saada, visited in the construction of a half moon during the year 190 BC in ancient theatre, was the marble sculpture, fine handwork!


  • 今天尼克娱乐音乐会的露天剧场

    Today the Pnyx is an open-air theater for light and sound shows.


  • 我们惟一爱情亲吻辛迪时,的男朋友,坐在前排的一位名叫艾伦·布罗利的高年级橄榄球队员发出了一响亮滑稽的嘘声,惹得整个剧场哄然大笑。

    When I kissed Cindy during our only love scene, her boyfriend-a senior football player named Allen Broyles, who was sitting in the front row-let out a loud comic groan that brought the house down.


  • 法布雷加渴望带领球队周一出征梦剧场但是不想着伤势会进一步加重的风险。

    Fabregas would love to lead his side out at Old Trafford on Monday but he doesn't want to risk further damage.


  • 洛杉矶这个奇怪三人组合去参观年久失修、门可罗雀的布偶剧场沃尔特布偶秀的狂热粉丝,他得知这个剧场很快就卑劣的石油商人泰克瑞奇曼(克里库柏饰)拆除

    In LA, the odd trio visits the decrepit, vacant Muppet Studios, and avid fan Walter finds out that it is going to be torn down by villainous oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper).


  • 一个必须知道人生剧场只有上帝天使留下来看着我们。(弗朗西培根

    Men must know, that in this theatre of man's life it is reserved only for God and angels to be lookers-on. (Francis Bacon)


  • 这是从未期待自己会出现地方首都——古城菲利普·波利,一个保存完好的剧场清晨金色阳光下静谧地矗立着。

    A place where I had never expected to find myself: the ancient city of Philippopolis, capital of Thrace. A well preserved amphitheatre, golden in the morning sun.


  • 之后伯明翰”教育剧场以及威尔士的波厄剧团持续性的合作直到1999年他成为了“大伯明翰”教育剧场艺术总监

    He continued to work as a freelance actor-teacher and playwright with both Big Brum TIE and Theatr Powys in Wales until 1999 when he became the Artistic Director of Big Brum.


  • 足以容纳17000剧场曾经上演过无数库罗索福克勒欧里庇得悲剧作品阿里托芬喜剧作品

    In this to accommodate the 17,000 people theatre have been staged countless field Aeschylus, sophocles, and Euripides tragedy works and aristophanes's comedies.


  • 足以容纳17000剧场曾经上演过无数库罗索福克勒欧里庇得悲剧作品阿里托芬喜剧作品

    In this to accommodate the 17,000 people theatre have been staged countless field Aeschylus, sophocles, and Euripides tragedy works and aristophanes's comedies.


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