• 2005吉利海峡两岸考古机构大学文物保护组织就开始了(对该项目的)讨论

    Discussions began early in 2005 with archaeological bodies, universities and heritage organisations either side of the Channel.


  • 上世纪70墨西哥城地铁挖掘过程中数千件阿特克文物重见天日。

    Thousands of Aztec artifacts came to light during the digging of the Mexico City subway in the 1970s.


  • 2004至2019,全国红色旅游资源持续增加,参观革命文物的游客数量不断攀升。

    From 2004 to 2019, national red tourism resources continued to increase and tourists visited an increasing number of revolutionary cultural relics.


  • 1939霍华德·卡特遗产发现了一些文物,使得这些臆测更加强烈了。

    Such conjectures intensified after the death of Howard Carter in 1939, when a number of artifacts were found to be part of his estate.


  • 随后三星堆出土了10,000文物,其历史均可追溯到公元前5,000到3,000

    Since then, more than 10,000 relics, dating back to between 5,000 and 3,000 BC have been unearthed at Sanxingdui.


  • 出土的五千以前文物中,人们发现了“玉雕龙”。

    Among the unearthed cultural relics which have the history of more than five thousands years are there Jade pig dragon and Jade dragon.


  • 皇家龙骑卫队钢特上尉在1860法联军时,颐和园带走许多文物

    Capt Gunter, of the Kings Dragoon Guards, seized a number of relics from the emperors' Summer Palace during the Anglo-French allied invasion in 1860.


  • 这件罕见文物2004挪威Svalbard岛上一小土地发现的。

    But this rare relic was found in 2004 on a small spit of land on the Norway's Svalbard Island.


  • 一项新的法律规定2009所有地方文物采集都必须INC登记

    A new law requires all local collections of artefacts to be registered with the INC by 2009.


  • 2004议会曾经发出了许可但是文物保护主义者提出法律质疑之后,一名法官驳回了许可。

    A permit had initially been issued for the demolition by the Town Council in 2004, but a county judge blocked it after a legal challenge by preservationists.


  • 1949以前房子60- 70以上房龄个别有历史文物价值的,其它基本没有保留价值

    Houses built before 1949, which are 60-70 years old, are not worth preserving, except some of historical and cultural value.


  • 目前这个地区已有1200余件刻有文字的文物出土,其中包括墙,陶罐动物骨头贝壳活跃时间大约公元前600至公元前400之间

    Some 1200 inscribed objects have been found, ranging from painted wallsto pots, bones and shells. The date of the script appears to liesomewhere between 600 and 400 BC.


  • 保存完好青铜雕塑属于中国一级国家文物认为模仿公元前221统一中国秦始皇马车式样

    The well-preserved sculpture, among the top national treasures of China, is believed to be a copy of the personal carriage of the First Emperor of Qin, who in 221 BC unified China for the first time.


  • 幸好如此件引人注目奇形怪状1920枝形吊灯,才得以亮相(上图所示),这件古董是伊利诺伊州美国文物弗兰克&芭芭拉•波拉克带来的。

    Fortunately this allowed for the appearance this year of an eye-catching, whimsical chandelier from 1920 (pictured above), brought by Frank & Barbara Pollack, Americana dealers from Illinois.


  • 随便北美洲处地方挖掘出处考古遗址,最底层的地质总是约在一万三千如果任何文物出土的话,肯定克洛维斯或者与克洛维斯相关的。

    If you dig an archaeological site almost anywhere, the bottom levels are going to be about 13, 000 years old, and if there are any artefacts, it will be Clovis or Clovis-related.


  • 2002出版大量中、书籍

    A lot of books on logistics, either in Chinese or in English, were published in 2002.


  • 夕阳西下的阿拉斯加西北部的科伯克沙丘根据史前文物发现一万个冰河世纪期间这里就有了人类活动。

    The sun sets on northwest Alaska's Great Kobuk Sand Dunes, through which humans passed during the last ice age, 10, 000 years ago, according to artifacts found here.


  • 斯坦尼什估计eBay出售安第斯文物有一半都是赝品,而之后的比例已经达到95%。

    Stanish estimates that half of the Andean artifacts on eBay 10 years ago were fake. Five years later, 95 percent were phony.


  • 随后,国会通过了《1906联邦文物》,法律保护所有联邦领土上古代遗迹

    Then Congress approved the federal Antiquities act of nineteen-oh-six. The act helps protect ancient ruins on federal lands.


  • 时间里,他们非常细致重建了所有建筑物数以千计重要文物现在,“超越时空的紫禁城”已经可供下载(WindowsMaclinux版)。

    After working meticulously for three years to recreate every building and thousands of major artifacts, the virtual Forbidden City is now available for download (for Windows, Mac, or Linux).


  • 文物归还同样也一起持续了1872的“婚姻破裂”得以结束

    The restitution of the treasures will also bring to an end a 1, 872-year marital rift.


  • 对该地的调查显示,这里20世纪80挖掘过古墓其它历史文物不复存在了

    Surveys of the site have shown that the site was excavated in the 1980s to such a depth that no tombs or other historical artefacts survived.


  • 6位于罗马尼亚特兰西瓦尼亚地区的一个考古发掘地内曾有15文物窃贼盗走这个金手镯就是其中之一

    The bracelet is one of a collection of 15 pieces believed dug up by thieves from an archaeological site in Transylvania six years ago.


  • 发现文物:哈布罗集市旁的哈拉顿宝藏,里面有英国古老的钱币,可以追溯到公元前211个装饰华丽的银质罗马头盔一个酒杯把手

    What a find: The Hallaton Treasure near Market Harborough includes the oldest Roman coin ever found in Britain, dating back to 211BC (left), a silver Roman parade helmet and a tankard handle (right)


  • 发现文物:哈布罗集市旁的哈拉顿宝藏,里面有英国古老的钱币,可以追溯到公元前211个装饰华丽的银质罗马头盔一个酒杯把手

    What a find: The Hallaton Treasure near Market Harborough includes the oldest Roman coin ever found in Britain, dating back to 211BC (left), a silver Roman parade helmet and a tankard handle (right)


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