• 漫画家韦恩·斯代卡尔画中的老人看来就发生那种问题

    That is what seems to have happened to the elderly man in Wayne Stayskal's cartoon.


  • 正因如此,黛尔·罗德里格英格兰一路来到加州托伦市布鲁克餐厅

    That's what brought Dayle Rodriguez, all the way from England to the dining room of Brookdale South Bay in Torrance, California.


  • 就是28岁黛尔·罗德里格英国一路来到加州托伦布鲁克餐厅的原因。

    That's what brought Dayle Rodriguez, 28, all the way from England to the dining room of Brookdale South Bay in Torrance, California.


  • 桑迪·威尔上世纪90整合了花旗集团在此过程中帮助废除格拉-蒂格尔法案》。

    Sandy Weill was the man who stitched Citigroup together in the 1990s and in the process helped bury the GlassSteagall act.


  • 桑迪·威尔20世纪90整合了花旗集团在此过程中帮助废除格拉-蒂格尔法案》。

    Sandy Weill was the man who stitched Citigroup together in the 1990s and in the process helped bury the Glass-Steagall act.


  • 尽管希尔许多学生来自富裕家庭,但1990,学生考试平均成绩下滑,这让获得了看似无情的绰号希尔监狱”。

    Although many of Hillsdale's students came from wealthy households, by the late 1990s average test scores were sliding and it had earned the unaffectionate nickname "Hillsjail".


  • 家族第三后人凯瑟琳·沃嫁入皇室现任的公爵夫人。

    Three generations of the family later, Katharine Worsley, married into Royalty and is now the Duchess of Kent.


  • 作为一家上市公司必须公布所有必要信息,就像是路易·布兰曾希望那样,你必须定期证交会上交文件,披露公司的信息。

    If you are a public company, the important thing is you have to do all of the disclosure that Louis Brandeis would have liked; you have to file regular forms with the SEC, disclosing information.


  • 电影改编自60同名超自然题材电视剧,德普其中扮演吸血鬼巴柯林

    He plays vampire Barnabas Collins in the film based on the the 60′s daily supernatural series of the same name.


  • 麦凯恩多次直接挑战奥巴马立场说法迫使对手解释1960年一个激进分子威廉姆·艾尔关系

    McCain, who repeatedly went on the offensive to challenge Obama's positions and statements, pressed his rival on his connection to a 1960's radical, William Ayers.


  • 保罗·科尔极度崇拜者球员优秀的一个,我真的觉得内德是目前世界上唯一位置的球员

    I am a big admirer of Paul Scholes, he is one of the best players of his generation and I honestly think Sneijder is the only player in the world capable of replacing him.


  • 路易·布兰…,希望公司能够始终提供信息他那个时,是指提供文档比如当时称为招股说明书一类的文件。

    Under Louis Brandeis -brandeis wanted companies to always present the information, but for him it always meant presenting a document, so they had something called a prospectus, for example.


  • 显然球迷构成更加多样化,”大学诺曼·爵士足球研究中心主管约翰·威廉姆

    "It was clear the new fans were more affluent," says John Williams, director of the Sir Norman Chester Centre for Football Research at the University of Leicester.


  • 尤努格拉北部的失业率达到了7.5%,并且还有数千家庭处于第三失业中。

    Unemployment in the eastern Glasgow is 7.5 per cent and thousands of families, Yunus says, are in the third generation of unemployment.


  • 看看次,1960有一小段时间约翰·列侬迷幻风格的

    Or consider this: for a brief time in the late 1960s, John Lennon owned a psychedelic Rolls-Royce.


  • 我们失去了埃德温·范德萨,加里·内维尔科尔现在我们剩下了吉格、里奥·费迪南德

    We lost Edwin van der Sar and Gary Neville, Scholes. It's only really Giggsy, me and Rio [Ferdinand] from that generation.


  • 下一商用电脑两个史蒂夫长发青年奥拓间车库里开发的。

    The next generation of business computer was being developed on entirely different lines by two long-haired guys called Steve in a garage in Los Altos.


  • 巴里·迈尔艾伦·杰克·凯鲁亚克、威廉·巴勒、查尔·布考人物传记作者写过一些其他关于“垮掉的一”的

    Barry Miles is the author of biographies of Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski and other books about the Beat Generation.


  • 玛格丽特·摩根鲁·吉丽特,布大学女性学习研究中心学者,《年龄奥秘:与美国新的年龄歧视作战》作者

    Margaret Morganroth Gullette, a scholar at the Women’s Studies Research Center at Brandeis University, is the author ofAgewise: Fighting the New Ageism in America.”


  • 为了电报线之间传送信息,在20世纪三十年摩尔威尔创造了摩尔电码

    To transmit messages across telegraph wires, in the 1930s Morse and Vail created what came to be known as Morse code.


  • 玛格丽特·摩根鲁·吉丽特,布大学女性学习研究中心学者,《年龄奥秘:与美国新的年龄歧视作战》作者

    Margaret Morganroth Gullette, a scholar at the Women's Studies Research Center at Brandeis University, is the author of "Agewise: Fighting the New Ageism in America."


  • 扎克伯格受到校长朱-佛特(DrewFaust其他大学教职工洛叶布楼(LoebHouse)前举行的简短的欢迎,佛哈佛大学发现下一技术型企业家地方

    President Drew Faust and other University officials, who met with him briefly at Loeb House. Faust said that Harvard was a good place to look for the next generation of technology entrepreneurs.


  • 原因如下:已经明白无误地指出网飞公司(Netflix)下一互联网产品视频流服务,谷歌必须找到一个全新愿景

    Here's why: Hastings had already clearly identified the next wave's product at Netflix (NFLX) — streaming video over the Internetbut Google has to find a new vision altogether.


  • 克里·20世纪90挑战科赫公司环保问题一系列案件之一。

    The Corpus Christi case was one of a series of challenges Koch Industries faced in the 1990s over environmental issues.


  • 碎片碎片,因为每次碰撞产生更多的碎片——就形成种叫“综合症”的现象,也就是美国物理学家唐纳德·凯上世纪七十创立的一种假说

    And junk begets junk, as each collision creates more fragments-a phenomenon known as the Kessler syndrome, after Donald Kessler, an American physicist who postulated it in the 1970s.


  • 除了好莱坞增加分量以外,提出尽快下一家庭娱乐设备巩固Netflix存在

    As Hastings chips away at Hollywood, he's also moving as fast as possible to cement Netflix's presence in the next generation of home entertainment devices.


  • 除了好莱坞增加分量以外,提出尽快下一家庭娱乐设备巩固Netflix存在

    As Hastings chips away at Hollywood, he's also moving as fast as possible to cement Netflix's presence in the next generation of home entertainment devices.


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