• 公司分析刘浩波表示由于投资者开始担忧房地产交易量大幅下跌新股发行节奏,市场情绪保持悲观。

    "Sentiment will be negative as investors begin to worry about slumping property sales and the pace of new share sales," analyst Liu Haobo said.


  • 这些年来在那里进行了许多次具有较小侵害探索包括X光CT扫描影像学检查以及木乃伊线体DNA分析

    Over the years, numerous less invasive explorations of the remains were conducted there, including x-ray and CT scan imaging studies and an analysis of the mummy's mitochondrial DNA.


  • 分析粒径沥青混合结构组成特性强度构成机理,对大粒径沥青混合配合比设计进行研究

    To analyze the features of the large-size asphalt mixture and the mechanism of strength formation and make a research on the gradation design of it.


  • 小组一位成员沃尔特分析所持有的样本1979年作出了结论,指出肖像实际上数十亿超微末微色素染成的。

    Walter McCrone, a member of the team, upon analyzing the samples he had, concluded in 1979 that the image is actually made up of billions of submicron pigment particles.


  • 本文松香蜡染工艺流程选择染色工艺作了详细分析探讨

    The paper detailedly analysed and discussed the rosin applied in wax printing process, choice of dyes and dyeing technology.


  • 本文松香蜡染工艺流程选择染色工艺作了详细分析探讨

    The paper detailedly analysed and discussed the rosin applied in wax printing process choice of dyes and dyeing technology.


  • 通过非线性有限元分析计算焊点疲劳寿命下部填充基本热力学性质依赖关系。

    Through non-linear finite analysis , the dependence of fatigue life of solder joint on thermomechanical properties of underfill was calculated.


  • 分析岩性试验岩石加工性能基础上给出设备选型的原则关键设备选型基本方法

    On the basis of analyzing the test of rock properties and its processing characteristics, this paper describes the principles of equipment selection and the basic methods of key equipment selection.


  • 热压成型过程进行了分析提出改进挤压设备的途径

    This paper analyses the process of coal hot briquetting and points out the way to improve squeeer.


  • 本文通过不同级形式沥青混合料的系统试验研究,全面分析沥青混合高温变形特性

    In this paper, based on systematic test on different bitumen mixtures of gradation, the deformation behaviour of asphalt mixtures is analyzed under high temperature.


  • 通过弯曲试验劈裂试验,分析水泥替代部分全部矿粉沥青混合抗裂性能影响

    By flexural test and split test, the effect of part or total replacement of mineral powder with cement on and-cracking performance of asphalt mixture is researched.


  • 分析定量充填系统流动过程。

    The flow of powder materials in the quantitative filling system was analyzed.


  • 根据小浪底艮沟筑坝土颗粒大小分析试验不同分散剂粘性土颗粒大小分析试验结果影响进行了分析

    Analysis is conducted for the effects of different dispersing agent on the results of grain size analysis according to for the soil test selected from Yingou material site at Xiaolangdi.


  • 本文挤塑机系统故障原因进行分析,提出了一种简单有效解决方法。

    The trouble causes for an extruder suction system are analyzed in this article and a simple and effective solution is submitted.


  • 结合两种类型沥青混合路用性能分析提出一种骨架密实结构沥青混合料的设计方法

    Combined with road performance analysis of two types of asphalt mixture, a design method for dense framework structured asphalt mixture was put forward.


  • 水泥不同掺量不同添加顺序条件下分别拌和泡沫沥青混合,并进行劈裂强度试验分析水泥的添加水稳定性的影响

    Mix the foam asphalt mixture on the condition of different cement content and adding order, do splitting strength test and analyze the influence of the cement addition on its moisture sensitivity.


  • 通过现场使用输送机存在问题进行分析,设计出曲面槽。实践证明使用效果良好

    Through analyzing the problems existing in the belt conveyors in site, this paper puts forward a kind of trough with curved surface which behaves nicely in practice.


  • 最后通过LB沥青混合生产工程应用实例分析总结归纳了一直接用于路面修补的LB路面修补技术

    At last, through analysis on production and project application of LB mixtures, a set of LB mending technique that can be directly applied in pavement pit mending was summarized.


  • 矿用锚喷实际工作条件出发,利用扫描电子显微镜电子探针观察分析盘的磨损机理

    According to the actually operation condition of the lining plate of concrete shotting machine, the wear mechanism of the lining plate has been analyzed with SEM.


  • 介绍了摆动连杆冲压工艺分析过程、载体合理选择、带排样方案的确定级进模具的总装结构设计

    Introduced the pressing technology analysis, the carrier choosing, layout designing and structure design of the progressive die for the swinging connecting rod.


  • 分析了现用带式给溜槽基础,提出了一曲面给溜槽。

    Based on the analysis of present feed trough, provide a kind of curve_surface feed trough.


  • 经过系统结构分析设计实现了系统控制系统电磁振动控制系统。

    By the analysis of the system structure, the main control system and the electromagnetic vibration feeding control system are designed and implemented.


  • 通过球体颗粒堆积填充特性研究理论上分析骨架密实型沥青混合用量

    Through the study of packing and filling characteristics of aggregate, the dosages of coarse and fine aggregate and filling were calculated for aggregate of skeleton denseness asphalt mixture.


  • 根据电机外壳特点分析确定工艺模具结构解决件的变薄起皱等问题

    The blanking technology and die structure are both analyzed and confirmed according to the characters of motor shell, as the result, the problems like material thinning and wrinkling are solved.


  • 模具面为曲面压边,并利用DYNAFORM分析趋势确定拉伸位置

    The position of drawing rib was determined according to the analysis on the wrinkling trend of sheet bar made by DYNAFORM software.


  • 通过PTA气送糟结构进行疲劳分析优化从根本上解决了其裂纹和焊缝撕裂现象。

    The problems were essentially resolved through fatigue analysis and optimization of the structure of feed bin of PTA pneumatic transmission channel.


  • 本文报道了应用进口化材制作黄牛高档水晶工艺特性,分析国产皮化材代替进口化料的可能性

    The paper described the process of high grade leather with crystal effect using the imported chemicals and analysed the possibility of substituting domestic chemicals for foreign ones.


  • 本文报道了应用进口化材制作黄牛高档水晶工艺特性,分析国产皮化材代替进口化料的可能性

    The paper described the process of high grade leather with crystal effect using the imported chemicals and analysed the possibility of substituting domestic chemicals for foreign ones.


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