• 乔治梅森大学卡托中心自由市场经济学家维罗妮克·德鲁吉表示:“非常令人费解。”

    "It's very puzzling," says free-market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.


  • 乔治梅森大学墨卡托中心自由市场经济学家维罗妮克·德鲁吉表示:“非常令人费解。”

    "It's very puzzling," says free market economist Veronique de Rugy of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.


  • 中心排练进入最后阶段

    Rehearsals moved to their final phase at Staples Center.


  • 科林中心已经迈阿密组织了15个调停会

    The Collins Center has organized 15 mediations in Miami.


  • 然后我会来到中心,为比赛做好准备。

    Then I’m going to come to the Staples Center and get ready to work.


  • 同时也是建成台普中心第一赛季

    This also marked the first season played in the newly built Staples Center.


  • 如果台普中心外面雕像那么就是最好姿势

    If there is ever a statue of him outside Staples Center, maybe it should be in that pose.


  • 停在台普中心越野车旁边,“把手放在肩膀上,”菲利普

    Beside the SUV at Staples Center, "he put his hand on my shoulder," Phillips said.


  • 坦普中心也许是个新建场馆但是已经冠军场馆。它胜利传统

    Staples Center may be a newer building, but it has been built on championships. It has an instant air of a winning tradition.


  • 第52格莱美颁奖典礼将于2010年1月31日美国洛杉矶台普中心举行

    The 52nd Grammy Awards ceremony is scheduled to be held on January 31, 2010 at the Los Angeles' Staples Center.


  • 科赫兄弟建立卡托研究所莫卡特斯中心之后,也意识到了单靠智囊团并不足以成事。

    The Koch brothers, after helping to create Cato and Mercatus, concluded that think tanks alone were not enough to effect change.


  • 马克5岁的儿子似乎3月31日台普中心举行湖人小牛之间对决充满期待

    The actor and his son Michael, 5, look totally pumped up for the March 31 match-up between the L.A. Lakers and the Dallas Mavericks at the Staples Center.


  • 即使客场对阵快船的比赛中,他们也是中心进行,而像是湖人主场比赛。

    Even when the Clippers hosted them at Staples Center it was more like a home game for the Lakers.


  • McKean名为彩虹项目创作将会出现在比米中心屋顶上,让漏雨管收集雨水回收利用

    Titled "the Rainbow Project," McKean's creations will form over the roof of the Bemis Center, where downspouts will collect the water for recycling.


  • 告诉媒体说科赫兄弟其他在政界拼斗方法”,莫卡特中心并不会只为科赫集团自身利益出力

    Fink told the paper that the Kochs have "other means of fighting [their] battles," and that the Mercatus Center does not actively promote the company's private interests.


  • 诉讼指出,施贵宝公司曾邀请医生洛杉矶中心花费数千美元豪华包厢中观看湖人队的主场比赛

    For example, the company invited doctors to attend Los Angeles Lakers games at Staples Center and spent thousands of dollars on luxury suites, the suit claimed.


  • 湖人进步会把他们带回自己的主场---坦普中心在那里已经开通了通往NBA总决赛胜利之路。

    The evolution of the Lakers now continues Thursday at friendly Staples Center, where a trip to the NBA Finals sits one victory away.


  • 财务信息显示科赫家族基金会乔治·梅森捐赠了三千多万美元,这笔款项绝大多数流向非盈利组织莫卡特中心

    Financial records show that the Koch family foundations have contributed more than thirty million dollars to George Mason, much of which has gone to the Mercatus Center, a nonprofit organization.


  • 坐落于诺里奇约翰英纳中心摩尔针对研究名为Ph 1染色体染色体的作用是确保小麦基因配对正确

    Graham Moore of the John Innes Centre in Norwich is targeting part of a chromosome called Ph1 which ensures wheat genes pair up correctly.


  • 制作人还回忆起了天王去世前一天他们还加州洛杉矶中心碰面商量杰克逊CBS电视台制作的万圣节节目。

    Ehrlich said he met with Jackson at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California, the day before he died to discuss a Halloween project the singer was working on with CBS.


  • 科林中心就是这样一个组织庭外调解项目机构,罗德.彼德雷是该中心负责人他说直到目前为止,佛罗里达一直没有重视这个办法

    Rod Petrey, head of the Collins Center which organizes out-of-court mediation programs, says that option has been ignored in Florida until now.


  • 约会地点LAX主题建筑屋顶360城市观景台,戈蒂博物馆泰普中心湖人比赛布雷焦油佩吉博物馆,威尼海滩浮桥

    Date spots: Rooftop observation deck at LAX’sTheme Building for 360-degree views of the city, Getty Museum, Lakers Game atStaples Center, Page Museum at the La Brea Tar Pits, Venice Beach Boardwalk


  • 这项研究是加州大学戴维中心学者汤亚·雅各布牵头并网上的《心理神经内分泌学期刊发表不久的将来即将有印刷版大家见面。

    The study, with UC Davis postdoctoral scholar Tonya Jacobs as lead author, was published online in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology and will soon appear in print.


  • 第51格莱美音乐奖颁奖盛典于2009年28日(北京时间2月9日)洛杉矶中心举行届时美国CBS电视台会现场直播。

    The 51st Annual Grammy Awards will be held Feb. 8, 2009 at Staples Center in Los Angeles and again broadcast on CBS.


  • 最新法庭文件披露,9月4日举行的迈克尔·杰克逊小型私人葬礼花费洛杉矶中心 (Staples Center)悼念差不多

    Michael Jackson's small, private funeral cost almost as much as his memorial at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, according to new court documents.


  • 制作设计师起来主要彩排场所洛杉矶台普中心(Staples Center)的观众席曾录制过11分钟片断,从而满足了奥特加的需求

    But the director got what he needed when his production designer remembered shooting 11 minutes of tape from the seats in the Staples Center, the L.A. arena where most rehearsals occurred.


  • 也就是现在莫卡特中心Mercatus Center),中心对外宣传自身是“世界顶尖市场主导型创意大学智库——贯通学术理论现实世界之间鸿沟”。

    Now known as the Mercatus Center, it promotes itself as “the world’s premier university source for market-oriented ideas—bridging the gap between academic ideas and real-world problems.”


  • 剧照,杰克逊洛杉矶戴普中心(The Staples Center)的舞台上,将于今年夏天在伦敦O2 Arena剧场的演唱会紧张排练着,演唱会的门票早已销售一空。

    They show Jackson on stage at the Staples Centre, in Los Angeles, where he was preparing for his sell-out concerts at the O2 Arena in London this summer.


  • 剧照,杰克逊洛杉矶戴普中心(The Staples Center)的舞台上,将于今年夏天在伦敦O2 Arena剧场的演唱会紧张排练着,演唱会的门票早已销售一空。

    They show Jackson on stage at the Staples Centre, in Los Angeles, where he was preparing for his sell-out concerts at the O2 Arena in London this summer.


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