• 详细卫星图像分析野外调查表明活动断层(开都河断层)主要分布盆地南缘,具典型的走断层特征

    Detailed analyses of satellite images and field investigation have revealed that the active Kaidu River fault zone on the southern margin of the basin is a strike-slip fault zone.


  • 因此,对煤层底板变形破坏规律构造特征以及断层要素研究都是防治奥灰岩含水层突水关键问题

    Therefore, study on the deformation and breakage law of upper and down floor of coal layer, the character of formation, each fault factor are the key problem for prevention the water inrush.


  • 不同纬度区域不同潮汐应力作用方式之促滑的断层类型也有不同的分布特征

    For different latitude areas, various patterns of tidal stress effects and relevant types of seismic faults have various distributing features.


  • 文摘歧东构造带具有浅层深层构造相异的特征主要断层分割河流相砂体

    Abstract: qidong field is characterized by different structures from deeper to shallower strata its main pay bed is fluvial sandstone segmented by deep cutting faults.


  • 本文阐述了祁连逆掩带中缓倾角断层结构特征地质意义

    The structural characteristics and geological significance of the low Angle faults found in North Qilian overthrusts are discussed in this paper.


  • 重新定位结果利用现今群体特征研究历史大震震源断层提供了良好基础资料。

    It provides fine foundational ata for the study of focal fault of historical strong earthquakes with the group feature of present small earthquakes.


  • 然后根据典型露头照片所构造特征断层进行组合构造解释

    Second, we make fault and structural interpretations based on the structural characteristics of the outcrop pictures.


  • 因为启动阻力是泥质岩层固有特征,所以,没有裂缝断层情况下,质岩层必然存在孔隙流体超压。

    Because the starting resistance can express the characteristics of the mudstone, the ultra-pressure of fluid must exist in the pores if there are neither cracks nor faults.


  • 因为启动阻力泥质岩层固有特征,所以,没有裂缝断层情况下,孔隙流体超压必然存在

    Because starting resistance is the characteristic of mudstone, there is the ultra-pressure of fluid in the pores is inevitable if there are neither cracks nor faults.


  • 至于断层形变,则随测点震中关系不同表现出不同的特征

    As for the fault deformation, it expressed different features with the different relation between the station and the epicenter.


  • 微裂缝排断层排烃具有两种不同动力学特征和排机制

    There are different dynamic characteristics and hydrocarbon expulsion mechanism between the microfracture and the fault hydrocarbon - expulsion.


  • 松辽盆地深层资料复杂,断层接触关系不清楚,火山岩特征明显

    Deep layers are mainly characterized by inconspicuous faulted contact and lava characteristics at the Songliao basin.


  • 着重研究拉张或挤压型雁列式断层标本变形过程中发射(简称AE,下同)时空演化特征

    The spatiotemporal characteristics of acoustic emission (AE) during the deformation of rock samples with compressional and extensional en-echelon faults have been studied.


  • 相干技术一种用于描述断层地层特征解释性处理技术。

    The coherence cube technique is an interpretation processing technique, which is used to describe the fault and stratigraphic characteristics.


  • 随着观测点震中观测点与发震构造的位置关系不同断层形变表现出不同的特征

    The fault deformation shows different characteristics with different distance among observation sites and earthquake center or tectonic belt.


  • 另一种重要几何特征断层弯曲

    Bending is another important geometric characteristics of the fault zone.


  • 姚安地震序列主震余震78个震源机制解,分析序列震源断层和震源应力场特征

    We use 78 focal mechanisms of the fore shocks, main-shock and after shocks of the Yao 'an earthquake sequence to analyze the characteristics of focal fault and stress field.


  • 转换斜坡连接断层上盘另一断层下盘具有特殊变形特征,在转换斜坡近旁的断层盘伴生横向背斜

    They connect the hanging wall of one fault to the footwall of another fault, and have special deforming feature, beside them on the hanging wall there are transverse anticlines.


  • 依据理论分析了活动断裂带断裂、水系断层粒度分布分形结构特征

    On the basis of fractal theory, the fractal structure features of fracture systems, water systems and granulometric distributions of fault gouges in the active fault zones are analyzed.


  • 文章结尾讨论了冲积扇特征断层活动强度反映

    At the end of this paper, we discussed the reflection of alluvial fan on the active strength of faults.


  • 地震相干技术相干切片直观反映构造断层分布特征

    The technique of seismic coherence cube can be used to directly reflect the distributional characteristics of structures and fault zones on coherence slice.


  • 断层基本特征就是平行破裂差异运动的产生。我们走近些,然后罗盘测量一下那个倾斜的断面的产状。

    The essential feature is differential movement parallel to the plane of the fracture. Let's get closer and use the compass to measure the attitude of that inclined plane.


  • 一些特征尤其是构造特征逆转断层的再活化。如一条正断层运动方向可以最初运动的方向相反

    The reversal of features, particularly structural features such as faults, by reactivation. For example, a normal fault might move in a direction opposite to its initial movement.


  • 然后依据实际跨断层埋地管道震害特征实际工程设计需要分析现阶段亟待解决问题。

    Also, the urgent problems of buried pipeline are analyzed according to the damage characteristic and the design requirement of the pipeline.


  • 目的观察先天性黄斑缺损光相干断层扫描(oct)图像特征以及OCT检查对先天性黄斑缺损诊断价值。

    Objective To investigate the characteristic of OCT images of congenital macular coloboma and its utility in the diagnosis of the diseases.


  • 通过研究断层地震波之间关系,提出了一种利用地震波特征参数解释断层落差方法

    By studying the relationship between fault and seismic wave, a method, in which the fault throw is interpreted using the characteristic parameters of seismic wave, is presented.


  • 构造地貌反映断裂结构变形特征断层活动强度例如断层坎的高度长度坡度以及断层陡坎的连续程度

    Tectonic topography can reflect the structural deformation feature and active strength of faults, such as the height, length and gradient of a fault scarp as well as its continuity.


  • 首次断层纵向横向封堵特征入手,运用模糊数学综合评价方法对研究区断层封闭性和封闭程度进行了综合评价;

    The sealing degree was firstly evaluated based on the sealing characteristics of the faults transversally and longitudinally, by means of comprehensive assessment of fuzzy mathematics.


  • 目的应用光学相干断层扫描(oct)观察年龄相关性黄斑变性不同特征

    Objective to observe the feature of age-related macular degeneration and choroidal neovascularization on optical coherence tomography (OCT).


  • 目的应用光学相干断层扫描(oct)观察年龄相关性黄斑变性不同特征

    Objective to observe the feature of age-related macular degeneration and choroidal neovascularization on optical coherence tomography (OCT).


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