• 需要吊起船只克莱运河高度进入运河港然后进入水轮中较低多拉里。

    Boats needing to be lifted up enter the canal basin at the level of the Forth & Clyde Canal and then enter the lower gondola of the Wheel.


  • 克莱同意萨帕特罗观点,他职责工人社会党责任他人并称马德里拒还欠加泰罗尼亚的钱。

    Mr Mas-Colell disagrees, accusing the Socialists of leaving the dirty work to others and claiming that Madrid is refusing to hand over funds it owes Catalonia.


  • 其他冰河世纪》系列影片一样,该片讲述了一场危险之旅,并且花大篇幅折磨那只牙齿锐利可怜松鼠斯克莱特。

    Like the other "Ice Age" films, it involves a dangerous journey and time is found to torture the poor little saber-toothed squirrel, Scrat.


  • 克莱,虽说427日的会议没有发生什么事情刺激弱不禁风债券市场马德里交涉迫在眉睫。 试译:玛斯克莱说加泰罗尼亚与马德里的中央政府达成一项协议,但在4月27日的会晤中,这个协议并未达成,这使得证券市场出现了急剧的变化。

    Mr Mas-Colell says a deal with Madrid will emerge, but it did not happen at a meeting on April 27th, making bond markets jumpier.


  • 克莱不断地在说些含沙射影的话

    Cletus kept making insinuating remarks.


  • 科恩抱怨克莱正强行插足生意

    Cohen complained that Kravis was muscling in on his deal.


  • 时间我们希望的要长,”克莱6月9日以来赢得第一次胜利

    "It took longer than we wanted," Clemens said after notching his first victory since June 9.


  • 接下来的几年里克莱试图项目推广美国各地

    For the years that followed, Cress tried to spread his project across the United States.


  • 引起克莱兴趣的那幅图画感到困惑。

    He too was puzzled by the picture that had sparked Clemmons's interest.


  • 回到了我的家乡麦克莱菲尔德,拍摄了一些冬天的照片。

    I was back in my home town of Macclesfield to take some winter images.


  • 当时,戴姆勒-奔驰拥有这家公司,很大方克莱底盘放在梅赛德车轴上

    Daimler-Benz owned the company then and had the good grace to place the Chrysler chassis on a Mercedes axle.


  • 克莱一直菲亚特公司讨论结盟,这也是美国政府另一项重要要求

    Chrysler is continuing discussions to form an alliance with Fiat, another key demand of the US government.


  • 克莱余生中,个像劳拉一样幽灵不时造访梦境

    A Laura-like apparition visited Clemens' dreams at intervals throughout the rest of his life.


  • 现在加州一位名叫莫林·克莱软件顾问表示,风筝可能与此有关

    Now a Californian software consultant called Maureen Clemmons has suggested that kites might have been involved.


  • 如今美国纳税人正在救助通用汽车克莱外国竞争对手制造世界上最好汽车“三巨头美国汽车销量还不到一半

    Today, American taxpayers are bailing out GM and Chrysler, foreign competitors make most of the world's best cars, and the Big Three account for less than half the cars sold in the United States.


  • 今年早些时候研究小组使用一个40平方米的长方形尼龙,对克莱不可能理论进行测试

    Earlier this year, the team put Clemmons's unlikely theory to the test, using a 40-square-metre rectangular nylon sail.


  • 克莱姆森大学心理学辛西娅·普里认为,派故事证明一点勇气并非来自无畏而是来自道德义务

    According to Cynthia Pury, a psychologist at Clemson University, Pedeleose's story proves the point that courage is not motivated by fearlessness, but by moral obligation.


  • 克莱产品组合糟糕——克莱品牌道奇都向美国倾斜,还有卡车货车

    It has a bad product portfolio, with not only the Chrysler brand but Dodge skewed towards the US, and trucks and vans.


  • 拥有工厂克莱员工数量是克莱勒的交易商数量是其倍。

    It has many more factories than Chrysler, nearly four times as many employees and twice as many dealers.


  • 作为获得克莱勒35%股份交换,菲亚特克莱勒提供小型中型车型平台以及先进的、低耗油的动力技术。

    In exchange for an equity stake of around 35%, Fiat would make available to Chrysler its small and medium-sized platforms and advanced, fuel-efficient powertrains.


  • 这家公司克莱公司还怀期望控股克莱金融公司(克莱勒公司金融分支机构),眼下正在协商要变身为一家多元化的金融公司。

    Nor has the firm given up hope on Chrysler. Cerberus still has control of Chrysler financial, the company's finance arm, and there is talk of turning it into a diversified financial firm.


  • 但是这些举措对于戴姆勒克莱公司从未克莱做过贡献德国方面来说远远不够

    But it was not enough for the German side of the company, which had never really warmed to Chrysler.


  • 福特这些债务如今使面对通用克莱处于不利地位,通用和克莱破产保护削减他们负债

    Ford has said the debt load now puts it at a disadvantage against GM and Chrysler, which had their obligations cut in bankruptcy.


  • 梅赛德克莱分享一些技术但是允许克莱采用梅赛德基本设计

    It Shared some technology, but did not allow Chrysler to piggy-back on its basic designs.


  • 肯塔基州的路易维尔,包括卡休·克莱(即拳王阿里)成长的地方,房屋项目将围绕健康为中心重新设计。

    In Louisville, Kentucky, housing projects, including the one where Cassius Clay grew up, have been redesigned with a focus on health.


  • 目前克莱合并中取得先手。

    Right now, Chrysler holds the upper hand in the merger.


  • 克莱曾经尼桑达成临时协议,规定尼桑帮助克莱勒生产小型轿车克莱帮助尼桑生产一种小型卡车

    It reached a tentative agreement in which Nissan would have made a small car for Chrysler and Chrysler would have built a pickup for Nissan.


  • 卡修·克莱于1942年1月17日出实施种族隔离肯塔基州路易维尔虽然来自贫苦的黑人家庭仍然成为名可以认为是有史以来伟大重量级拳手

    Cassius Clay was born on Jan. 17, 1942, in racially segregated Louisville, Kentucky Though from a poor black family, he went on to become arguably1 the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time.


  • 卡修·克莱于1942年1月17日出实施种族隔离肯塔基州路易维尔虽然来自贫苦的黑人家庭仍然成为名可以认为是有史以来伟大重量级拳手

    Cassius Clay was born on Jan. 17, 1942, in racially segregated Louisville, Kentucky Though from a poor black family, he went on to become arguably1 the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time.


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